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January 20, 1891 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-01-20

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'1f ofPutlshed iyit (Sundays nxcptd) duringi
the Clleg er, by
iubeititnice $t' 2,5te yarinvriabl
in advune.. Sntgle pies 3 cents.ontsalue'at
Shusiin 'uanut lst Oisuso ine".stand every
eveningtt 0 u'etusk. Sbscrip tinmay be
leftt its fices Oftthe DAInY, 0psrsii
blck, att Shehanti's, tit Stlie's, uwth abnuy
ithe fitstitus.
Comun nicuatns so F ulrehthlbsoffice by
10 A. Ti. it thy anitoliappear 55the sumesday.
Anddrestll mater itendelforsjttblistatinto i
the Mnuging lEttiotr. Alt buiusscsmnunu-
iatons shuldustntito iisteBiuisst Mn
ags r.
Retput allneglect ointtrttfCarrisutu
lbs City Cicultortt, . I. tiNli.
Ann Arbr, Mih.
W. .R(tuINi, 't, Mngitg Eitr.
H. I. ttuzzi,.'S, Asist..Miiiigiig Etorus
A. W. Tussiiii.'l, Assist. Mnging Edior.
E. i. HOLAtiiND, '2, Biusiness Mng.
W. It, tNirtit., 'Ott.Assit. lusss n'g.
IR, Wt. iDOtUTY,'!"';,Asist. Iunsis b n'g.
E. lu Doc ut v':. 1' . XIi tt tsat c, 'S.
RALH 9'A)7; '9. ], i'. SuususMli.
J.CTAit s't'tt..2. I.. GSoi4t it sAsi. 'no.
E.L. MA.SttN, 93. s. ii'. iiTiSir, '.
A .fess ttyorsl ttatnot be ou tttoif
footttbtll cat atinsfte ext year. Th
e.lecitin as alreaty ben too long
tefe..rred. It wtas stpposedltat te
withtd~rawal o ChIadbourtetwoutlsre-
sult in theu snanitmious eletioin if
Tlraine.r. tttnews andidates keep
c'omiing forwtardl ttitil ee eit ni whtlo
wtere suspentdeilfromth ~e eleten last
fall for refutsal to kep traininig rules
veittttre to pkitS in their claits. It
tiay be st'll1 tirrsnidithe players
entitled tsi vote that if we are to do
anythingp in foot-ball next fall, all
funtuetal jealosies nitst e btriei,
all persontalpreittdices lai( asie
aitil hardls'orik be idttte tider te
captainicysitfte mattnlwhoti will dot
thtehtartest work inself, ittdeselo-
ungotnd trainiiiitplayers
'Tereftre te tttattsoltdtttbIe
c'htosettwhit tas exetutie tilit,
ww sil11 work thri i footttball,
whethter lie works mu tchi st little ii
college, woo w ttts sst te exiett
ctes atttd iecessities of athleticsIere
antI whtoiknows iie cait before iext
fall, learin the most aott fost-all
as playes thie East and the East-
ennmethodst of traiing. Let the
office seek the mna, not tec nan he
We ake pleasure in announcing
that the U. of N1. Glee Club has
kindly conented o render several
selections at the tmindreading" en-
tertainmnent to e given by Dr.
Gatchill at Unversity Hall, next
Saturday evening.
Tappan Guild Training Courne.
ITe Tappian Association for theti. E T LAL.~n~e
Presbvsterian studtents in the Univttt- WE W ILL FOR TliE NEXT FOUR WEEKS 0t
sity' tas idesidet Sivte a short serets(Oifer five toils of paper sif all kindlstiolie soldbhy thte poundti at refua
tif lec'tttees ot Stnttilav eiius thtis M~lill rates. They oter('rownisImiiperial ILinein at 2 5 cs''tS per
seastott, bepiiniingp Jantuary 2 5 in te Itbond. lontdlaperThtesis, antdlTypewr'iter Papter at
Ire.sbteriati cltttcltit ttttte GreetS U reat Bargaits. Euveloies tiotiatchilttlIpaptees
ltttttks. 'Te dates, sttbjec'ts tail at greatly redutc.ed rates.
letutte'rs are as fslltsus: C~z& OO_.
