TT-I U1OPM. DAILYT DINING qAN) LUNCH ROOM, 48 SOUTH STATE STREET. IFirst class boa'rd, 2.50t)pe' week. Lunichies at all litoirs. Oysters in every style. Fine line of Confections,(Ciarsec NEW BOOK STORES, NOBLE, The Clothier, -IsS O~l-t-'El IN(l - Special VciIue5?UnderweIP BlLAC'K UNDElIV'Ali AT ti-.00loAND '~ I tIAINt IN C NI)IIW\EAIi Al' Is' A D ' GJCti I':qb Set :.4= 5 53th St~ S tTNlN'RSITY TENiT-1100XIK, 'z os-c - . .WL XiI Iliuuibs tstsI ittltS ls tsuls. Six t ~sds'i tt'- Iii- isa iii 'tg', , I' si xx isl the I " II '~ts. e m n vli s ti l t s 's id ii Co lteii i lle't I o f S iiig ",(foods. in; Ills-I ansi-i s. i tst i 11 sti ii' ii OSe~tun 1 9 ~e essca1hehitt f Large' it-Is iof l'ontstssililPels. 11 WariiOittet(I.ioliil ti l l (Gold)0 for i $1.0. No. 2 E.Washington St-,near Slain. G. H.1. 0IL JAMES M, STAFFORD, __ _-_ ___-STOCK,_ --_ -_ ___ ruT um TS I CIOg TALOLR I 6RR lie hbest place to get a ffW ZS +±QJ As~l+ 501 MADE;TO-ORDER LATEST STYLES MODERATE PRICES, 19 SOUTH MAIN ST.. ANN ARBOR, - - - MICHI. Ford Medical Society. Thle -Fordl Medical Socety were addlressed last evening by D r. Christopher on tise Physiognomy of D~isease ini Infaiits,' Joises '9 j read trotm sarious medical journlais sonic ' ' ilentii Notes sin Koch 's Remiedy.,'' the followiiig offiscers we-re thess electetdto iiiake coimplete the intsi-i ;('oips for the second se- nester: PrCte'sidleti, Jatreeki 'o 1icrordinis St'sreti ri , illasolsa sh'( ls 'Treasurers-tt slt r 'is; slensters if Prograsits t itiitts5, Jones 'o j, XtIiiy'9 ,Vl yic ', l'ocker 9t3, II sctso-ton s sf Tho Wornan's League. lie re tiltlhbe i Sotiat meeting ill tse tUnitverstytCisaset. Satuireday Janutary 1 iiatthree o'clock, Papter by D~r.Seott ott"Thse Piranesi Col- lectioni." sMetmbers ltlease aitendu and all those swho wish to beecome either Aissociate or Fullumensbers are cordially invited. Names and does received by aityimenibers of the Executive committee. GREATEST VARIETY V, LOWEST PR ICES Ott LAMPS, inithits it. Ytttt wilt save mooney bty btiyiztg of its. Or RED) STAR"' OIL stntt eqttat, hurns withotut todor, or t'harrintg of wick stnd gives a clestr -tite light. Solt to t cenits tter gatlloin, delivered itsn' pttrt of the city. 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. DEAN & GO. STHE CAMPUS. Prof. Stantley recently conduictedl itse prsdtcioii of Busck's "Lightt of Xsia''btshe lDetroiti:Musical Asso- cit-ioniss, it its 59t1h conscert. I-root the reposrts thast resth s tislie madte a granss uciicess. iProf. -Sitnley wstas Marci. 'They have clhalleisgedt the IHarvard teanm to a puill at Camubritdge abosit March ino. The U'niversity of Toroisto, wthichi recetly lost its cniire equsipmetibiy tire, isisluinig tse library-, has at- reasdy sectsofferedt30,000 test svtltumtes. presenstedi, dtint h ue evensing,55wihi %Athue meietintg osth ue exectivse a1 gol-moutssedlbatons by tse kes. iboarsd of the Atilietic Asociaitioni, DrI. IDufftieldt in beisalf ofus thdree- tlis afternsooni,IL. J. Abibotitswas tuirs osf te Detrosi tlsicali Assoria- electedt base-ballsansager. 'The fol- tiata. l owing professors srer elected mcim- litosr ID)ugihty- offers at rewsard hiers of the Faculty Adsvisory Boeartd: for ainy infsrisaiion coincerinig his Roif, tde Pti, MeL auglini anti letos t nI Itlsi. Knowtslon. Blisisots tarreti willidelivser use Mr. Blser swiil meet liii class its fifth lecture itsIis touirse lbefore the tOild'TesiamnstiHIistory', usday IIltarit Gsud, ton Sundsay ev-entinisevensing, at 6:50 int Roiti 12. it Si. Andtrct's chuorchi. 'The stilt 'itr.IFay tiltlIseet the class itn srit us te lecture is '"Sin.'' LikeI siessday ev-ening at 6:30oit List evessinsg th e Ladlies' I israrvtRomi I.i Thste the scteofsasiviry pltsicssst Iiee la sses siu take uptthue 'aning isiiparty ,st-iiswit an 1its10-sourses ''svets Isvthe Anmerican Its- dastingt it s ssisscsisas tse 'ilies -iustite sti Sacresd Literateure.- All sit's test is tssifrosisthile parstiutder pe'rsossswhoti tesire to tdttsystemsatic thes pro tections sof'"chsaperonles."' wosrk its iile stusilsare iniistcsd ts lTcPii i sscs' s i plst even-sjsintshem5. s. '1lisTe Asietpiiiwiu nt meiset, tis tssiotr liii, sit lseir class mesetinsg eveninsg, titsaccounsit f r.lGatchseli's lt is msornsing, aitpoitedl a coimimititee lecture- ofi tento t discsiss "'Juinior pluigs.'' The Keist chater of tse legal ITe comsmittee is also to niake ar- frateritity of Phst Delta Phi banquet- rangemenis for si social inl the near ed at the hail of the chapster last fuiture. evening, Mr. D. 'i. Vinsonhaler act- The tug-of -war teani froni North- tog as toastmsaster, and Messrs. western Unilversity, near Chicago, IHicknman, H-awes, Martin, Effinger holds the cliampionshlip of the West and Hoord responded to toasts in a and will make an Eastern tour to happy mantler. WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER,' :50 aiatetnMAIid o'l'I airiSg anci we.2 --tjtti i tttttg '" M.W. BLAKE. PICTURES, FRAMES, A-4 ART GOODS. 1lOWest Rule5 S FERDON LUMBER YARD' Manufacteurer'eoft aiiidealeer in SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUMgE~ Cite.FutIS.ndit eotSts.51- J. HALLER 0. M. MARTIN, DEOALERiIN Cloth Caskets, Metal~~ ANDt (SMMS OFoFINS- J. A. POLHEMUS, AL SO lieS HACh. 5A1NDiStBAGGAGElI Norithit n tstSt-eel. RINSEY & SEABOLT, Bakers eel deitiers itt d Groceries, Provision sFlo ur and F eed JOHN WOTZKE, LADIES' and GENTS's0 Rlepairtitng'neatily'donte. 9,tS t 5 t ' S GRANGER'S -ACADEMY OF DANCING,- Opposite Law Muildifllt' Piltsttwilttt ececived at anyt)'imesu~ thie seaisont 22 L. lHtlRtN STiEE'T, ANNISL1,m 1Nt }lcit SPECIMENS AND CURIOSITIES OsF ALL KINDS. SPECIMENS FOR STUDENTS' Cheap Collections a Specialty' Famous Satin Spar and other Mineras, Shell Jewelry and Novelties always in Stock.