T-E : DAILY DINING AN!) LUNCH ROOM, 48 SOUTH STATE STREET. First class board, $2.50 per weer. Lunches at all hours. Oysters in every style. Fine line of Confections, Cigars, etc. NEW BOOK STORES, 6 South Mair Street. 44 South State Street, UNIVERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, S r, r, -- - E R Medical Books, Law Books, BLANK BooKs, ALL KINDS, All Books used in City Schools. Students Note Books and Pads, Draft- Complete Line of Sporting Goods. ing Instruments. Large Stock of Fountain Pens. A Warranted Fountain Pen (Gold) for $1.50. NOBLE, The Clothier, -IS OFFERING- JAMES M. STAFFORD, TAILOR :IM4 RR The best place to get a fIgS ± +QXASos + 81i MADE TO ORDER LATEST' STYLES .Aua 0 MODERATE PRICES. 19 SOUTH MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR,- - - MICH. COMMUNICATION. Faculty Announcement. An' additional two-hours elective in German will be given the next semester on Lessing's "lHamburg- ishe Dramaturgie." The hours will be arranged later on with the in- structor. MAX WINKLER. Ed. U. of M. DAILY:-Is it not possible to have some larger room than Room 24 for Dr. Winchell's lectures on Evolution? There were certainly enough turned away from the lecture on Thursday evening to have filled Room 24 two or three times. The subject is one of un- usual interest, and the culture value alone of the course is sufficient to warrant the authorities in securing better facilities for hearing it. , SENIOR. THE LARGI GREATEST VARIETY On LAMPS, in this city. You wil RED STAR " OIL hasno e charring of wick and g Sold at 10 cents per gallon, delivere 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. THE CAMPUS. Freshman Pres. Loeb is confined to his home on account of sickness. C. W. Heywood's illness was more serious than at first supposed. His mother was telegraphed for and ar- rived here late Saturday evening. lie is now out of danger. 13. W. Trafford, '93, full-back on the Harvard foot-ball team in '89 and '90, has been chosen captain for next year. Trafford is also a base- ball player, having held the position sf first base on the Harvard nine last year. Courtney has been secured as coach for the Cornell crews. Johnson, who played left-tackle in the U. of M.-Cornell game, has been elected captain of the Cornell foot-ball team for next year. The catalogue of Northwestern University, will soon appear. The following is the summary of students: Literary department, 297: School of Oratory, 73; Conservatory of Music, 187; College of Music, 240; College of Law, 145; College of Pharmacy, 273; College of Dentistry, 30; Pre- paratory school, 671; Theological school, 208; Total, 1,914. It will be seen from this that a large part of the attendance is in the Musical and preparatory departments. The Glee Club gives an entertain- ment at Ypsilanti soon. Their first appearance in public this year should be liberally patronized by Ann Arbor students. peciaI VlueusUnderwedP BLACK UNDERWEAR AT $1.50, $2.00 AND 43.00. 'IARGAINS IN UNIDEIIWEARI AT 70)c ADDP9 G. H. WILD Is showing the Largest Stock of Full Dress Suitings in the market. All the latest shades and novelties in Trouserings and Overcoatings. Fine Vests can be had of No. 2 E. Washington St., near Main. G.-i. EST STOCK, LU3UTLNES DIRCTO' d LOWEST.PRICES WM. ARNOLD WATCHMAKER AND JEWELE~ 1 save money by buying of us. Our W 36MAINSTREET equal, burns without odor, or aifeaI attention paid to repairing W yues a clear white light. M. W - BLAKE d to any part of the city. PICTURES, FRAMES, A PEAN £ & O. ART GOODS. 10West FERDON LUMBER YARD. Mr. Hinch's class in "Goetz Von Manufacturer of and dealerin d Berlichingen" finishes the play to- SAGINAWGANG SAWED1LUN00 msorrow. A review will then follow. Cor. Fourth and Depot Sts George Bancroft, the great histor- J. HALLER ian, died on the 17th, at his home 46 SOUTHi MAIN sST. in Washington, at the advanced age Repairing aspecialty. of 90 years. O. M.MARTIN, Rutgers has made gymnasiun DEClotI C kt work compulsory upon the two low- AND COMMON COFFINS. er classes. J. A. POLHEMUS, The late Mrs. S. L. Bradley divides . T _ -V'-M. I - her estate between Hamilton Col- ALSO 'BUS HACK AND BAGGiAOS LI legs and Auburn Sensinary. NrhMi tet The sophomore class has the RINSEY & SEABOLT, Bakers and dealers in largest representation in the athletic Groceries, ProvisionsFour ana management of any of the classes. S and sOE. washington St- The late Dr. Dexter bequeathed JOHN WOTZKE, his library consisting of several Makerof lie thosan voume toYal. LADIES' and GET ' . thousand volumes to Yale. nRepairingneatly done. 43 Sa0nK Philips Exeter Academy has an attendance of 356. The tuition has GRANGER'S been raised from $66 to $77. - ACADEMY OF DANCING? Cornell has only 18 candidates for opposite Law BuiidiI' her crew. Pupils will be received at any time du C. H. Angell, '92 medic, is at theneason. Grand Havenattending his brother's wedding. S LLAS M I T J. A. Keating, '94 lit, went to 22 E. HURON STREET, Hillsdale Saturday. ANN Aanot, MI More than five hundred people went to Ypsilanti yesterday via the HFE M °^l street railway. If this road con-!S . SPECIMENS AND CURIOSITI tinues to do as prosperous a business as it has done in the Ilast few days OF ALL KINDS. its financial success is assured. SPECIMENS FOR STUDENS The boards are open to-morrow Cheap Collections a specialty- for the coming lecture, "A Chapter pe " from the History of Liberty," by F. FamousSatanspar and other mis W. Gunsaulus. always in Stock.