Ianey rv2 tlt, "' Idilus' ChtuttrIh"tUNtI' 7' I.SI'YW" 7 ST.A..'I'E
II Istory 'by Rev.J. 1 '. Ditti (t.= SiMffIA "
reletars' 3t, ' '.\ttpttstite's (o -_____________
fessitits,''bIt ev. it. <). leost'isoii. "The ffiagara Falls RnslO"
Februtary 22nitd, t1AIvenipis' l1tti-
C 3P S ' ETA TNAD tatitiniof Christ," by R~ev. J. st. .RLSANADTM
Banrkley.an n s uO
AND THE = 0 insao
MaIc 8el tit, PIlatots th edobly,.-
Ret'. J. M. Gelsttit. flARY u 1h11'f' S t 5
Mat'iei' thtD'(ante's DIJIIIIMJKJ nkn
Coniesia,'' by' IHowtardlDufieldi, ID. j ~ ~
March 29thi, "C(alvin's Institutes,'' Isa
biy Ret'. R. J.Service. 5"'a"HE ES in I I5 d
April 5thi, "Rutnyai ssPilgrinm's I io.,s/ - . G G'sr
lirispress," by Geo. F. Hutintg, ID.Seventstnheen ahr. Board with Furnishedi r
I.o V.eu25"Utit's eh. Circultis tiiupo pleit u (_ E n E
A~ei aitt,"ieNes upanl P. R. CLEARY, President a Mr0 o- '
lteiteeby' Wallace Radceliffe, I)._______________________-
I). James W. Brine,:h:M o
Re. Wa \'llac.e hRadcliliffe, te presi-
a s'cttte oftrtaittittg inottedoctritte,
hiisttry attsl teltodls, swhicht sill it
its studen.'its fore ptactical aninittelli-
pelt secrvice inth leir ltoiiie ichiirchi ir
fsir professisonal sttuly ini te thteo-
liigical seminitary'. 'the tcltenie is
tnit yet fttlly' mitutedi nor coulsd it
be ltopefttlly peesentedl till She cimi-
pletiot of :SI v'Millaii IHall. 'T'he
stock thtis wtintee, as intth~e lpast,
nitst lie exlpeeimiental andittl ria-
'The canvassers are telling a great
manty' tickets fore She Apiplebee lee-
tres to be giveit at thle I..nity' club inext
steek. "etittithte tresetoutloottk
te hottse ttill lit.'oi'edttil'l. It still
hoe pleastueable antI ptoitable to
htear tltese lecttttes.
tot enitt. ltesiresusilit offrotit
roomtus, $2.50 pleswe'ek. iNst. 24 ELast
BoardI ititsil to 21) loardiieirs. 21
East Williat tr eet.
PtriieAlbtert orDrests Snuit.
Sttaffordt is shiotwig hiundr'es of dif-
ferenit stylus ini Trouiseritngs fromt $5.00
WC', Mitis ut tvIhhis ti-g, vie.: A. big
clearingi out sate of guitars, batnjos,
muantiolins, ftutes, andiu everytiitg itt
thte line of musical tmerclhanidise. See
goods; get prices, at Wilsey's, 25 Southt
Fourtht street, Ann Arbor Miclt.
Coat and wood at Judson's, State St.
Go to E. B. Hall for coal.
Blaths 10c at P. 0. Barber Shop.
Melt Gillespie, Teacher of Guitar,
Banjo and Mandolin at Clement's.
Two suites of rooms nisely furnished,
prices reasonable; hoard if desired.
37 East Catherine Street.
ts;;totitier stiltbits I titit t
26 SouTI'uuSsA.nST.
Batsn-biltl attd Tennui s Goouds it speisalty' 'it
Spinitgttiand umersetitnssreparei
Istlt'keisorders rthe smtt
Dott atiittyot u o serfos gootdss uitiltyou
have.e'niieit' this lint,
Nd.It. Itiuttigh & tioity aru the ons ut'', ttis
ed agents iniAttn Asrsos fits James It.Itrinis
Fir Btain-Workers & Stettary Peopl
Genstttis, Ltadics, Yuthbs; te
squar fo ro m, nCNVTu scietiic
Indorseudtty s2,tt)ootittcln~
tittsuseliuji. Fedosstt
Grandd'OperaH' ue
WednCutedo a Eve1s., JNwr.18 ,
G t
I{ I, l .1 5,,
G.P s-TA hiag. Agt n ~
Toledo, Ann Arbor and_.N ON
Michigan Railway., ,
Time Table going itotaseet, Itond .a'
Going Norih. STATONS. Gonguig
Stane 21Cad. Standard TimetClise ldad $z,
..... o600...... ToLEDO....... 1 16 0 I .
4 2 6 411 MnrecJtusntn 12=',02
47........Duntdes.,....1 r
.... 1 710S............S ilaun 11 6^:.. 0
45 7 27 ....Ptntseld....113 .2,
t 5 0 7401-ANN ARBIOR 11t5 10 it
5 2 55 1 !....... Lcl~und's.... I1 1: ' y ."'
5 39 8 i6Whtitoe Lakesii 50 its
... 550 8 15 ......tiHamturge...I10 6l ,7t "
6 25 5 1... Howell ...... 1021 t
7iuS...... '3tu9t40 .. rn....918
7 l5 1 t05 ......ortnn.. .... 9 o i'
9a1'2ii1a30........ Ithaca........ 7 1' 5 " ' 0
9527 1it50i, ...S.i.t.nois...... 72 5 "8
7 W 10t13 I 25...Mt. Pleant.... 6(V4j, 8
7os0inut... t5.....Farwel........ 1 4 6
755co..t...... .F20 aetteli.....-.'' tin1
tI2 2i......7.005...Maspnite...- --''' g0
1401. 5 . BOuehan.... 101 II
Sagrinaw DivISiOO'1
osing Nirth SANcS. oineg
. .....m . LY. tAr. A.M"'i",ii
6 5 ..'. 7 40:AnnuArbor..itt2'
471 ...t ) t7.Fl. 'ushing. .
44 11105 Esitnagtnaw..$'to
'$..W.' ASHLEY, A. T. FAStxX ol
8saerntmade. L 0.ao&5
GEaO. 1. HAZLEWOOD. L4Woc 612

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