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January 19, 1891 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-01-19

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c-zi. of 1-RIT. X i .
PubtlitshedtDaily (Sundaiys eeepated) during
the Coallegee ear, by
inavanca-. Single copiesa:1ienats. ()1 aiellit
St ee late andti tt itittatnetasastandaever
evein atiaea t - 'lock-I. Subsciptimay b
left a titata-a- at Ofthear I a,lrUc oe
blocek,at Shecan'st ta.at Stillatas, ortwit any
CommuneaitaationssholttaIrttaeach t taie byj
A.ddresstalaymteta pjtin ten o ulti to
tlha Maatginag Ettitora. Albsns omn
tht Ct eittttcultor V iaNtiSl.
Ann Arbor, Mich
critic al titme an titehiaitotry of athlet-
cs, ateha 5strotnger attemtpt thata
eva byleftare 5isteatitna ade ttonmake
talc L.tt ilsitartmittettinlaathliet-
itcs, itac eitte ionthetiant sat tr-
ganize atl ipecrrm tile a iillS
duittesathicttt h ieylace atccepttedI, in
lila test potssile:Imanntey. auigitag
ittirom 1. t tllI eathu iatcitiitthea- ale
ma ifsintl tilte exceliett ttttii-
llta'5s, stile othicetsa ast atril aa\6ii
make every elittyt tat tilscarge saith-
fll y tile dtieslietrtustetidttetm.
Condition of Cornell Llt Depart-
Affaiys at (tortieli acenotl in so
lprosipertous asondiiontaas fttttierily.
Whaiile tileettrits If iprofesserintthcer
r iteraryteaitrtmttttthassawithainth ie
(lffer live tonts atf paier of all kinto ttle sotil it the potttad at revgalar
diiiirates. Try tallyCrownati ImiperialLinetn at 25 cetsttper
G realtibargaints .tnvelipes ttmatchitall ppr
--- at greatlyreducdlale ctes.
EDITORS. - - - - -
W. E I atis t, ~gateEtitat. paslt fea tears a ieetagreatly atrel tagla-
11. tt i1act F1,9,Aitt. an taagaiag aditar, enedandaalinctreaseu, tile Increase iat
A. ot. Hitet lat Il'!2,hauianesataagaera. the 111umbier of atatletats lisa tot kepat
St. 11,11 Nt at Assisactt. inesaiaaa-atti'gr. pacte aititthe inacreas int otetrla-
it, W DUT. 1h t " at a tialtsteatiigt. icartailecta. 'Tie techntical couirses
Et..iltat tat a-)o. 1.F.It Taaat. S'91l.
H.tI.1.J'a. . I i . tENCER.t,'tat t ac-x areatly o1u1 tniter aitandoer-
RALtH sTitti' "a'1:.. atl1'ti t t i,!tt '.
. .r s,'!r> aI racta. ll~ i , '. ta. sladow t' all tile aothiers. 'it tee-
Eli. li itit at ie i (cii tfiourths fotte atutattltregiste-read
TMIAR~ePU9ieiN Moes ye' ill thlaetaatehictal coursI'es5. Tlis
cotallila ldeacrelate ltasteenacgre-tll
iliaec ci litof aficaersa iaal aiterat getdti er yteices
lletesthtil' argaitiaioa if ticithatidy.II Illlitli 1 l01aac a 7 -ao 51 aila .
ucla1 Sataara 'I'licletereais cisitea ith ie 11111-
foritais Icacriase cast fairly aiar- a a tcl-ci rgaeea artl
staicttialiterary ecursa's itstat large-
tiasiiocit, aiillreseact mc ailest- -
aatoie cii the' lrd essairs, it is1--
ni cate a sirit ot a lrness,'tic ' 111t1iiaIasee als t~lrd l h td llrlltt r b u
ta ctiedchal tile stiadenats catlagen-tc ein 1h rinso onl
arctlh alie' lie-bet i liltee t tl a 'siof. 'ie'Iri-its tthea'ce
are'alarmedcand ist ranglire-attre atill
asoeciatinat heaart. - i tile pariatey rta ittttdai tli ietatae
aw-hichlatst tatlarge-itheiimajortity, tatreducaite l'tuaiit iidraite the
wh-ietatile a-te was t Ialeashould reaIiaciraeaca ta radisisiona tttile
theta (trget paarty aspirit tad icicle o11teahical acurses.
tile teat tcadidates tefatre tiletmeet----" --___
ing shwstha aproer piit x- BUSINESS LOCALS.
igtsamoangathat membaer si ethai o e1 iesi fros
i-tat' lit-ttfurn-feat' )acit vta n tha
spirttcntinuce 111111the assticatiacllt ca-ac lag tr.i vt aaaca'tl At a'.
acill ibe free f ratactile a-trsitiicccii i(a Scaliarals tck of aatWorslaal t ad fr
athaleticasvcie etv-a'sulfaered iltiscol ta-sal iiha tlt's'ta ot ila-.
