~Ij 1I.Of Ifl. aip ..... ..... ..U N IVEIUIITY 01? MICIIIG N, SA-TURDAY. JANUARY 24, SOI AShort._-. MStorical Sketch of U. of of ISgo and the b oard'of editors elect- JOS HUA W. WATERM AN. SM. Journatism. eel so that in the fall of the samoe year A Short Sketch of His Life. titeiliiiir r hrs. . the pasper bad ini auspiious start ____ ihe Ya i(ssstfaper or ssha t 55c hop~e wsill be ailong aiidl itr. Watermian was born herein- Vie of Pe 'a rg52 awthe aer tirosperous existence. ber ,31, t1824, at Ilinglanipton, N. Y 5r~~~ iWSiicst t 'iiti thte iadvect of the tesw liter- Graduateid at Vale in is}4i Itis hlctased it sios-cc i'ari nioitily, our sy stemn of college fattier and( grandfather hadl radit- tiot a h iii I a orain si i cre otlt tdthere lbefore thim and Ii is twio S espoused~ fiiile cuseitof Ithise t il I'slieisoiipiledii l s have railateil there since. iiiol the iys the Ifiture iiifoldlswse trust it Inavi is 'it 1ierniaiiicaiie to IDetroit a P iiiersit i lie lprofes-ioiil sillhaeistore a iifit eaiis tiirthe yarortw -ftr .iautionii, stiiiied li iiieriiisiiailf h e xliiession of the Iliterary aiiiil liiinilan iltractivedl at the battfor oltl (ari listin developiiienit of the Il'.it l.about lten sears, thienipace it ill)as Of liie ti ii iitu i ik stiiieiuts. (tie hid ol taste for it. ire colIe paper ii iii this brion1* a of Prot. Wincheti's Lecture. I tie onlyi-titie lie ever rantioto 'i- In ernainit wa terenarly thanii its conitemiiiorary 'ilie secondillof the series iof lee-Tceras tn15. ewstienipitt shtleollege taller. It isas a tiires giveitiuder the auspilces If till ly the repubitlicaniparty as a niet- Ilites iit r l~twenty twro-colunothe Geologicat Society, sias lielilhriftesholdia ailsa p of reading matter , aned isas last night. Itt ias clearly demni-lbeaten biy a strict Ilarty vote. It I$84et every ottier ireek. In strafeil that ttie laiw lecture room ivasiasfiieatrteeetiiititte lterane a sweekly antIcou- irholly inadlequate for tthe accommoi- successful caiiiidate could neither reti tglhttheeouun pages of dation of tthe imimense number who ra o vle r aemnia 1ig natteridesired to tiear Dr. Wtinctielt. We so disgusteed by this expierience that 40 uln9 all ttiese tinies sity have wvoeulid suggest that tthe next lecture lietias neierealloiwed Iliii iame to lie girls of our University ap- to take pilace on Jan. 30, li e lin used sinice. lou the areiia of college Uniersity H~all, wrhere aill may lie M r. Waterman has aliiays lbeen ini- i~I'Sni e class of 'S4 del satisfieid. teresteil in athletics. As a young 'ittyan attemipt ini their jun~ior year. iDr. Winchiell carredei his auiiieince miaii le iras the best heavy- gymtnast beeei r~u C~it ottt the "Atiutlet '" in back wiitli hint to the fiest creatiotn in this tart of the coutntry.IBack its il ibe i93 . It hail;7i pages, in the organic iworlel, graduially tear- the tifties lie orgaiiee a cricket e~ eitl aiii of the book sias lug its evoliution utp through the sue- luathe iierty aslcm u bioo Y literary., bitt itfivas mot as cessiioni cf stages tittil the last trants- ivoAuto Arbior every Saturdla-, heda puliciatioinits it shiolid hasvn fornuation iras reached, culuiinat- for at long tinie to traini ton' thei cuts are very inferior. I11g in the aelveint of mait. lie the biiy-s. Ali r. Watermian is a Withe$r Itcompilares favorably piointed out as nilnutely- as those menuber of the D)iA C. and spienels Te zallaidiunm. wouled lerit, the critical points in a good miany- eve iiiigs at the clubi ulei publishtedl ly the the history of this orgaiiic ev-olution, house, wvatchinig the boswling antI tonsof the Chiristians Associa- giring a realistic descriputiont of types biilliared playing. is a ' came out first inii SSu. It of cacti