TIA4F I T ' D IY DINING, AND) LUNCH ROO 0M, 48 SOUTH STATE STREET. First class board, '2_.3'0 per week. Luniches at all lhours. Oysters in every style. Fine line of Conifections,(Cigars, tc. NEW BOOK STORES, NOBLE, The Clothier, - S O F .I:S p e c i a l V a l u e s U n d e v w e c lP BLACK UNDJERWEAII AT $1t.50, x2)00AND $3o.00 ?~j" ji',9 J j 1 BARGCAINS IN UND)ERIWEAII AT ,!)cyl3 A- 6 Soulh Maul Street. 44 South~ Stat Street, UNiIXLRSIIXT L'YT-I300KS, T2 T G. H. WILD, Medical BooksLawSooks, IlLANK Bo3011k1, ALL KINDS, Z All B3ooks used iii City Schools. I Students, Note Books anid Pads. 1)raft- Is sliowing the Largest Stock of 1Full1Dress Suitings in the market. CopeeLine of Sporting Goods. ing Iiistrumients. All the latest dihades and iov elties in I ronzserings rindl ('onipOetoseatings. Fine Vests caii be had(1ofP Large Stook of Founitaiin Peiis. A Warranted Fountain Pen (Goldl) for X1.50) No. 2 E. Washington St . near Main. . H. V JAMES M, STAFFORD, THE LARGEST STOCK, __3-lSIllESS PILLCTOR ' Thle best place to get a fJ9,S ±+(Q2AS6 + PsuI MADE TO ORDER LATEST STYLES a.P.= r MODERATE PRICES. 19 SOUTH MAIN ST.. ANN ARBOR, - - - MICHI. THE CAMPUS. Hteiiry Wade Rogers, will be in- stalled president of the Northwestern iiiiversity on February 20. 'Thle Colunibia Seiniors will piresent the college wills a windosv in nieniory tif Alexainder 1-haniiltoii. Thle candidates for the P'riiiceton foot-ball teamO for Si i, began their witer wvork ois Friday. 'The Italian goverinmieint has order- ed the stiuty of English to lie added to the courses of all the colleges. Prof. Taylor swill coninence his reviews in Political Econsomy F ri- day. The Bleta Thectes will give a ban- quet in hsonor of Rev. D~r. Gunsau- lus tn-morrow evening. Prof. Pattengill's class in fresh- man Greek finishes the Synsposiuns to-morrow, after which this work and the Orations of Lysias will be re- viewed. GREATEST VARIETY d LOWEST PRICES On LAMPS, in tis city. Yen will save nioney by buying of us. Our tIRED STAR" OIL 115500 equal, burns without odor, or elharring of wiek and gives a clear white light. Sold at t10 cents per gallon, delivered to anly part of tile city. 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. pEAN & co. P'rofs. Rolfe and Cleenit are giv- their classes a vacatioin and a treat by tranislatinig''Ars Poetica'' them- selves. Boths classes will blegin the review if the semester's work on 'Thursday olr Friday. Prof. Wells will finsh his lectures on Bills aiii Notes before seniors to-day.- Ile still begin lecturiing on Personal Property to-day. Mr. Clemnt's class ini Livy begain reviewing to-day, Mr. Dlenniey will give a nesw course in English niext semester. It swill be a cotiiuiatioii of Course i in Eng- lish which is given this semester. Thle class will do adsvanced wvork in rhetorical anialysis ainu paragraph writing. An all-Americain cricket team has arranuged a series o~f ganies to lie played lext sumiiier with the biest teams ini Euiglaiud, iinuluding those (If Oxsford aiii Canubridge.-Crinii- Thsefhrst mieetinig of the iiesvAthi- eltiloarit will lie held ini Alpha Nii hall , Satiiriday, 2 p. in., Janu- ary 24111. 1-1. G. Fitio, Pres. 'There will be an oral debate be- tween thse law and literary depart- ments in the law lecture room this eveninig at S p. m. Thie two following courses were omitted by mistake frons the an- nouncemenlt: Course q, Thseocritus, Monday and Wednesday, q Y2-- 1o 2 Course ga, Bion and Moschus, Thursday,w9 %-- r2 At the "mind-reading" entertain- ment, at University Hall, Saturday eveuning, IDr. Gatchsell will give an indoor nmodification of Wasinigton Irving Bishop's famous feat of driv- ing through the streets bliind-folded, aind finidiiig a niaiie iii a hotel regis- ter. Yale furnished Princeton's first three isresidents. A co-operative association has b~een formed at the University of Penn. to be run on the sanme princi- iles as those at Harvard and X'ale. The U. of M. nmight do likewise. The Owsosso MUiversity Club, just organizedl, elecied the followving of- ficers: President, G. R. L~yon; vice-president, D~r. McCormic; sec- retary, H. It.IDewvey; treasurer, F. It. Gould. 'They intend to have a bianquet iii the near future. Couirse 9 in French wvill lie gis-ens on 'Tuesday andTihtlursday at 9:3o- 10:30 iiisteaid of 10:30-11:30. IHogo Pans gave a spread to a fesv of his friends last night. A professor at Yale has iinvented ain apiparatius to illustrate the subject of cubic etirves. Osving to the incapacity of Roons 24 to hold the large number desiring to hear Prof. Winchsell's lecture last Friday Evening, the next lecture wsill he given in the University Chapel. The subject is "Organic Evolution," and the lecture will be delivered Friday evening, January 2 3rd. WM. ARNOLD. R WATCHMAKER ANDJEE.TSea 3tonIAdtrpiigRa and Ic elr- M. W. BLAKE, P'ICT URES, FRAMES, A ART GOODS. 1uset ~I FERDON LUMBER YARD. Manufacturer of and dealer i BAGINAW GANG SAWE DLUMSn Cor. Fourth and Depoll51 / J. HALLER 40 SOUTHIAIN ST. Repair-ing a spncialty. -' 0. M. MARTIN, DEALER IN l4 Cloth Caskets, Metal AND COMMON iCOiFFIN J. A. POLHEMUS. AS'BSHACK AND BAGGAGE I'IN North5 Main Street. RINSEY & SEABOLT, Bakers and dealers in df Groceries, Provision s,Flour an~d 6 and 8 E. Washington St. . JOHN WOTZKE, Maker of fine go LADIES' and GENrTS' 0 Repairing neatly donn. 43 S. Main ~ G RA NGER'S-- " ACADEMY OF DANCING,4g Opposite lLaw BulldinlE' Puapils willibe received at any time duri1 the seanon. 22 E. HIUttON STREET, ANN ARBlORt, anCI. 9HEk 0, M1NEK1O SPECIMENS AND CURIOSITIES OF ALL KINDS. SPECIMENS FOR STUDENTS' Cheap Collections a Specialty' Famous Satan Spar and other. Mhinerals Shell Jewelry and Novelti5# always in Stock.