ThE U CE' M. DAILY DINING AND) LUNCH ROOM, 48 SOUTH STATE STREET. First class board, $2.50 per wek. Lunches at all hours. Oysters in every style. Fine line of Confections, Cigars, etc. NEW BOOK STORES, NOBLE, ThE ---IS OFFERING- Clothier, pecial aaeu®zUnderwer BLACK UNDERWEAR AT $1.50 $2.00 AND c3.00. BARGAINS IN UNDERWEAR AT 7tc AND 9SC. 6 South Mairq Street. 44 South State Street, UNIVERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, - -- ,- G- H.-WILD, Medical Books, Law Books, BLANK is, Act KINDs, AZ All jiooks used in City Schools. Students Note Books and Pads, Draft- Is showing the Largest Stock of Full Dress Suitings in the market. Complete Line of Sporting Goods. ing Instruments. All the la at shades and novelties in irouserings and Ovc oastings.1FinceNVests san he had of Large Stock of Fountain Pens. A Warranted Fountain Pen (Gold) for $1.50. No. 2 E. Washington St., near Main. G. H JAMES M, STAFFORD, THE LARGEST STOCK, 3Bu1]SSDR PIEC.031 JAMES M STAFFOD, p o* u n irvvT ?. i IIIAiwr Wnll E-1-11 TAILOR I:4 [R The best place to get a mgs1 ; + +AS6 -+61N; MADE TO ORDER LATEST STYLES MODERATE PRICES, 19 SOUTH MAIN ST.. ANN ARBOR, - - - MICH. The Flower Mission. There is an organization among the ladies of the University, which because of the good work it is doing deserves to be generally better known than it is at present. This is the Flower Mission. In its organi- zation it is entirely informal, all the girls of the University being suppos- ed to take part in it. It originated last year under the leadership of Miss Lane, and at present Miss Szold has charge of the work. The object of the Mission is to cheer up the patieints in the Univer- sity hospital. Every Saturday a committee of three girls visit the hospital, and spend some time in reading and talking to the patients. Also they take papers, and in their season, flowers to the sick people. In this the girls are sometimes aided by the ladies of the city. The Mission has placed a number of boxes about the University, and will be thankful to anyone Whso may dropbcontributions into them. And anyone feeling disposed to do. this may be sure that good use will be made of his money. bI EATELI VARILT I LUWLSTIC f On LAMPS, in this city. You will save money by buying of us. Our "RED STAR " OIL has no equal, burns without odor, or charring of wick and gives a clear white light. Sold at 10 cents per gallon, delivered to any part of the city. 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. PEAN & Ca. -I THE CAMPUS. Onward to the gymnasium. A "subscriber" wishes to know why the large chandelier in the library is not lighted in the evening, as it is impossible to read on the first two or three rows of seats. In Harvard's total summary of 2,2o, 950 are studying Technology. A cane-rush at Columbia, last 'uesday, was fiercely contested. Victory was claimed by both Soplio- mores and Freshmen. The first choice of seats for the Yale Glee Club Concert sold for $40 and the cost did not fall below $25 until 22 choices had been sold. A dental student asserts that he conies from a village in Wales which has the following name: Ilanfairpw- llgwyngyllgosespwlltrobwlldisiliogo- gogoch. He further states that this name by virtue of its derivition, sig- nifies many of the characteristics and historical events of the village. A suggestion would naturally present itself to students studying the his- tory of that period. This word might be a mine of information; all that is necessary is a great deal of digging. Dr. Taft, of the Dental depart- ment, went to Chicago last Friday night and from there to Washington, Id. C., to make arrangements for an International Dental Meeting to be held. in Chicago during the time of the Columbian Exposition in 11893, The class in wood work in the Mechanical Laboratory are making patterns for the new wood-planer, which will be manufactured by the students in the near future, for use in the Laboratory. Higley, '91, lit, lost his pocket- book in chapel Sunday. Hooker, '91, law, wasiin Charlotte yesterday. A literary society is being or- ganized in the dental department. The new society is negotiating for the use of Alpha Nu hall. The recent speech of Senator In- galls in the Senate has aroused much interest among the students, as is shown by the repeated calls at the library, for the number of the Con- gressional Record in which it is printed. The Technic board was organized last evening, as follows. R. P. La- mont, chairman and managing edi- tor; D. B. Cheever, business man- ager; R. L. Sacket, secretary. The '92 dents petitioned their faculty to have their library open one night in the week. It was granted. Harvard has a freshman glee club of 24 members, who are prac- ticing twice a week. They also have a prosperous'banjo club. Why can- not our freshmen do likewise? It would not only be a great source of pleasure to the University as a woole and themselves, but the best kind of a feeder for our University clubs. WM. ARNOLD WATCHMAKER AND JEWEL 36 MAIN STREET, oh Special attention paid to repairing Wa ssd Jieseiry. -' M, W .BLAKE, 4 PICTU RESFRAMES, A ART GOODS. 10 west Bhr5 FERDON LUMBER YARD. Manufacturer of and dealer in SAGINAWGANG SAWED LUM' Cor. Fourth and Depot sn. - J. HALLER 46 SOTH MAIN ST. Repairing a specialty. O. M.MARTIN, DEALER INMtfl Cloth Caskets, AND COMMON COFFINS J. A. POLHEMUS. - LTTME ALSO 'BUS HACK AND BAGGAG5 ' North Main Street. RINSEY & SEABOLT, Bakers and dealers in d feed, Groceries, ProvisionsFlour an SandSE. washington St. JOHN WOTZKE, Maker of fine 0, LADIES' and GENTSS' 010 iepairing neaty done. Ci S-Main St..- GRANGER'S - ACADEMY OF DANCING, Opposite Law Building' Pupis wil be received at any tim0di the seao. 22 E. HURON STREET ANN ARBOR, MIC1. 3H EkhI M~hIE SPECIMENS AND CURIOSITI OF ALL KINDS. SPECIMENS FOR STUD Cheap Collections a SpecisltY FamousSatan Spar and oterdip Shell Jewelry and NoVS always in Stock.