periodl. I Inshiosweid how ab- Mr. Waterman has aliways been a snti tiiY, ande is ilevoted to the stirt it would lie for the Creator to geeos anbohtsrrlIttl liiit 1 of the S. C..A. The di- make ue of an- oilier tlhain the obijects ande in Itis private circle of oilStaff atht Is compu~osedl of studentstmethoidi of esvoltitioti. Jutst as tia- relatives anud friends. lie has, hoiw- ht eitnmbers of thin faculty are titre ha s beetsecooniceal in the ever, alivays exercised a rare dere nj tontributors to its plages. creatioti of thi nivserse andi its lasss, of dliscritmination in his iing, amid the tai is thin publcatioti If so must shin have also chiosens thethlroitrsfagetmays- V,,isor tIndepedets. ''iltefirst 5cheapler process of evoltiosnirather calleil charities liase often blien dis- nl , (ralled Va'l. i) lprinutedl by 'ihuati tsepiarate ereatioti for ears appionted iwhetiapplyinug for aid. thei was a cedniit tio thin class anid ieriod. I'ihose who henardl Dr. Wini- A nuntider iif years ago lie paid off took Isittion F- routhtte startt it ceuulls expiositionu last tigh uus the detlel of otue of the Detroit aonapace in the first ratik as atn hasve hail a very clear contueliloni of rhuirrleswsiirhi amiotunted to Si ),occ. huil-01ge puicuationu. thus g"mat theo~r. I learts- - e Illis idea is that there is realty-tmore txst1 cronicle-Argsnuiit,''as it atiotn sias mianifested oti every hiandilenjoymientinit gisvitig than ini spendl- sttl y saftsouo ntoivsrandelthi netxt lecture is lookeduifor- ih ug, hn e muiist be educateul in Which as the inamitnidicatesirardl ioi withi pleasanut anticilpations. this diretion. IHi say's that if cite 14 h 0 e their selparate careers Pres.Angnellsr1wilt naeet his class csd otnsilersiwhiat his nmoney can buy he~ar189-90inin~tenationual laiw next Ttiesday,on atnd liow much pleasure hn can have W liapier is a good tuionio ~ conto ~ ii of the lailtin s peningtt it, hesrill nnver givn. th ii nsadteeiosaecmitn oteUie st ise"Thie ndlyway is to shut ones eyes hslb. nesoilstne eiosaecmitet h nvriy i nyy4dtefrI ohtefraternities class had an examiination last Thurn- and putisntds into Isis pocket.'' he Indpendents. day on tine first part of the lectures. lidee liy is the product of the ihe nmembers of the freshman Tise pictures of the Rugby team s Pitdttit The Independent base-hall team sat yesterday for a are out. They were taken by Ran- ttsi0Was formed in tine spring pcuea Gbo'.dall. I1. Pitiep,THREEtEsC NeS. b A'iG the experietice of College Aleni whonknowwtintdiappreeite the eareful scrutiny- of College Stui- ientishauvinig ut targe coriss of skilled Diesignues iand hewelers stiecially train ted fsr badge anid other jewrelled wvork. Imputortiing,its ire ito, directly front tais, LnduloniinduAmusterdaum 11tr D~iamondliis uanuu lteri'preciolus shill thISfintest tpltns ull jewseled SusietynIlaulges ohftill hiuils swhichi tie Wrighf, Kay & eo. ID 'O IIT'EiIS, '.1 iWrEIlRS 1ZIANhFACIhtING .1EWELERIS. Detroit, Mh 'wan. Chas. Speller & @. 210; SOUTIT STATE Si'. =N-Zs MAC KIITC 3IES SWEATER'S IOXINCil GLOVES, *FOhL.S. SPOiRTING, GYMNNASIUMti AND ATHLETIC GOODS. SOLE AGEINTS IN ANN ARBiOiR WRIGHT & IDITSON, A iFUtLL LINESOF IT~jIIT-TIS 4*0-QODS ILL sEEtiN HAND iN itARiti. Chein-ot Sirits, 'renniis Trousers, Chauts anid Blazeers. GENTLEMEN'S FUJRNISHINtGS; A GOOD SELECTIiON. FULL DRIESS SMUtTS, 'IELS AND GLOVES. LA''EST 1ItPORi.A- T ZION IN TI 11S 1AND SCAWIPS. Utirrits 'iique Gloses, Eniglishi Caps, latest. Woolenm Underirear, all gradtes, Speciath News Linie of 1-oihehias, all pirices. COATS AND PANTS A 1L;iLL STOCK. Agent for Ann Arbot Steam Laundry', qutick delivery and best work. q53A$- $PLC1R& qO. SOUTH STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR, - - MICH.