TPIE t; C)17 )AII j( DINING AN1) LUNCH ROOM, 48 SOUTH STATE STREET. First class boardl, $2. 50 per week. Lunches at all hiours. Oysters ini every style. Fine line of Confections, Cilgars. etc. NO BLE, The Clothier, NEW BOOK STORES, 6 South Uaid Street. 44 Sout[h State Sireet, U'NI\LRSIIXT LTEXT-BOKS, S T ''IJN =IZ , :MedicxuiBxoks, ow Books, .B1LA K 11(101s, ALL kiii)s', All Blooks used in City Schiools. Stuidents, Note Books and P ads. I )raft- -Complete Line of Sporting Goods. ing Instrumenits. -k I llFFEING,- ,p~i Va ue5?U n der wear BILACK UtEDEIIWEAlI AT $1.50, $2.0) AND $.o. 11IIGAINS IN UNDEIIII RAT 79C AN) USC. N! G. H. WILD, Is slxowvixg the Largest Shock of Foull Dress Sniliiii;s ill the market. All the latest shadles riind novelties ini Trouseriuigs anid Ovvreoatiiigs.ine tests caiii he had of ~ n Large Stock (of Fountain Pens. A Warranitedl Fo)iitainliPeni (Gold) for $1.50). No. 2 E. Washington St, near Main. JAMES M. STAFFORD, THE LARGEST STOCK, GIEATEST VARIETY d LOWEST PRICES ~AI6R - H P6R R. On DAMPS, in this city. You will save money by buying of us. Our TAIOR IW ORT RS " EDSTAR "OLhsn equal, burns without odor, or charring o wick and gives a clear white light. 'The best place to get a Sold at 10) cents per gallon, delivered to any part of (lie city. 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. pEAN & CO. G. ii. Yi~ BUsUTL3s DIL EIO fIRSZ ± QjAS 1+ Q10 MADETrO ORDER LATEST STYLES MODERATE}PRICES; 19 SOUTH MAIN ST.. ANN ARBOR, - - - MICHI. THE CAMPUS. The large central gas fixture in the Lihrary Reading Room cannot he lighted hecause of imperfect con- struction, hut additional gas jets will bxe arranged for in the near future. \Memuhers o~f the Athsletic Assoxcia- tion are adisex1 to have their imum- hership tickets signedl as5s0(on1as possihle. TIhe sophonxore class at CornellI hare adoixted the regulation nxxortar- hoard for their class hat. Freshman Vice-tPresidlent, M1iss Wadsworth, is again attending reci- tations. Prof. 'Thomas hsas decreed that ex- aminations shall he held in all Ger- man courses. McPherran, lit, '90, is in town. It would have bcen a good thing if the president of the Lecture Asso- ciation had announced Dr. Catch. ell's lecture in connection with the j Pres. Gilmsan, of Johtns Hlopkins, i gym. fould last evening. The prograni at Alpha Nux this evening is as follows. Piano solo, Mr. Alleni; declamiation, 1 A Rail- wcay Matinee,'' 7Mr. Pamo; paper, " The Standlardl Oil Co.,' A. Cuni- mings; hatnjo solo, Mr. Gillespxie, M1iss Davis, ancompxanist; essay, "'he Gypsum Bleds of Micliigamn,'' G. 1). Soiies; pianlo solo, Miss Diavis; readliig froiii-Mark Tw'xain, Mr. Ilealy; banjo andl piano, Mr. Gil- lespie aiid Miss Davis. P'rof. 'Tonmpson finished his course of lectures on Eqluity Juris- prxudence to thxe senior law class this mxorniiig. 'lhe exanilnation weas set for txwo veeks from inext Saturday. The hase-bxall utanager for thxe comiing seasoii will he electedl iext Sattirday. Int ordler that all uncer- taintty regardixxg the mianagenment of this branh of athtletics h~e reniovedl is sxoxnxas possible, the calxtaitx shldxx he elected ixot later thxan Mona orxiyx Txuesday next. 'IThere is certaitxly nox reasxon fxor fxrthier dle- lay. 'Te Janutary Ceintury ciontains a comuniicationi froii a forimer U. of M0. sttidenxt. The State Bloard of Education hareiianmed the following visiting comsmittee: S. M. Cutcheon and Ashley Pond, of Detroit, and lBen- ton Itanclielt, of Saginaw. Geo. H. Smith, Jr., of Detroit, is visiting H. G. Field. recenstly had a talk with the sttidents on the outlook of athletics there. A committee of gradluate andl under- gradtiate students seas apploinsted to take chtarge of the gymsnasiiini tntil thxe appxoinxtmnxtt of a inewv di- rector, also to repsresenst the stud~enits in ainy differences thtat tiight arise. ''The fraterixities of Northwsestern University gave a bsrilliant reception to Presideixt Henry Wade Rogers and his wife at te Evanstons clubs house last evening. dlr. Ginman, of C orinell, is delis- iing a course of lectures oin the psy- cliology of nmusic. Corinell is trying to raise $4,000 for icr i8g i crewvs, htit it is miot nmeetintg with very great success. Hlarvard has juist senxt out a sec- oiid istronomxical expxeditioni to joiit thte first otte, which seas seixt oxit ini 1S89, aixdlnosw has headquarters iii Perui. Professor Siiioii Newvcombx, the Joihnxs Hlopkins astroiionmer, hasre ceintly receivedl a present of a hanxd- some silver service froni the Czar of Rtissia. Thxere are 2,271 sttidents its all tlhe departmients of Hlarvard Univer- sity. Seven of last year's victorious ath- letic team whsich won the intercolle- giate cup for Harvard, are hack in college, and the students feel very sure that they will not he allowed to compete at Mott Haven this year. AWATCHMAKER AND JEWELE'' WMAIN STREET. athe Specxiai attention paid torepairing w ands Jeweirr. M. W . BLAKE, PICTUJRES, FRAMES, A p ART GOODS. 1s westHuo FERDON LUMBER YARD, Manufacturer of and denier in SAGINAW GANG SAWED 0UM8 Cor. Fourthianid Depot Sts. J. HALLER 461 SOUTH MAIN ST. Repairinig a specilty.-~ 0. M. MARTIN, DEALER IN l140 Cloth Caskets,Me l' ANDI COMMON COFFINS. J. A. POLHEMUS, ALSO 'BUS HACK AND BAGGAGE lS Niorthi Maini Street. RINSEY & SEABOLT, Bakers and deaiern 1l0 red Groceries, ProvisionsFlour and re e and S E. Wasington St. JOHN WOTZKE, Maker of tine LADIES' and GENTTL~'S' Repairing ieaiiy done. 43 S. Main S GR ANG ER'S a -ACADEMY OF DANCIN) Opposite Law Building- Puis will be received at aniy timie dadS0i the seaso. - 22I. IIURON STREET, ANN ARBlORi, lICil. SPECIMENS AND CURIOSITIES OF ALL BINDS. SPECIMENS FOR STUJDENTS' Cheap Collections a Specialty' Famous Satin Spar and other M~r" Shell Jewelry and Noveltie8 always in Stock.