'ii altesla-iu le as ace are- If'(a)aao a jaat 0lit ta aviz.: 'A tail
acitttihou-alc sironcat aacce ticai(frttcle a'' ltaotale ait' ttgtlta Ititi cat s.
caollees it att i cccii atita it illt , thit Lilal af u1siaci tat-c-i c li cat ' "-t
it beoeia s ccerat" tim:wh ails ara0ls- ga-ata rci- a at iltec '20a "at
ao-h: tre tait l c ab 1 dih
cit esr e c al r 'I t'illesita C a-;11(1wo d la atac .1a telila
ac'aaaaiaeal i lahleics, at toclliaie (atoit i'. ] Ii ll fr o l
in ecery aycc c saillalectwaad lite -lalilat c litt list a
sacac eat atftilenclt foit e I ss itlia ll ait 1.(1.1U.tBaer'choa.i
clita - 'a cii llt ItttI1.1 ttl tt t li M tll G llepie T aeiilo G it-,
atin. W ih hi asocatol s w ll jlclanj t cha 'ilaalitla ct ('le'tt t''.
oarganizetd accdal cgy-mn asaiuin sicighct atatl it'iratatt--IstI1(still open-a11ta
i itclly' truly lie' ca i itatarighter attt tt stitoc g 'c11 5iiiintgs iadTrosi'tttt-
(ly oratleic hs aweda tth gls.hephterasigcheckstandetaipite s i-
U.y ta aileicIca otftrlt lc t atjtt'aaNti-ttItta1. tiAlFita.
'tite liiBay Sitteandother Gutitarsa, Bantjaos
ttetaen -latahate baeti electedal ndiitiMcattloiist tt ct iltevas.
oftficersandtl directorsa tf the A. A. Beat Stritngs at Wilsevas.
have taken uponth iemseives a ce- Hatve taoil teen the lattest silver P. 0.I
Stain! box, iti form of enveiope wtitih
speansihility greater titan any hereto- cancelietipotatge stamp~ in frontt anti
fore tihrust uponithte officers of any receivinig staimp oil hack With or
athictic association in this Univer-wihuadrs. Fralony t
Wmn. Artiolal's Jeweiry store, 36 Main
sity, and greater, noadoubt, than street.
theirsuccssor *ill hae toacce t.i wo suitcesof roons niseiy furnisiied,
thei socesorswiiihav toaccpt.prices reasonable; board if desired.
Comainglin, as they do, at a somsewhsat 87 east Catherine Street.
lia-a-t'tataettachetrs. litoaral -tith Furnished'a
P. R. CLEARY, President.
James 'W. Brine,
Ii ta tea II la~ a.Irata-I tw all i wtuta- lit a t-
he- otit tatertactattyaatundat
;iSal alit at'Stca--S'.
tahiul ineaaa- tatia tilAtthaetia GIds
hiutt-atti.I andT nis Goos aa spciltla o
"I ipand aithtnat- i a t pe ae
h. It. t iat aa \ia Jll y aaar teonait Afit .
a-ted rat a .ge t nAaanArboatfertaae te W. Bi
Fo ri -oketi ea'a I io
7 Fo bt naWest Dtr, othsh
, rU "vi12 si. l T'RO krsr.1 uta n
Grand bOecr huse, ep
Wednesd I~ttFi a Ev e., ia;nrc. 1,o1891,
A ..DowdScntitc 1)VicY:n
at The Niagaraa Falls Raate."
a C C v. J a - - F ra
a -a a C3 e s -.
7 ii
t- c <r .^ r ci
ya r,
S l 5 - ant}-ecetd
et. W5. iI-GGIESt, iH. W II ti E I06
G. .i&IT.A.(Chicaigo. aiti 1
Toledo, Ann Arbor and Nosh
Michigan Railway. It
TiThaTble gogIto elfect, Statitar
Goitng Earth. acrTATONS. oing'ca
6. I 4 '2- Z. 1, t
Stan r ta IadS tirrTint. Cl'te 5Oiad
Ex-cia i .1t a ilttEtp-.-)4 a
3p30 6 it ....TOLEII(L ntilt11
.... ta''1 ! lat i l a il....11 b,11 9
45 1 Lt..-Pttsfield..-hal 3 -
..j i 5 7 .. Llatnae s.. -a Ia' t
5 I 8ta ANN re Aitt ll rI 1 50.-
ii2; i O o'at a.... ,5I
. t, 1isa -.tahoii.. 6 bi'
IT itilt-1 157.. Cttc. E I t' 323 0
t . l l it ..(a atit .. 4itt 1
1 l tS 5 5Franrkt
Saginaw DiviSO !
Going North SirTAIOSr. GigĀ°
Pas. Pa.Puss.
P.a.r . .ax.La.] [Ar. ~''i.- I q
6 07...... 7140 ..An rhr.iil5 " I 4
7115 - a ........94 .,Duanad...... 90et
It. W. ASULNY. A. I. PA18i1Si11
GEO.H.inAZLROOD. Lraa. itt

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