'Pu TH THE U. OF M. DAILY. - M of . ( at . T"gy,"are concerned, the lo~atioti( Q T Tnl l 'P is imaterial, and theY are declar- GREAT F1I JAf i~11CI\I $ALF ig that the offer shoulsd be accepted WE WILL FOR THE NEXT FOUR WEEKS blshed tinily (Sundays excepted) duringM at once. The authorities caslflbe Offer five tons of paper of all kinds to lie sold by the pounid at regular the cotilee et-, byt (slepenhledttlponi, towever, to dlo what \1Lill rates. Try ouir CrownsImtperiatlLinesn at 2.5 rents per E U. OF M. INDEPENDENT AhSOCIATION, is hest ins the utatter. l potund. -Bonds Paper, Thesis, and ltypeweriter Ptaper at --++--- -Great Blargaints. Etivelopes to msatcht all papuers The Pilgrims' Home in Holland. at greatly redtired rates. Susitton jetpricer V,501per 3year, invariably advanctte. single etles 3 cests. on sale at .Anvthtinug cou)cerlintg tltelPilgrittm- eefa' edPost (fficer te~sssstd story btesi laso sscet sic-~ TwTST n..:sts .,.t tt is . ._.Sl ....t,., F th rsisatts f nerst stic- slitS tiY B© = S T-j _5 C E in, tihe seftsit the idiiee of it theDILY e ra seHouse idoek, sit Shechan'ts, it stoidiet's, or Wotith sny Oft the esditotrs. Cosuicaetios sho i iuldi relhthestiriser by lit A. ti. it they sire tssapperte sa tatt y0. Address tall mtter instetnded tsor pahlicatison is tir Manatgitng Editore. All bussinsess n]n- tetitiosouttltli e sent i tr ttBsintess Muic aiger. Rtepostasll nelierstsste paritfCrriers ts she City Circuo r . . ii tNeiil. THE U. of M. DAILY, Ann Arbor, Mitch. EDITORS. W. E. GIFINe , '91 ,Maninigii Ediitore. H. Mi. Itusoss,., 'li, Assist. Mantaginig Editore. A. W, Tiissis~si.'5i, Assist. MIaniagingEditor. E. o. HOLLA,i',BinesitiisManasger. Wi. 11. tixisiss., 'Att, Assist. hitsissessNMange. t. .i'DOUGHY, '0 , 5 iiiisttsneisi la't. .1. C.Ti4Nsets, 1t5.i 5nesIT MA. '3. l E.11,. MASNti, hi. C5. i iissKEsTti4. The stotiditittnal toffer if fittunun Isy the Anti Arlitir real estate steal- eys tto the "gvym"ifutndl tas createdl a stir amonilg thte ststdenuts. It is looskesd upston as a real estate slices- latioti, (If course, butt all tither thtings binig ettualthtat shiottldoltndseter thte seniate commutiittee frtotm accept- tug, the tiffer. Althoutsght$20,non is a very large sunth if monetiy, atnd ovouldl le most acceptabile, it is a quoestitonwetther thte locatioin of the igyn" is suit of moisre imtportasice. If the authorities are of the opisniton that the gymnsasiumo osill lie of as muh hetf t to thei ostdents if ally :t 1 litse if li it s 1o oe tif ~ ~ S Puritani atnitestotrs. The Unital~riain chusrcht osas woeliltilled Situday eveni- s x lug to tear Rev'. - . IT. Sundoerland's lectutre tnt-TileIHlttme softhe IPil- grinm Fatthers in I-Isollanid." Wie give a fete Ioinits mntioned AND THlE in the teeturer. Holland is a uniquec .D INS C R cotuntry. Lyuig at it sdnes, belosw the ji~ii IIN~S JJL level of the sell, it has lien nearly all swrested front the oceani, by a per- YUI IT , C7. sev-eringaFisndtartly people. Fashiotn, is- EVE, fectedl HIollandi less thtaniatiy other colutry if Europe. L~eyden, the homite uif the Ptilgrimns for eleven sears, is tie seat osf a great uiniver- sity, siche at stie timhe conttaitned twot thouttsands studoents. 