THE U_ OlF M.DAILY 1-"4 OFF SL 25 PER CENT SAVED, OVcpgOA$ AUD $UWU -&T ONE-FQ J0T.TR QIKEX.F ALL (GLOVES. ALLE U NI)ERWEAR Attend this Sate, for a few days only. Come at ontce, (loo't delay. AT THE TWO SAMS. Of Old U. of M. skould have a University of Michigan Guitar. Prices lowest, Quality highest. Guaranteed every inch of the road. Violin iiiid Guitar Strings, 10 ets.; Banjo asnd Mandolin Strings, 5 ets. Everything in pIroportions. L. 11.ClMnt, LMtPI{.' ~iu u TIRALE A~T .BROWN'S DRUG- STORE CORNEPR MAIN AXItIHURON STREETS. LAnRGE~iSTTOCKOFTOILET GOODS AND FINE CItAus, TOBACCOS AND L_ . iL.LI. C tIGARTiTE S IN HvITY. 1ii Arbor StO wry, VOORHEIS & DIETAS, ST-,.-W r-r F 5EST WORK IN THE CITY! T T T AL Rt IEWAhL TSE pOR C.ALLEDFO~n DELIVERED.' FIRST CLASS WORK. tNIEWIR AFHSF Ottie .tiATS T STIOESO Before purcha ..,, 23 South Fourth Ave. CA LL AND SEE LUS, FERGUSON ~vrWAHR:S BOOK STORE, DOWN TOWN. v~pStludent Will saieoiiey by buying University Text-Books and all supplie ;at lHeadtiiartrs. We allow spcaldsoion Lt)BOKS, MEDICAL BIOOKS, D)ESTALI, OOKS,inshiort, every lBooik u ed init univrsit. 5,00 BankBooks it lossest pricer. LEADING BltOK STORtE IN THlE CITY. ',Q E1VTE7YE J21 : LESI FACULTY ANNOUNCEMENTS. CL--OTHING J OF ALL KIN OSIAT 'L T" JACOBS & CO.'S, 27 AN~D 29 MAIN STr. LGRUN ER. L.Dealerein -Z = S~ioM t~~eNo 8 South Malnagreei. hi~Ote Neatly aint Proriuplr._____ aotttrrond _StraightQct No. I CIGARETTES. Cigarette Smoikers who Iare tWiinto i iDay alittle mre thiin tieprie chargedifor the oitiiis tisiiietigorettetseiwi litnd TisI supsoerior to CItallrite tii iioii taih titu'1 9,c rette5 t nt le t roi lritue ight- csaiotat favtiorediIandt highest yost a psial~~rt~l o StaihtCat Cigaetels, sxnwo~Y~eit ~il i~ asis h earittNth hAttitE e isN1 K3anevees-isiekage. 5~atu0 h A"W&ir~t iraneticc C. ors tichmond.Virgiia. Arbor Savings Bank ( 5 o ich. Capitial Stock, $os,0, t1ort tt uner the Geaeral Banhinic Lion Uxhatiet eeives Deposits, nays and tf'IA H M Vicecersrres. CHAS. FE. HISOCKa Cattier. ATloW PICES. $ alb ve t ne and old, largo and g4,1.)lfOr coal, wood, oil and ur tt J. E. Harkins', '28 E. The course in the IHistorv of the P~reseiitCenturvyssill bl ie enas aninioiincetd. The eminiarvystill be given itisteattof the course inlrenichi Revolultioti, as aninounicedt. Course 8.-Hlistory of the 28th Century still be givetn,swhich lviiicluide the Period of the Fretich Revolutioni. A nesw course will b~e given on the "Period oif Napoleon." R. Iluimsox:. An additiotial tsvo-bours elective its Germntwsill b~e giveni the next senmester otn Lessitig's "Hlamiiburg- shie Dramaturgie.'' The hours will lie arranigeud later iois sith the iii- structor. MAx i N lt.. The Applebee Shakespeare Readings. Notsithtaniinig the fact that mtanycof the studients still bei bulsy sext seeck, the timie of the Shakes- peare entertaimnts, sse are inifoirti- ed that this swill inot be sp~ecially unfortittate for the ttiity Club, for they have every assuransce of a full house trotighouit the five lectures. Nisournecatn affordl to tiiss sos rare a literary treat if his time can in anty tray be adjusted so that lie can at- tend. The ftllowving are a fesw scattering press contients from the many that have come to our notice "'rThe opening lecture of Mr. Ap- plehee's third course of lectures, at Grand Rapids, was given last night before n udie n 'nncp-'l ofthe litst culture- of the city.- The sub- ject twas King tear.' The lteture twas exci-edinglyiintc-rest ing, biuthi as a literary- aniila Ipsychltogicat studty oif onr of Shsakespeare's greatest rre- atioiis. The lecture wsa listeited to withi the keeniest attenltion thirusughi out."-GraithRapidlsIDaily tDemou- crat. NI r. Apitlebee is certainihy a finishued elo~cutionist, atit a Shakes- pearean scholar iif rare iiisighit atid kisosrietge." -BIoston Tratvether. Mr. Applebee's renering osf mniy ine passages is this gratnd dtramia muade onererigret that lie hiatd not dtecittedt years ago tot gisve the wosrld aniothier (Garric k or Blooth. Butt as it is st- are iniiielbted to Idli for his close anud fee-intg interpreta- tion of the greatest of our Eniglishs dramuatists."-B aingtorIDaity (toiii niiercial.- " tne cosuldlnottti-stenuto MIr.Ap ilebee ftor itveminuites without be- comnig impressed wsithi thet fact that lie has seen a conistanlt, careful, anid enthusiastic sttudenut of Shtakespeare. lihe used sonic of the eadting pass- ages front 'Mlacbeth'twith great dra- matic poswer."-Blangor IDaily Whig anid Courier. The D~ramatic Club meets thi evening at 7:t5, sharp. 1-reshman-Presidhent L.oeb is yet unable to attend his classes. The fourth form of ther Sophorwtre PF-vRTIS ==MDIs_ at new stock of 1LI DRESS SHIRTS, & NECKTIES asing elsewhere. &SLATING, LuffNG'S AHSI( lHOUJSE 67 Mvonroe Pivo,, Detroit, hotch. The Largest tMtsical Merchan~dise Houase in the State. Ageatefor Mtinu. Washurnu, ttesnandttIteutry Guitars.,lund tDobsont, Stew- artoatd littenr Itiututot. list Strin~gsin tite Wo',rldl cs-nt bytmil toiiny-adtdress at 1iiets each ifoir Vil iad Guittia nit10cents ech fioe Itiijo. Parti ' Tier, -Dress Shirfp, Patent Leather i shoesi. tGOODSPEED Millinery and Art Uoods. 0)siat Haron St. BENEFIT or Tms GYMNASIUM FUND Dr. that. Oatill l iigive an SEitertauinent eicitng oi t issuertation on ANt) AN II,tI'TTCATISN 0F THE In wthich tie will reeat hefore the audiene the ftrin iWashington Irvinug Binhopuand ether famus"Mind-Senders." Music by THE U. of M. GLEE CLUB. SATURDAY EVENING, JAN. 24. ADXXSSION, bO CENTS. FINE JOB PRINTING. skI in or aimntoplease. SatsfationGuemranteed REGISTER OFFICE, OPPOSITE COOK HOUSE. II (tracle canie out to-day. ucivic all uuutcttc t: LV liposCu of Ine '