Fb il.o -N°L 1 -N> :IN EIlisilY 01 IGIIIGAN, iN, N\I) Y, S JNAlY i t Is)1 s. ilii ( i CNS Dr Ctnheil's Entertainment. w (1-Midreading is the transfer- nracof thought fromt one mindii to Aniethssti adenesabutaother isithount imaking'use of the S 5 lonll(1rs hais never been lone nor never at ilt r i itii is nI veroity 11alli wil bed n.Prl-ednh w lnt nnsun' lnletran eve r, is a genusiie tosser, sandilto I ossptys it eisglt o'clockt s om xetais" idredr"i 5e Clbissrilseil ouan-is n iIri tteb y bak o Sl C;"ii l, sriiii s i ss f,. asisl S C -nmss m i Cs srCt I n lsos Ises asit ls aslel srssselSiiil t- ot chl ~ tare ot hesssssperfssmanfeatsofissi- nlesi5c , ira ofss;Miia or S lel. t es ns it) > tt Slrelr (Ie ton,ath e r Li afes-risgvlsss- eilssahss Csesee f te inoite tP eof te Poist, rrostif-iackgfesit litte to isii thesi ie Iessil nl - eloise.111 Majn So iite. .Sae r. t Beornte ve Dr. (o ogr i te ostepe roorms e si vralte a Igrl fsl , utacoQttte uassenti o ndeafsl fe aserfithed in tC e aui o li.te t r eadeliCig o l ftheC. h in s inha r e adtenuedfltG atlelmt.ilo"lr, ok h'ci Ie in 1 n frsiitilsc fstoew irs Iisvsssiml etiexp antitonthe hf thIeitaresesriceissifis-ote peecrren One ofttuefmthemysiifArhorftot w d tleherintarsilthat a sitakin'I sase- Ag atiatuftess-tr- t11 eh gy n sim, andte thtp esw s tak eadigofasv namesssit ia sels- Op yl isi tei m ofun eb th com-slete tesamtap eecoro a wrtse a 'nnus gn the gnoteastorner slse rn eate upo sasieofwaspsertten o i the cmpus Lit the last fe s teas-t i n aiissi elos e. Dr.sel esh eren li as- eaer 'a ir e d a Isiselblndolidtosereen 1°bof in 'h osecits. 'r'm'te cc iti es- I irnate sthiasdahteptoeread the 11 -c dsOfea sk ''sthey re schaed sasise. Agetda fti ytr tile1 glicis? hereylebItees s tWen ass r weetnoiot wsinexpnior -o esonresonesthiiat thierbos re, Oe hterfrrpiceofc arbTisnsiaser ass di n 11 aloC~ -n nit mnser se e a-leorwhesoulieicati eofwaslwittgen, lThrn ttheeilkunilga velhuse iss thu engssolo's retfeinfy wirc-sh - tlmruihothe"sreetss."s'fileiedquesi C i iiliofte s a sked, is-Iso ilss'th fnme. ano sens-srl hielr ierg sa hs?"T erGaeten 44etitc sa s inntison iu it eme of ghost reprhose te issslle ra e s s ror a ce.iss wa n n tio h et io ilnvc e el Irvigdo of. ifictaiilnMao irSoshe isaile s 1tsis na St ssdun ilaealif e as host aIry Bseosoiss at t o f das iin 7Is aed gTo o mi sar sel s-ril nl through the s lesideoten, re- ay eis glhsts' becaueeshegrai~s solstrsel wato nthe t ogeasittsiceilromt i~r lot hisiwhselutife wser ot- si very is r ilfosspathe uactisownay - osrea (tlsss'HTisachsr i-ad trutse uder c es-ts t e k 11er - i s ssaileoneouyl ike ther asned riitertssrg eid lssisicke ilu S re houses but never sac isastethein wosedif-oumisthe udictiossary-. -Q he d'n' 't'senisiithe n eir "e 1-st h c s1t - fhartntgsatelsaGs hotstes is, fts:aeiasl~~isel si th same routet retrord anseeicka a51 oil hs-erinhsaasbeiteidl te eteoaiymsestkeo ours) ctureOlonitouttsthe aue fordictheyct saily l~s . teingra r ingby hGl sin mtternosy If ilut rainhoeh nehd The iou the ivlaer,bevs the n a tl prt htfeldndtse pum~ i5t s ea n.brThevuperadylwert damssfecning l Oilcav a Aminersi anrdulity- usafed. itSe ne retisroegh at- Afte benpoe d upontinhthismurday U.of MA.A. Directors' Meeting. 