'his usi- versityc tas alwys beets the mtisst asd- saltsed osf isisyiiEsirope its freedomut itt reliogiios thoughylt . .lsoi Leydlen wsas thte scenue tf a lutst hieroircode- fetise agaist thle Spantiardls ini the slayssif Williamt of Orcange. Such a city, muasde liltsf such Ipeopile, wvas a fit schoostl fotr the tease Itando that owas slestineteoible the foiundoers if a great coutry beysondi the sea. Anid it is tot le tnoteid that the Ptilgritts woo canto'fromti IIollandolnicer stooped to the religiious lpersecultioni of whticht the later lutritasswere somseties BUSINESS LOCALS. loceatedl ini ticadjotininug the athletic Washburnetndr u theritistGuitarss.betti- fieldl at thu fottof State street is it nt SI tswsit, Bltyd+tute Banjoiss. Criine ' Wtthiiirstt'.IlayState atndl tther Musts wvould il iithe camiputs, thueni te$2,Sn,- dinhes. Nitsisshdyo sits sieil" nun sffer still lie closedls-ituitne- gititis. iileeo siftenil-hs gososis. o issitutoits sssisiiuhut-lrer s gsUsritee diately.- '[le gentlemiein Imakuing tis suctsli, This very ststslisigs, satns liberal siffer, ore sliupose, itendiuhtIn10 ets. Vi I tss ,Mu'sscS titi, secrethe~" ~co fomAlvisn Wissey, Solhe lProph. seclro tus annn I siloturces 3Sot th 1uAvoe-.Ans Arbotr wichietcastte lotokedl tos by the hFtr KIti-i. 1 hosirahile suite if frot stuudeints for conitribultionus.Ilust is, trooms, $2.i) petri-ek. Nit. 2I Eatt Vilhiait iSt. tileyowillhot sraw fromtutthose wovhs hoard-si Iiteto 0 bsoaihtiurders. 21 in any evenut, ituente tittibute to last Williams Strest. the 11gym "fundus. Ifthe -ymnss P('ille ottStaffloirdlwhlessyou waist Isincee Albert ttr Dress Suit. iumn i to bte iuder the conitrol of a Stafftortd is shtooinisg ltundredls of dif- puhyscal sdirectsir, anut classes in feresit styles inTsJroserinigs frost $5.00 pthyical culture lie organuizedl for upwardneis. tile c-ens a one1 as tle mal Ii's isis s ti lois huj, viz.: A big the"c-ed" s wllas hema ecleasrinlgostsatle of gusitas, hbanjos, stutdentts, there is mnctoebe Issaith itn mandlinshi, flutes, utitileveryting in tile line of nmusiecal merehanssdise. See favor of a cantpus locatioss. On the goods; get Iprices, at Wilseys, 25 Southt other hlandl, the Regents ntay thtink Fourth street, Attn Arbior Miehs. thle spacte ott the cantpus too valll- Coal andwooid at Jusdson's, State St. absle to bse utilizeid for a puirpose Gotl .B alfrca.aths ti0e at It, 0. Barber Shtop. wnhich, actirdinig to the Michigan Mell Gillespie, Teaciter of Guitar, idlea, is not connsectedl witht a meal Banijo and Mantdolin at Clement's, ulniversity educationt. As far as thte Tvo suites of roomssulsely furnishes, prices reasonable; hoard if desired. athuletes sue habitulal users of the 37 Eatst Cathterinte Street. "THE BEST.