0or fI. -KN 17. UNI", EiITY OF MICIGAN, 'I SDAY, JANUARY 22, I S91. Ip, Tii jCENrs. Tilli AVictory for the Laws. 'Phe maitdeelate between Laws and Lis hich was hseld last sighit II h s etre room was a pro- flle dsuces.Thse room wa sufledwithassenthstisastic asiiensee apnltie befiore tiseisossr set for tise ngsf 1s)~f delbate.'Vise j osiges were hrescuttlton cagi n hiPtl a'it Sis' clock Priof. True- blio ascride1 thl )atform asis tie a prefatory rensarks ;statedi :u--- n:Resol vest, 'lisat Con- i8ss shoiiid s ave anssIexercise ex- clutsjo control siver tise electioss of 41m)rs of tihe Hisuse of Repsresess- Il tnt announceet Mr. Baldwin, ale na, as leader on the affirnma- tfr'Blwis quoted thse ronstitu- on giving authsority to coungress to trot elect'o of representatives, emt0phasized the fart that this is aovernment by thse people. I-e s°clieth the will of the beplwslefeated in nunmerous ins- stne y local interferenres. 1-ir quo +eTey forribly ansd was fre- MstlY interrupited bsy aplplause. oh e was followed by 11r. Osburn, 5iiy5who, on the part of thse neg- d wh~~ o attemipted to prove that ato te government lies in cehtralization of power andtIhlat teeore a federal election law is un Ae. e hafm ative was again liresent- NTrgd htaall, of Indiana. He rethtalaw whsichs would se- the Purity of elertions must have n uth5rt oafthse federal, govern- one Hiseffrtwas an eloquseint alip Plus wsfollowedl by extendedi firsbtl er, of Ohio, next appear- I' hf tenegative.lie anssvered Ytt555 d'tlat unsder the present Syte d'stricts are gerrynmanderedsi s1lY aing that a federal law woutd maeP heevy atonlsn S~ staete ei alosl e ffimtv was againdIresent- tYtIttIr.at les, of Michigan. He ci qeto a o Otnt,5but quenwatsof holC~rn statesmen against the in- lhQgent of the Lodge bill. He too5 ederal authority necessary gaet~m oral opposition and 4 t " h BXprience of England in argument. Mr. Melly, of Ohlio, adsvanced tio For exanstle; at isighst whsen nos one close the argumssent for thse negative is near tos get husrt, lie turnis thse andi the ausdiesnce issstanstly qusietedl library uipside ' soswn and shins it oss uniter she issilusence of Isis msagiset- thse tot) of thse main halt towver, ands ismi. IHe very eloueitly essfor~edth iess standss by 1o see the boousks fall the argussmeist against censtralizatiosn (sit assethtie whiole builing stiffer- of psower. cistiate itself into flissg ibricks. Mlr. Blaldwuinsnov clioseit the sic- Thie visualizer wo'irks tbest ini the sate witsois mue very forcile reisarks. (suirniigwseies fresh, sir whiens usnder Th'ec decisioni of the jisdges gis-es the L asss,25pinists sout if aItps- sibile s Soo nditthe lits I,140}.. Confession or a Visualizer. 'The Phsilosiophlical Societsy sad a very susccessfssl mseetinsg last evessisn as wsas esiest sy lbothsthse large andi appreciative audience ansd also thse deeply interesting and highsyy us- structive paper wicshl sas lpresentedl by Br. Scott. 'The speaker first explainedl what a visualizer is. He is onse whose power of imagery and mensory is gained from adefinite mental picture. For example betis one whlo in renmem- berinsg a breakfast coons could count the numnbler of chairs, tell thse color of the wall paper, etc., all froms lookinsg at Isis msental picture. Prof. Galton hsas made maisy ini- teresting discoveries is thsis field. Mtany scientific msen are sot good vissializers. Tlhey get the nunmher sif chairs in the breakfast roonm frons remsemberinsg hosv many thsere were rallier than froni the actual sight of thens in the mental picture. Amoisgediffereist young pseole ini society visualizers are comsmon. 