'TT-;'E L; r)t:'M A ILY SzvfI=T=S DINING fIN1) LUNCH ROOM, 48 SOUTH STATE STREET. First class Isoaid, .$2.50 per wee.. Luinches at all hours. Oysters its every style. Fite line of ('otifectitins, Cigatrs, ete. NEW BOOK STORES, NOBLE, The Clothier, -___I"'OF I EIING- ,pecia Val ueZUnderweca 111,AC'I: I'N-D F INVEAR, AT *1_: (1_ I)I ~k 1 l N11' I I A L(7.-)IF, Ill N U I ) A I A ' -~.,) f 6 SothMalyStreet. 4 SoIrStaeStret UNIX IlISIX11 EXT- BOOKS, S r=G.'H. WILD, MdclE os a ok, BAKB))i,%..IIS ,A 11 + H ,-1 All Iteokis iset(linii ityS chools. iS1tolcts Nete Books and jails.,IDraft-' Is sholan t h 'Ii ig(st Slotke of F iDres Suit logs i hit'e inarkel' 'omoplete Line of SJssi hulg (oods. itlInstruin ts.XiteIios tnsssi o tisiiI nc nsde Oscioitings. F'iiii'Vests ciii be hat of Large Stock of Fountaini Iens. A Witrititisi Fouitin iiienii(Gold ho 1 iii$150 No. 2 E. Washington St, near Main. G. 4. YYJ JMSMSAFR, THE LARGEST STOCK, B-UIIT I B{.P1 OTC5 JAMS . SAFOR, lmrauron m "A irrx U .. .5E . TfMLOR VI, P6HR The best place to get a LATEST] STYLES MODERATE PRICES. 19 SOUTH MAIN ST.. ANN ARBOR, - - - MICHI. The University Club Rooms. The tUnivcersity Club, whirls was organized last D~eeemsber, tiosv has a membership of 69. The club has secured the cntire suite of roomis on the secondt floor, north sitle of the nesv Seager block. 'The rooiis are comodious, nicely fitteidOh aiid well adapted hi the pitrlioses of such a club, The front rooms are to be uisedl as recepitioii rioomis aiii readiiig roonms, the latter being supplieid with all their leailing dailies, weeklies atid msagazines. The rooiis ott the side are fitted 01) for a gymi- nasium. Chias. Speller & Coliave had the furnishing of these rooms its charge and have supplied it with all the latest and best gymnastic alpparatus. 'lhe rear room is to be used as a bath room and is supplied with an excellent shower bath. The club was organized for social purposes, anti will no doubt be one of the per. msanent organizations of the Univer- sity. W1LAILS 1 VAIIIL ITY aLUWES PRBIDES Otn LAMPS, its this city. Yost will Ssve mntey by bityitig of us. Our "lIED STAR " OIL lids no eiqual, burns without odor, or chsarritig ot ictk and gives a clear wiste light. Sold at litcenits per galloni, delivered to atny part of tlie eity. 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. pEAN &co. THE CAMPUS. ''Else U. of Petnn. Glee, Banjo atnd Matisoliti Clubs are now niaking their atnnual Iholidlay trips ocer the West. IL:.C. IHeywcoodt, uf 4SSouth fosurthi, is sufferiiig front a severe attack of inflanmimatory rlheunmatisms. ltrof. Rogers trill sot finishi Iis lectures to the lairs itfore next Apri. The itistructor in boxitig, of wchons nientiots was niade yesterday, has been notified that the prospects for a class are good and twill be here its a few days to compilete the nseces- sary arraisgensents. Why cansnot the notices on the law departnment bulletits be nmore systemsatically arranged ? The but- letiti should be for the coisveuience of all coticertied andi not for the betiefit of a few. 'The increase of tie tiitin fees at Cornsell frotm $75 to $125 pcer year has producedl a tmarkeil decrease in attetidatice, especially of literary stuideists. Mr. Walter Blratid, '92 lilaznsic, ispending a few days at Isis Isonie in Toledo. Prof. Scott will mseet the Minis- terial Stand to-morrow, 3:30, at 4 N. Ingalls. Subject: "Ministerial Rhetoric." All interested are in- vited. Some sixty or more students went to Ypsilanti last evening via the new street railway. Joe Htaines, fiortmerly a '92 manI andi also a metmber of the Chronicle boaritatid one of the base-ball di- rectors last year, wsa married dur- lug* the last vacatiots to a M'dis Briiwn, tif Pihilaitelphila. L~it-L~aw debate; isext Wedniesiday es-ening. TDoor closed at 8 p. ms. Subject; '"Resolv-ed, that Congress should save atid exercise exclusise cintrol over the elections of mem- hers to ttie House of Representa- tives." Affirmsative, IL. S. IBaldwin, S. D~uvall, It.AWap)les. Negative, W. Bt. Kelly, L~.ID. Osborn, AV. A. Cutler. Judlges, J. C. Knowlton, A. C. McLaughslin, tDr. D. Ak. Mc- L~achslan, Dr. XW. J. Hlerdmats. Given under the auspices of Ptrof. T. C. Trueblood.- lDr. Markley will speak on " Col- lege Men and Chsurcts Work" in Sutiday morning chapel. Kelly, P~harnmic '92. has beets con- fitted to Isis roonm for the piast few clays. 'Ele Princeton Glee Club report a nmost prosperous trip, and also that they wcere royally entertained on every hand. Yale's college physician has ad- vised the discontinuance of the Tug- of-War. A new college journal has been started at Lehigh called the Lehigh Quarterly. The Columbia crew and Tug-of- War team goes into regular training this week. WATCHMAKER AND JWL0 36 MAtN STREET, toe Sp eia atteniotn piaid to epasirinlgW5 M. W . BLAKE, 14 PICTURES, FRAMES., ART GOODS. it Nestt FERDON LUMBER YARD' Manufacturer of and denier in5 SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUMPE ('ir. Fiorth. anti Depot Sti5- J. HALLER 4ti SiiTH MSAtNSOT. Repiiiringiiaspeciaity.-'r 0. M. MARTIN, DEALER IN I Cloth Caskets, Metl' ANDi COMMON COFFINS J. A. POLHEMUS, AS'BSHACK AND IiAGGAGN yjl RINSEY & SEABOLT, tBakera and dealers is ea Groceries, Provision sFour anF JOHN WOTZKE, Maker of tine, LADIES' and GEN-~iTv 'g Riepairinig neatlr done. 43 S. i. GRANGER'S -ACADEMY OF DANCIN6lIF1' Opposite iLaw Buiidi"S' Pupilsa-ittltie received at any time du' the season. 22' E. HURON STR1EET' ANN ARtiORt, M10t. f MUST 9 6 SPECIMENS AND CURIOSITIES OF ALL KINDS. SPECIMENS FOR STUDE5""5 Cheap Collections a Specialty Famous Satan Spar and other Mi. Shell Jewelry and NWovel always in Stok.