~ Se-venteeni teachers. Botard with Furnishedi toomn2.2 pitler twrch, Circuars span appi- eatin. P. R. CLEARY, President. James W. Brine, 10usandl1itHarsvardsRow.than, brsiditege, Muss. Hardul.Prineehtniadiiveursal tCol- leeosutftteirecan be fuaats BURLEIGH & JOLLY, .'si SHSTEST, ON OR ABOUT JANUARY 5th, toot, w it ulllt inefSiti oirtingaindiAtttt'teOti lts Is, Basebarltul ad T'enits oods itspeilto it thke aio-dersfrIesam-et MACKINTOSH COATS. Dii not place yiitrt sitdee tor goounsssstil yost have exainedis- thus lists, N. listleigh &tolysae-thisonlituthrz ed aguests its AiltsArborsfr s-Jissmes 1'it.hnise, D..L. DOWD'S HEALTH EXERCISER For Brain-Workers & Sedentary People- Outlttlent, Lusslus, sYo itsth AthleteorcInsvalid. A comiiiite W oussnasijaus. 'fhkesupsu n V00sqsae fotoosts, sientfc Indoesedlbsoo 3ysss i~aass liii suet, Clegyen, edo rs.ut thr no sing it. Sendhfrneldjiru Tt;sli . la rg aois rg's; nit ctuarge. Po.D I.. DowdsSil cientific 'histit uand VocatOurhte, o Halt4thi st., Nt-\v fost, 71 Fort St., West, - Detroit ih PHlOTOGIRAPllER -NO. 12 W. HIURON ST. Grand . Opera House, ONE NIGHT ONLY. Wednesday Eve., Jan. 21, 1891, SEATS NOWV ON SALE. 1IGHIG I G ENT . The litsaaa Falls Route. CENTRAL STANDARD TINVB a r c.I = a el, I~x W I nti I 5 ~ 01 Si'a; oc~~c w i! cr ya Icl-- +C " O jIc ti"+ Is c .0 s. 05G 5ti. 101 tttaily. *Ssndaiy exceted 0. W U 15GLES, H.W. A V]4-'or G. P. &T.tA. Chicago. Ag't Anna. t Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan Railway. Time Table going linoeffect, Manday. Nov' Going North. eTATIONS. GBang Snh 6.t o3 i Man. Cll'te .Cud. Shinedned Tsie. C re t $%p Eats. lEaxu. Mauttxp .TO ZLEDO. j ti 110l1 1. 4 0 t6u1tMonre s Jsct'e 12 5105' . 4 oJ 647 ...Dndee. tilt 16 10 . 4 5li708 . Milan.. 11157 10 4 557 7....,Pittsfield .11 37 slt-.. 5 0 7 1,..ANARBiOR 11- 9-1- tot :5. Lelaed's... it1' 9va- ....5 SAistoWhuimoetake 11 00 855~ 7 5 0i.Duand...5 0721 7i56 b 0ts.Cone.... 563 8s1,s1 20.Ithawoab.....955 6 li21 0 . .taa.... 4'51t 2 15 .St. iLnuie.... 185 0 A.M 9 5 t1ll453...... Alma...ls3 7 eOi1t1ts1 5 t.,,Mt. Peasant.... 645 4 1t 8t11 7 I5OI...,, ....Faewell..... t.32360 it2l335...Cdllac....... 8S0 01 11 ...520..Copors .. '4 1140 47 0....Mesantema.... .. I ta t 30... 6 5 eza.1et Saginaw IDI'viSioll. Going North SAnTINSn. Going PA Pas Pan. Pace' .!" Prn'-sn.. , . Ly.l [rlAe. - . -9n ben7... 7 ti ..AnnAsrbore.. 1il25 1' Q8 713,5........ 9 4,,.--Duand-...905-"'6 4 S 71 ....... 10 07 .....i'Plminag.. 843 -"'' 6 e 45j ii q5'.REst Sgianw.8.10 H. W. ASHLEY. '- A. J, PAIS9'EX Si; Suerintendent. GBee. Pass g BED. It. BAILEWOOD. Loaa Arent-