THE U. OF M. DAILY ]pm4 O F ~ L Of Old U. of M. should have a T T W University of MichiganGutr 11 /Prices loswest, Quality highest. Guaranteed~ every inch of the road. 25 PER CENT SAVE, Violin anid CGuitar Strings, 1ll ets.; Btanjo and Mandolin Strings, icts. Eveorythiing in plroposrtiont. 4'. s TSTI 2 L l .:TOC ___ unent, ALLENITPIGLL PIAlNO & OLGAI 00. (rll vv OAS ADDy $U1($ AT ONTE-FOU RTH 0 F - ALL (GLOYES. ALL UN I )EIZWEAII 'Atesd this Sale, fora fews dasyss oilsy . iinie at once, dton 'tdeiay. AT THE TWO SAMS. ",,,,,_ L. _13 L T 41l ArijOr S1DuII1LRllllry. VOORHEIS & ITS 13EST, WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST. TAILORS, 4CALLED [-OR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. SPE~"5CIAL IRATEoso oTliDETs -23 South Fourth Ave. -Z L ND~E S TiRASJE AT BROWN'S DRUG STORE COR-NEli MAIN AND IlUTTON STREETS. LAIRGEST STOCKS OrTOILET GOODS AND) PINE (IGARS, TOBnACCO.AN'D CIGARErTTE', IN TOE CITY. Lxainte sour new stoc~k if C'NDIRNWI:AR, IHALF HO1(SE,1FULL DRE SS SI-AR'TS, & NJCI TIES Btefore pttecha'sng elsehere. FERGUSON & SLATING, WAH's OOKSTOEDOWNTON W vr H ' BO Kn ST R9Student will save money hy hoytug Uniersity Text-Bouoks lanl all supps~lie's atfl leadqnuarters. We allow special discoutonL(t AW BIOOKS, MED~ICAL 1001(, I)1EN''l h OOKS, in shortI every Boonk tistin tttIih 'Univer1sity. 50001 Blantk Books ill loswest prices. . + h.E1AItN(S 1O0K STORtEIN TH~E CITY. ALL 11 rT' TTSTTTTTI7Q1 TT -r IOpposition to -Harvard's Three It wsilli e eele viscisircitthat last e arso v hesnii thec majoritiyvo teIliar- vaird Ificutii proseiuti tol ii shiirtein OF ALL KIN DSIAT the Overseers refused totciiiciir in J ACO S C .1,itiformiatiotn. Accord~intgly twotre- 27 ANj 29 MrAIN ST. tports lhtte been sent ini, a major- L. GRUN ER. itv report ini favor sot the three year Q -D e a l corse antI usminritiivivrepsort front k5lalli No. 8 SouthiMititt strset. suoie 30otiettibers of the faculty. A - '2ttdte NTtyand Protrl. Straght nj lars if She tinoirrity repsort is utt- p iendedhasit witlI le foundl So contain5 Ci GA RETTE ssomse good objectionustite chtange. ('5uu' io sti~ Sot "Otur i rst tnt strongtest iobjectioni Cifitt it Si)noSite whot ' mre hantheprce o Kte panis, thtiwie btiev ie thti eagdwti e ot'iii it wll iettail v lowier te standiardt T11S5 5AD uptitoti o tsrosrt-cd, e Itlt t, t c s tgt (ittttitt' carus unt eI catih iorvere i te taet t 5A j t ttttt t itet'hte lc i tt S i iiit e b a h l r' e re . 'F e m a l s ~>'tzlc lI te ttfi orc ic lt ii t. t ,rcl,1i Savny ringhs iBankeol'dSt li ti sewoilatItile st) b ye- itth t j~ tt t t OEc, I r i tt I ttttk ts ftit' ed"r l it y' ft e it s t t r e a se fC t > rh te lttitto ')ttco o..tttsattl} I rt' 5st' _ ticP moos., ir it istoi us ctes it mtrcs AAA Iai ie001. sI ouarsloni amid hSo a l e o rd i Ar ti . I ital stckX0is.('sI i r plle OARGU v-stttedcttsegrte isecotdenk Otti 7'ilietheGnrl akn I t ut eeih orotn ht ellse1)ceh rtutt. tteun ~"s 'eitlts, yadg alld byourtpovn fee ct, e v Rltves not yst i si t polr hl ecoreahed aanychhigof u Q1 i e 1sT OW A ndMAK oldes , lrg pad sho as leadescan Affordcto w0 or hlcl, vood s, iland lror standt ardineeduwedcan- THJ.E. arknS', wiEtot oercsitnwthu svedisnk , jjo3 Pcred It.s ee efogte ht 'The presetseiit ar vii Ina Ifircit tie satid toretiresit thent ani schtolarsiplswhicit I al otCollegte liastitadle situe:o' 86o; andtithSits year islhut tie itlist l41mant te fitof te tong atit iilsoitto 1huiitichs we hastwsyticiim itbet. outr stuttetits ouldtt foirmftwtoiisdistinttS sets -ttttse wosiitsoutldi comptlress Stree atiti a half yeatrso'trk ito 1three y eatri, saitthose si-itt w-tutit sipreadthiiree atush a lf otver foutr yeutrs. As both sets sttilitbtiaulutilt 1ini tesamtechisses there scoulidt te noi accommodattuionttti titl' sevens' i f te courses ito etiter.'The tie- tsire ltoIto three utitdla half yeaurs'I 1 work its three yeuars soisilt1 tenditoSi encou truigetheicho issce of s 5tdies "'Itivwotil l ilsoit sats' -trite ut tei colleg~e is sitois' asked Ifirlit'e firsi S im stoiii st otill partiof its hest euttit utiisntioitregaintsiSuite ichhits teens swsrse thsati sastedlit inte iower sc'httols, st-ilthIeSreOts n ittotf anty attetisist to strike at te real caiuse of ittr tdelays itt edutcation. We feel, itndeed, thtat Ste conse- qiuences of the prsoposed step would he so montentous ho the welfare of this andI other colleges, and to the whole community, that it ought not to he taken without the hearty and almost unanimosts concurrence of all the hoards which have the fate of 1Harvard College in their hands.' MI[N ' IUSICIOUSE, E7 Moonroe Ofivo., Dec' flubch1a 'Thet'Lt glet lttitttiltMttttn iseH uei te State. Ag'ntt sfo Situttit. 55uuttsotu Brt n otnt d utitlttarySt tuitrs, andit osi te w-Oto tot atnd touo It utei3njs. Besot Stittgsi h Wtorl sttbitt 01tlayadrssttt5c.t Tied, DrepS 'hirfp, Patent ]leather Shoes. GOODSPEED* FINE FHOTOGRAFHS) Millinery and Art Goodo. li0i EastHuontiSt. BENEFIT 01'THE cn istgofitDissettttion to GHOT AND) AN hIIlt OIATION OItsTHE In whichlietwtillrepeattbefore thic attBenc ,cthe feats mlftvttshintt ontIringti Bishop and other famos Mtnd'Jeadeoo." U315ICERSITY -- HALL, SATURDAY EVENING. JAN. 24. ADM1SION, foGCENTS. IFINE: JOB PRINTING. Its Oi raim torpIeee.&Sbtfacton Gaarant~e REGISTER OFVFICL. OPPOSITE COOK HOUSE.