THE U. OF M. DAILY ]A4 OFF SALE 25 PER CENT SAVED, 2'=E E1 1'2 ST OOK OF' OVC1qOA: AflD $UI .A.T OE-PQJRTfl3 (QIKE ALL GLOVES. ALL IJNI)ERWEAI =\ttensl this Sale, fur a few days only. Come at once, (loo't (elav. AT THE TWO SAMS. ~I1I rho o1ll LlllilY OORHEIS & ITS REST WORK IN THE CITY, STATE ST. TA ILORS, 4$Z CALLEDFOR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. Of. tWS'EC~Ii ATES ToSTUDENTS. .,, 23 South Fourth Ave. -+LL ANLD SEE US, Of Old U. of M. should have a University of Michigan Guitar. Prices lowest, Quality highest. Guaranteed every ineh of the road. Violin amd, Guitar Strings, 10 ets.; Banjo andsiNMandolin Strings, 5 ets. Everything in proportion. LL 1.Clement, ALLML1NDIITELPIAN~O & OLGMT NCO. TRAZJE A~T BROWN'S DRUG STORE CORN ERS MAIN AND ITURON STREETS. LARGEST STOCK OF TOILET GOOFS AND FINE CIGARS, TOBACCOS AND (C.IGETTES ITHITY(m. For the next thirty days we will give 101 per cent otn all sales to the 0--5r MV N ASI1JM 'TJTISTD.. FERGUSON & SLATING, every dWAHR'S BOOK' STORE, DOWN TOWN. Stdnt will save money hy buying University Text-hBooks and all su~pplies it lte-adsluartr. We a110w special Idiscou~nt on LA.W BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS(, DENTIAL B]OOKS, in short, every Book usedI in t I1 lnivelslly ) ,090)Blan11k Books at loswest Ilicit. 11 \._ EAING HOO1)K S'T'ORIE IN FTlE' lY. A T THE NEWLS STYLES Faculty Announcements ror Second IN G ITcrestill be a Seminitary in C hemtistrsy,,iresi ext semester, to eLO TH IN s whictoe i i wo hasvc taken conrses OF ALL KIN OSIAT J' T1. J ACOBS & CO.'S, 17 AND 29 MAIN STj. L. GRUNER. Dealer ini sIti ,Ne.8soueah Male treeet. -- ice Neatiy aail lrntlsO . _ No. 1 CIGARETTES. r rCigarette Smeswhcoi f te wiingiisto eat a little chatrgedl lee the ,,,sii Ins' trd Cgrtts il i ndIi till ot) ers. Thsi'i~e tRihimondiStraight cp to tl e l lc sirtt e to i ii3,iocal anifrc iii he }hest iv',t 8t wasIni grwin isVirgintia. Tris ic the Old, alBad o traightit Cigaeiittes, I~i rg fnttos :uilltobserverthat the th IDea I 'ilt 0v s neviypckae ol" bor Savings Bank Aro hi~eh.1 Capital Stock, $50,00 o 0tbhiixed1ucder li hec~Iii 1 ackicigLawss stat eecde~ ~ le ttthietal6s" Dtsleeer po roe NcPr'es., . W D. HAc,,, --._ t N. E Hi+oitCashier. H ''TE ARGUS.- AT low PRICES. Or08 D i ew and old, large and Orei coal, wood, oil and urnst Jet E. Harkins', 28 E. io nd isIi till lie eligilie. 'Te twco folliitving courses tere oiiittedl by tmistake fromiithe can- niouncernent: Course 9, 'llieritiis, ?Monday ands Wiedtnsday, g9.21o 0 ('ourse 9g1, liontiandl Miisclts, 'T'hursday, q9>-li"-. A.. II. Ii s''cNGxIi.. (Cotirse 9 ini Frechiwsill bs giveni on Tu'iesdlay ansI'lThurstlay at 9:-o$ 10:30 instead sof 10:30-i 1:30. Ileciiurse in the istoreyiof the IresettC(etutry'sill be 'givenas aninouncend. 'ThinSemniars till 1ble griven, as antituned, instead oif the coitrsen iFnch iRn'soliitiioi. Coiurse S.-1Histiiry of the ilitliCentnrt' still lie given, stltish will insc le the Penrisodl ofte French Revoiluttion . A tnts course still lie givin sil the "Periodl of Napuoleon.'' An aditiional twvo-hotirs elective in Gernman twill lie given the next semester on I essing's iltainbnrg- she Dramaturgie.'' The hours will lie arrangesd later otc sithi the in- strulctor. hMAX WI~nK. Dr. Austin Scoot, the nets presi- dent of Rutgers College, trill he in- augurated on March 4.' A Chapter of Libierty. (nocluiadrofirsttieiie.l for ani addreinssluefoire a rn-hgis society, it that tile addirnss seas aii nliiqusent anduin terestini' one, is shoiiwnibe tihe fast thiat the silaken heldl his anudieticeperiectlcylilies for nearl y an htiiur anid a half; anil at Sunhe eid lie didii iot fIiimiiiself talk- lng to etmpjty bietnies as a recent lectiurnr before shn S. 1.. .diid. .___.. ,,01.Nic r. Winitihell still de- liter his lnctuce this cenisilig isnte sue LastLcturn Roominitstead of itt chapel. THE CAMPUS. Proufessorc Thuinics thase, ts-hsi tas tittil rment y)ears ipresidentftihe II averfoclFr'eneds ' Coline'e, his bieetielscted to fiil roifessour I lack- ness' pslce at fheos I'mvltersity, whiile tile laster is takiga vacattion abroiadi. 'The I larsvard Athletic Coninittee has forbiiddenthe studentts taiking any liarstin the N ationual Instercolle- giate Athtletic Association gances thcis rear. 'T'hiis trill lie a hiarsd blow to track athletics as Hartvant. A. relic-huinter htas cut out and carried away ste old wintlow sill at Union College tipon swhich the late Ptresident Arthur cut his name when a studetnt thcere. 'Tle nw Amherst catalogtte shows a total of 3,31z9 alumni, over a third of swhoni hare etitered the ministry. LI(NG' S MUSIC IOUJSE ! h67lMonron Finn,,DeisMicI T he Largest tMuisical Mierchanisie IHlese iti lie Stiiie. Ans f oer5 aetlit. Wiahiurnc, Briitun o isBenaryOGiltars. aid Iiiiisiic, Sitw- arti1eleei Bantjohts. liedtStinin thaeii. Wiirilsetibytu mii tiniiddessiat 15 stils euch for1 Violtiti iiindSttlGu itarlnd10cetticc Ties, Patent Leather Shoe. GOODSPEED FINE PH61T6GRAPHS, Miliinery and Art Goods. :3') aistlHiiroiiSi. BENEFIT OF THE GYMNASIUM FUNID Dr.Chs. ttatcellt will gitv' aniEniteraeiinii'i cn iti fi Disset~iaionucin ANDi AN It II stRlATlION UO THlE In wchhliilclreeatibeforethie aitdience e f eats,41'WashiigtinIrsvicg iho eianad er faciusc"Micd-Headerse Music by THE U. of M. GLEE CLUB. SATURDAY EVENING, JAN. 24. ADMISSION, t50 CENTS. SHORTHAND TJOURSE. IT WILL PAY YOU. Shorthiand Scheool, New Bihliding.,20ScSithlkStatereet. r J