TI-F TJ COF M ThATTV I 1 L L. l-l , %..., 1' 2C.of 1ATaXitv. ttte'Cole l ea, by THE U.sO M. INDEI ENIEET A6SOCIATIQN. It is iow1gotteralkIs tkiowtat tttDr. for the btenefit of tite (is. n .I \side fromt the fact that DIr. Gatchb ellis5 onteof 1our0 1itlels'-kntowinpro- essors; that lie has al ready obtltainitt contsitderabtle reputtationt for "exptos- intg the mtethodits of so-calledtintdtt readers, and that his enitertaiinent together with ste singing of the Glee C'lub,trill he one Nvell worth the as ttotw they cried ottt for a gmnta- siutittlcite as nittw athletics were a darlitigstulject, Yes, ttentwcre all their pains ald Ideasutres tearleytte sants.as tnoti, i)t tlles' 't' ino cts. a 101 x ftor thteir pper. It Nit. 2 Vol. I, March is, ' P. 'soltil,''Tat A\nsri' Blue atd MIaize e adop tedisias ste etttleltic Is 1. JACK'SON. Comnmtittee. A threv iio.'l-.n.t ndn pritce of tidmissiotn. Aside frthsl e withi i te'1 _,I1869, clttsed tte career reastots swhty the etntertaim nt de-o f this ourntat. It tiitgledl its ashies serves a v erc liberal patrona-ge, the withi tlttsc of the ' litiversity Mag- strtitgest claittiit t s uplonthet stit aie" u rm ths se tenits is thatt it is fotr the beneflit o pa(it hrnce" ae theGym ful~. lr. athel ha 'it'h he ( lir otaiclrous opape grtit sly -i tendredt Ilits titt ites 'age iThis patlor contatinedlsixteeti siblit offurislin ths etera i vsints IandlslcrediritlippeaanceI n ue t situte l i to thelttil t iii theItt v-s u lsh d f rt i h lyin (;vtcin. s l t'lt'''',iit's h s antt osp- sutsaisi 'n r'itstt II llrtsiitt tltIItis~ th eio r tthse tise'tim e etts ptr ttoin Sep te studtenitts.iti erI is a is a ''mid Iis ste Itir is tot I'tilt itsattfestesi less'. Itspuliteraryhft aurtroprstore tilt lil :IitiliWaterman'ls freliotitb liteyets S7;'4 .e''S bit t tiso i r ter el tttceuitof ste a l t re'fa tstelttt sofptlli8t87.to ('s1i. ttldlelea it s ea [too ti l i tt 'i tio tltt h I GRECAT $TATLI2C1FY $ALF# WVE WILE FOR THE NEXT FOUR WEEKS 5t lffer fi t' totis of paiper tf allI kindts tt le sltlbylie s peoundtti at re at tgrt'ttlysreductetd rates. USTRSTE BOOsA ITL, & OOS' Ss TS...E The fitsara Falls Route." C EA PE 1 _ CENTRAL STANDARD TME, AND TEC 'tILcE , THE BEST.9a-- P. R. CLEARY, President. '' James W. Brine, nsnGer t COLL EE0CU ILIIIZ IT BURLC1Gj & JOLLY'S 2ii "sitei'II "ii ii 1: . JANUARY 26 AND 27,1'91, 'n~ _lla Ai 1ltiI ottdti ATHLETIC --GOODS 0.55 tiLtES, Id. II4tl'5oe- GP.&'T.A Ch ticag. AgitAln' f D.,L. DOWD'S HEALTH EXERCISER__________ Forii nti'Wrkrr cS Dirtir eoe . Athet o Inald.A cmpet,. Toledo, Ann Arbor and NOh gyur totittl 'a-',MihianRala EMS ' omitt etil, Railway , 7 ! 2y du.bcc,~pen it u cficn T ime Tle gnig it elct, tinnittSr. Na i t,1 5s2 It - - rtutu' c en it lt i i I---'"'__________________ i . 5 it l I u ott in Notht. STTINS, , oigSou th +OR tl;: lara ossII'tf P I.ii a1 l ii-n1. f .I I .tI ui -t 2d i 555 ...... l ittiteti ,r'_ 4 ( 11 i ......I 11t itttW - '. 4 1 6 -l4t.I~uneItntt- . .O. 12... 4 Si 4 2 .... ttie litrt....1 9-- .... O6RA F;nu f5,......iteliiaitit.. 1'. , ____ _5;iti Ni tiWi tesroiba.e lOtte4 '" ThuFrtStayEet, Fe.o5t, M1891,.... s _____...Hamur. "".' 5 . 40r1.. .. . .UL.],t.r ~ EI. ~5 4:.':it' .Durit.a...!9 03 i." 4.. . ..Eti t'.. . 0 1 ..)T IE ~ . . 1 SHLE{Y.....It a.... L US . Gra oeyCmay 00IHAZLWOOD L 2eiAet pinittedh to sell sitchess in atll claisses. Mattnifesstuir itnterest ii inte '"Wat- ermantitii ninatini"' blixpurc-hatsinhg thta.t A Sihort Histortcat Sketch of U. of M. Journalism. { Itttritoine . 'Thet'hisistrosi tltMgi:n/e wst t jouna he althu dshthe - it t rsitgeChreio- neatrly s uaitre. ITwety-fouttry'eitrs agot this wsondehrful sheet tamte fotrth, litit tittiite theitlloieninhgtordls if its ptrospiectuts: l hI tlu si. ;'t itE- st-re hatstbettone tone of thte greatest eduicatitinalinistitutet' tshe hUnitedh 'tates. Ini tivtry' shotrt perittd, stestertn ctllege istis gross-totubie tir excellenice',the Uivisersitysof te ''len as nows'they sisedto bi oast of their sine andimpiiiortancoe; thten hate dheparmtetnt. 'Tere wst-ts tniy soit it ittier utf this otditiott n, tldit lawu tatudimedhical studtenuts,tutu thttir soucittit's. It hadt abou thut i rliuteen uIigt's if 1111oit'ruttuitig itatter, it't- ; stt5''si itl suit'' 'fst'e tiles t citt htIII 1,S tlt'he uruutessiuuutl I mc iuu'uuutss fetltlftout ithe iictuuld" ini tu'mttersor f college' juuitthaistu, tatu thetre'fotre sttirted a pape o theiir list1 Th le' first inutmtber wasttpub-l lisiutu IDtect'mb~er t12, t 7 9- It'tin- ttainet'thatuttsixteeni pagtes uthrettd- I iug titatter, tantd catte tuit es-er)' other wteek. 'The sty-he if tile tiller si like' thttotf te Chiroiitle,talthoutghi its eudittursseere froth~eiprotfessiontal schtootts oinly. '"SThe Un Iiversity, tis istswas ittlleid,tdistcussedtlitertary toptic's as swell as purely ptrofessitital. 'Thie mittdtifferencee between it aiti te C'hrtonicle wats itt the ,different source tuf representation tofeditorshtip. I'thte journuttl died a itatuiral deast ho iSifi. L[Concluded to-morrow.]-