THE U. OF M. DAILY _____ STUDENT'S HEADQUARTERS OTR==1577.T Of Old U. of M. should have a A ' T4~qL TW 0 A Prices lowest, Qualitylhighest. Guaranteedl every inch of the road. s o Vioin d Guital Strings, 10 cts.; Banjo antd Mandolin Strings, 5 cts. Everything in proportion. 1'1 }U ( othe plc ntect onyufn oecomplete line of SLLudents'GLL.LMTO.&COGAITnt, :3M.3 S. Main St. ALEDN FL } (' t l 0 Th ietOvercoat Department in the state. . TR.A. E.A.T The largest Suit D)epartment ini city.I T f CT'\ The greatest Hlat House in Southern Michigan. The largeat .Men's Furnishing Store in Annso Arhor. I B I( ...)VVIN 1 t' ..L)RUGx 01'..J Call and see TIHE TWO SAMS for anything pn our line. 9P 3: NAw rC), OL1/J E V 19+J" T1ZL. AlArR o M togllablllty VOORHEIS & ITS EEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST. TAILORS, WORK CALLED 0O and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. SE IAHTES en STUENen . Ofice, -23 Sotth Fourth Ave. DflALL AND* SEE US, FERGUSON & SLATING, Goeijtsi Fhpijishers a jd Iafters Carry a full line of IHATSAS, NECKWEAR, HtOSIERtY, GLOVES, UNDERWEAR, Etc. The latest styles an an entire new stock to select from. 22ST3TT S2'A .. ',> - AN .TRT m~z _WAHR'S BOOK STOR-E, DO Every Student will save money hy huying Uiviersity Text-Books and alls special discount o LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BOONS, DENTAL BOO0! University. 5,00)0 Blank Books at lowest prices. U[:; w11. LEADING BOOK STORE IN TILE CITY CORN ER MAIN AND HURON STREETS. LARGEST STOCK OF TOILET GOODS AND FINE CIGARS, TOBACCOS A X CIGAnsRTTS IN THE k'ITY. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING-! ____TILEJ SCHOOL OF SHORTHA~ND Will this week omove into the newv hrick block, No. 20 SOUTHL STATE STIREET, and will, he ready to orcanize new classes during the second week of Octoher Day and evening classes will th1en he formed so that th~e convenience of all may lie suitell. CA LL AND SEE Z'S IN 01.11 ELEGANT NEW QUARK TEEtS. School will 1)1 10 sessioll frolm a. in. to 9 p. m. Nearly 1000 pupils Hlave taken our course andi all tivho have not done so Ihave regretted it. Re- lneniher the place, Newe Brick Blocck, (third flioor). I -0. 20 SO -TJWl- s T'A Wr-rR" S T'. T O W N.N 67 Monroe Fve, Detmot, Mich. TO VVN O The Largest Musical Merchandise Hose in the Stale. Ageonts tor Marlin. Washburn, upplies at Iteadquarters. We allow n3uns and Inenar - Guitars, and Doblson, Stew. KS, i hreeyBo sdi h r and 13nary Ilyanjon. Ilent Strings in She in shortevery Boo used in te ild eoot by nail tIn y2adlirns at 15 cents cc Violian d Guitar tand 10 cents each for 1Banjo. FACULTY ANNOUNCEMEP ELOCUION ANDO ROA'r( Course A, Elocution opeosi lit dept. 00 Monday at 101 14), two sections. -The coun 1110 study of groat oratorsc in the lit departmlent, Tuesd 1iq. Tis1 class is limited t members.Tile course in S spearean readillgs open1s Tuesday at j T. C. TECEIILi Dr. Il Uber has posted a li the several sections in Pra1 HistOlote 0n thle bulletin 12 at tile «Isttentrance. Fo A \lIEICS, llo-IEoI~s IDENTS,-Tle first class itsG tative Chemistry mleets Wednesday at 3 o'clock illI .A., Chlemlical Laboratory. S. G. JEN i5 stated 10 thle an onus that stud eats wishing to take q (History of tise Englisis guge) must have passed Cc 1 and 3. I sol nece thtthey have passed Court T 3 I1AW Gxo. Hxi+ llre8 will be delivered next afollo*13: Monday, Prof. Th son'; .Tuesday, Prof. Wells;. NTS. CLASS OF '90-Continued, bride will be ihis guests. Prof. VLUJ .l )RY- F. C. Newcombhe is inlstructor Fisko sailed for Europe last in te Wdnesay.H at~l 11 tin botany ill the U. of \ WKnsdy rse in Jacob Ringer is studying lawv at Tt caei o ocii opes Chcao lw Bryn Mawr. Heo has sold lhis QOT0 )lOa a lat. ly at ' attie C a tto n is at h o m e in E . A . o g h y h aPet r e l ext Katilerine Canmpbell is at home Mis Edihl eg.kniseah iYpnilanti. ing in thec Manistee hligihsf11001.' S L. ID. Millilnan is inlstructor inl E. B. Conrad is manufacturinlg I ist of gynastics and Englislh io Arkan- printing presses in Brooklyn, N.7Y. Lo0nf P e .s cLeical ssI oard, ss Miss Silver, state secretary of .n., 1. G. McColl is on thle Cleve- tile Y. MI. C. A., will address a Ia-, ANDI land Press. dies' mneeting i1 chalpel Monday at .Quali- T. N. Jayne, formerly wit11 lit 7 p. M. ~JVllD f~lD D 1 next ',o0, and afterwards withl law '00, We aro inl receipt of "'A Guide P~F1iEf[1UTULGltPiS.. Roomn is a' dourisiling lawyer at St. Paul, to tile Literature of Aestihetics," Millinery and Art Goods. I :>o East sluron SL Munl.1 by Prof. C. M. tayley anld F. N. _._ KS ~ - - Scott. Thlis book will be used by IWY?1 O met THE CAMPUS. tile present class ill Aesthectics, IManuateurersof 'Eng. Prof. Willard Fiske, the winnler and will be of great Yalue to all 1111 hnd Illrell Luas- of tile great suit against Cornell,' students of Philosophy. rr ss 15 now numbered among^ the mil- "Romeo" Walter hlas returned Ii ssary bPUBLISHERnS OF se 1. lionaires and will take life easy in to college to complete his course. Bdad ald Orhehtra KPL the future. During the coming Prof. B. Mv. Thompson has re- lect- iter lie will occpyabeuil cently issued a new edition of m usi week "'~ beautifu wompk villa in the 'outskirts of Florence, Lube's Equity Pleading, whicil is aie Fe. 141'-GADsale; price, $.. GRAND RA,?tDS, Wed- where Ex-President White and now onf rie ailcHIAN