'Tie "msind's eye" is after all truly an analogue of the real orgain of sight. Visualizers generally have good memory for faces. A certaisn artist could, is his imuagination, see liii subject us a cisair and tisus palint him as if lie were actually piresent. Poor visualizers see as if lby a siort of psanoramsa or by a misty outline. 'T'he coisfessioiss of ''the visualizer'' wvere extremsely entertaissing. In childhood lie sad msental pictures of angels and denious; lhe coisls see pictures iii the fire. lHe oince lost Isis unmbrelia and pictured it as stand- ing in room 21, but whieis le went to get it, it was gone. The edisap- pearance was due to the system of ethics taught in room 21. The visualizer can see all around the outside and inside of a rubber ball. The visual object is subser- vient to the will of the visualizer. excitemienst. Ini such cases lie cass retails tile isenstaslpictusre, hut wsens tie is fatigiseduthte iiges sire hsardtto msanasge; toe insstasice, if lie tries tio liiok at a swatchs face, the swatectiises itself or turns over. 'Ihe phsysiolougical aspsect of the quiestions presensts ass isteresting stisdy. Tue closed eye dloes not see blackness, but rather a greyishi haze; in this gray field a secondary insage is psresensted by one's closing his eyes after looking, at souse object. The physical sight is forming swhat is called a piositive insage. Mteyer wvas the discoverer of the secondary or obijective image. 'l'ie "visualizer'' confessed that these seconsdary insages conic bietter by practice. I-I once sasviin a visual pictusre of a pin-enshions, a large shawl pin which lie did slot remsemi- her as having seen in the real obiject. After lookinsg again at thse esshsions lie found that Isis insage was correct, but Isis niemoery had failed bins. 'T'he cquestions whirls arises is, wvhethser thsese insages are central (frons the brains), or periphieral (is thse relina). 'T'he isatter is unsettledi as yet. IBibliographsy: Janmes's Psycho- logy-, csapter on Imiagisations; Prins- ceton Review: Vol .1, I1884;Fc'chsssr's and Aubert's articles in Poggendlorf's Annalen, Vol. 32, 41, 45, 50 and 115; Wundt's and Ladid's Physio- logical Psychlsogoies; iielnhsoltz's Physiological Optics; Derlabarre's article iii Ais. Journal of Psychso- logy, Vol. 11. Memorial Service. Memrnorial services will be held next Sunday eveninsg at 7: 30 o'clock for M~r. Mtacy. 'Ther services will be conducted by the Y'oung People's Society, of which Mr. Mary was president at the time of his death. Short addresses will be made by rep- resentatives of the different organiza- tions of which Mr. Macy was ,a member. The Senior Medical Class and the Young People's Soci- ety will attend in a body. bAW'ING the experiencee of Gullege M en whlo knoss-sand sipphreiate thse csarefuil scrutiny of Coilege Stsi- dents.,lisving ss large corpus of skilleud Designers saisdlJesselers specially traised for badsge saisd other jeswelled swuck. Importinig, is we dos, directly froissParis, Lonsdons sniil\Aisterdlsm our Disamsonssasidlothuer preeious Stonies. We sire ini ai losiionuitso pro- sluice thse ilsest 151ansilsnd jesselled Society IBadges of sult kinssuwiscel sre mianuftrdinI sthis countir. Wright, Kay & Co. IIIITIlIS, J.1 EELIIS ANiD MANUGFACTUI'tNG JEWELEtRS. .Detroit, Miohigan. Chap. speller & . NEW STORE. FULL: DRESS SHIRTS, 'TIES AND GLOVES. LATEST IMPORITA- TION IN TIES AND SCAtRFS. LtNED AND SCOTCH WOOL GLOVES. ENGLISH ETON GAPS, Lastest. WOOLEN UNDER WEARI, all Grades SILK MUFFLERS. ItANsDKER- CHIEFS, GOLLARIS, ahllrands. SPEGIAL NEW LINE OF V"MNBRELLAS, all prnices. ATHILETIG and GY INASILUM GOODS Of every descriptioni. Sole Agent iii Ansn Arbor, WIHOLESALE & R ETAIL, for sIOSTON. Genuine English Mackintosh, FULL LiNE. Agent for Aim Arbor Steam Laundry, quick delivery and best work. qA3A$. $PLER1 & q0. UNIVERSITY OUTFITTERS, 20JSQ04VTH STATE ST. PLEASE CtALL and examoine.