'The Maas'is' sboard Iof theC Atli- tetieAissocisatisoisiset fsor thy first timse ois Satusrdlaysifternoosisis msAlphla Nss I sll. N early- asfsullIsoasrdlwis i psresenstsassiltlhe iwork ssf srgaizsatison prosgressied iss as 'ayrthals gr Nvl f isisurfutusre inisatlics . f .l C otC 9r IsseIulaw asuI imu jfall'sfotialta. asrcgnzdj ss slse oad s Iso-all managser sisls-r tiec 5onsstittssion of the 5leC w assoia~ tisosstsitsisolslve is i I smsesessosr IiC le cedill 'it is Pro- fessssrs RlfenolCisii1tissi 'iii us Is liii asist ielfosst were electedI is nets resesitative s of theC fsculty oilttse Advliisory iBoard, the elct~in of thy three graduate memssberslei'gile- ferredt uintil the adljourned mseetin". Coumsiuerable discussioni was brossight out tby the lismitatlios o f thecConsi- tsutiosn isisthis particsslarpioint. Thle opinioni sias gesseralltsa t thyevoring of thse cosstitutiossssossuldby amsend- edl so as tsosallowe the elclvionsisiof ssi forsier sitsienst of theyl; sisi rssty ivho toy reassosnif Ihis prmiec or interest ini athletic isatters wiould mssake a valusable msans onithse Advsis- ory Bhoard. Thse elections of a dlirec- tor fromus the Schlss of Phsarssacy waus isostpionedl iutil the adtjouirned nmeetinsg iso ordler to obhtains froms nmembsers a iider choice for eliirec- tor. 'Thie presidest of the board then aioinmtevdthse follossing comusmittees: Bause-Biall: Maniagvr Abbott, Fas- sett, Miildlekauff, Tibhoats, Will- l iartz. Foont-hiaht Massager Covli, bDy- gert, Hlenry-, 1-iscmsas, Shsermnm. Tlesnnis:sCusrtis, h-orbe-s,Ihohless, P~arker, Taylor. 'Travck Athletics: Sansdersons, Ilielsi, liarv-ey- Prettyam auasd thse 'tsar- mic director. Thse ooardl thsemiadjuhirnuedustil uext Saturday afternsoons;toy wicht tinme it is expsected that thse various cosmmmittees wiltlIssase thseir mock ivell unuer wiay-. AWN theNI 1xperienee of College 'itens ihosnknsow ssan apreciaste tim esirefliscruinmy of Collhege Stsm- d~ents, ingsma"-ul-msge cnros of skilled Dhesigmsers -amdulJewelems specisally trin-smedl for baesnd othser jewselled isrk Imk mponm gi"as isendois direetly from ai u sLondon dusssuslAumsterm-ms ou(isi amo sundus asdusthler piseus IStonues, We -srei'lsumas hositioss n tIro- su'e thei-neustfhils mustjewselled Soi-liyitail -sof ilil is hici hh nsie nImuiiisi u re d s iljimthis ceusutri. Wrighf, Kay & Co. . MAN tl-ACTl-ltI(;.iEIV'ELEItS. Detroit, Michijun. Chas. Speller & . 20;Sostm '-emSATmE Sm. DllGL5 TIS= MAO KI"NTOS3IE3 SWX 'I R'1StoFOXING, GLOVES, ,FOUILS, SP'ORtTtNG, GYMNASIUMl AND A''JILETSC GOODS. _____ A(-E s us'ARO WRIGHT & DITSON, T2'uhTIS 4-t OOD-S Cliseviot Shirts, 'T'nnsis 'Trousers, ('nats asnsu Blasers. GENTLEMEN'S FUR~NISHN1GS A GO ETO mm-tCs s. lUFLiIt ESS SIR~TFS, TIES AND (GLOA'ES. h.AlE IST IMPORT-- Ti IN IN TI ES AND SCARtFS. Uusrrimls lique (Gisses, Ensglish Caiss, latest. Wonusnsnmderwsear, all grsades, Specisal Ness Linse of Umbrhellsas, sall ipries- LABsORATOssY COATS AND PANTS A 5FULiSTOCK. D~r. Firank 0. Gilbert, class of '79, Agenst for Ammo Arbor Steam Laundry, and A. A. Knapfel, of Baty City, are qsuic delivery and best work. tis e gnests of E. D. Slawson, dent, Muss Annie Oliver, pharmic 191, ~3$ P L C O gave a spread to some of hser friends SOUTH STATE STREET, on Saturday evening. ANN ARBOR, - - M[CH{.