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January 25, 1891 - Image 2

Resource type:
U. of M. Daily, 1891-01-25

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i1L U. k..ir
ittto th oll tet ootot, Iby
in dt izie. ilile opis i cent. t 'oilsait'
'411 hall's n ot , lccnessa~ "-r.
eve in at0.1 6Io'ock lilcrpio 11;}0"
10',%.:i. ifohe ttl reo' oto o ' thet itno da1tv.
THE U. of 14. DAILY,
Antn Arbor, Mioct.
W1. Ii. It ttrt' , t ltototogml fio
11. il. It to ,' . 0, Assis't. ). .o B - dior
A01. 0W, ttoot tr-i .ti,.tooit lt 1 ttot ito
E. It. lltto t t,N , '92, ttttitttoo II o ttoot
('. W. Ittt ot t o, ttAssit. t i nestttt'oo 'o
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b iT E AROS itPUittISHtING OUSlE.o",tol
tahe p) es tetot o ttiittl
tionar er i-- it., Tte ito 0ii -
ton echbrnchofatleics w10il
no to e o'aw 'arded tttuitil titoclas oeithtoe
ra aotac to l- ith'etoche1d1
II . fc oth t'off;o as ott i. etpttt
th l eign n solttsout c ivo otr
plo init inotetI i es. i ll v .'3
Or oaf very i t stit I i s to b
Iaye s eait rl"'toitto'' in asoootiio too
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th'srlit.'the Ir. inWilt l I o tmuchiot
It tit' to ttoghe a d icrea 'ithit er-itt
(Offer fito lo f paper of al inds t it.sol 1by the pond atIre
i Gret ra i n s, nlop esi't~o attttititiatll 1papet.rs
- ,-,'RTe Riaara Falls Route"'
Itootoo einiO t oo t hc . Iottith iwec
P. R. CLEARY, President.
James 'W. Brine,
2(t Soti'ii So out 1,Sir.,
JANUARY 26 AND 27, '91,
of a (rek110001, r~sht
tootti.'tolii Io t~.'t~i liiii 0 iidii o iiit i ]ooti' i ttol Dto -LL. DOWD S HEALTH EXERCISER.
i11 il l'o elott to 1ttiii . i.inost I ll s F tt'or r tn- o tlIteoto, Ptttoo
'hati t he efi rt.iois (oI' I r ;(I I IM r to io su ets o ottit i t h-Aheeiroltlt. A c~m l
werto1te Ot oi tio t ool S li t t ici 0000oo itar ititititilo softi tti etto oft (.' mmotiuIttkt l) u n
)Gii~t tttlslC('tS~fll atlt'C I' i'i I' 'tt'itiiit M a oit 'oe ' ittl lt 1(h -lsI~rcho o ctccv, tittc
ili-lit 1S 0i0' Ilotoloocittoltc I c~ :p
Vioti'] i)ih "e10000'0 Enih t O t ] "
y ltti't~t i natral. t \ 0 oo''''tooto lo otioli too 'otto' out''it
ooottitito'e Otto tool 1 1 tctiit iriilit«t0l.s
/tttOtto tool hi1 ttuIt uto:(rot{ 0 t t .noo111c 0 , )
S0i11te e waojt s ottit.'t gIoil1000 00to l o it. t -halltot t t too ' 15il' ItII '1111tI its )i l cct~t°tlti~i:sc
oo'te toitelite t.t IStItto, I'.)I'd 'xt tott 00 ic+I'il k . i'i3;
itep o' selil o nei t.iof whoito Jo ii totoite 1,0 islce ot hit lw ttlt -
-,va totlIv tto li 010'ork 100 , 1 t ts lot ISO. Vl~tost, - Dott'oit,'uN.ott,
tyloro vc th do to h' l o'td )'" ld'tlb lo' 1.' 01''e ue lot 1 'too,
toi~.oo a r th 1 outs oforI ill)lh r ]o11 i It lo "t i i lt ' I (e
oImi;it.t.i13;li los F ll'oiit f o 0 LT'"'r
thes otfela i. i~its h ~losp b' iIo. itttoltt Ot toloot oheotfeo I t, .i.o ((I.
iVto ltotrn .I i ttitt to 'amtothe it o
l Wtits'ioiio w totii' t y t 110sttor s, ISt(ol"i tittoto Stot. n Gec 71Frnd ,W st erot ih
' " Itloito iie las (t.i] o Stttitof lsoI ttet it o:,t)O!. l O pera--H ouse,
foltt oiaoodo oihe oostoiio tool theivatcoito 1'titoohle a~ttt.I't 1 t' ~lt'er St. ONI Nlli'00e(>'
of ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~1~l ate lyt tttft , lttie Stttt"II.ttt ittgttttyt le't Pro'pt . If
suer l iie si otto], s i t heooostrickg cIIoo t] .. Dtotttiit .Iioi t' ti t ite Sot.
intoat chtt e toj lc d ttf ltis iIto iC i alss' tto1. 13.hil or0011
roesm wa-Nuo.li tegaioo oo itt 'l East0"Whilltar St.\O 12 . I Z N ST
bat 1001 dtrn IIO py ers, nuti~t or-i i 000 Ts'ts ite f r o '' os arde f risll, 21
of talies plyed lat fallpriile Sfrd isnbt; O aighr edifodesired,
cleroini theSlot. dCstil~lontpsitden; Ca n oa t Jst on'seriieSteeSt.G ea Co dy om n .
-_ _.. _ . " O i
r it t v "
'IDti . *S I~dty czetrt.01
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G.1.0 . 0At. hcfot. Ag Xtt
Toledo, Ann Arbor andNoh
Michigan Railway.
Timeo 'table R oto, oointotfort tottit t
GintgNorthi. oSATONS. Going6100"
3.toIt'ttottot. ' 0 tot to..
1ott 4+ luoeJ nt' 2 10 00 >
Otto'. tPhttottto,' ...'t I Y
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0000000 -. Dran 400.100
to 1 21) .....o(it, .
000 1'0 1 ("oditest.t 000401
11 4t.1. 00
%ain iaw Dig 'ioxi-
Going North STATIONS. Going o
PWA ! ltoot. Potce. - 10
5 017,.,... 7 40 .Anno Arbotr. 11~"""4
1710 .,...S.......Durand......9s05 "" 0
7 471.. 101 ...Fliothlog.. 841 0 .....'..
840,.5 11 05 .Eaet Saginatw.81
H. W. ASHLEY. A. J. PAIS01 go
SupertendenL (jet. F8186

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