Ijc 1>. of rn. Wailp. Reotoft eSn.te om. it Uein the University Satr iMoranelchairman of the Seat ot ittee on the State IA ii- busty Y esterIay .gav e notice of his tlQbl hch Swould in 1ftroduciielfor t1l fthei niv erit for e 511ui 0 tw earsIThe bill whtcl wil be itrodce sill call farliIropriation of,$ 19905 for th W5 Yars. iThe iteniedlac- consare asfollows: ge~erl Tais ....s.............. $.4,00 IoitIl11Col0lege antI los- 40( Y her 1oslital current 1,0 "tlesises "1,400 Ibes Cllege, current x- 2,0 9o r Libr"ries........... 24,000 huietJ xpenses... 30,000 Pairs oil('heroical Labora- try................2,625 liment of Engineering Lbratry ................ 4, 1Eqipnt of Phiysical ad E5leetrieal Laboratory... 0.000 ,i0'Git of Botanical and 1olgia Laboratories.... 2,0 I rlaeof site for new hos- Eitls15asd completion and ,llimpneii of saue.... 30,000 L eme551 and alteration of Law ~ ~buldig ..............2,0 Beetad alterations of Preset Dental building for Ie of the Elngineering de- laritrll .. ......... 10,000 lbe. items are eiualy divided frtetwo years, except the items r rlairs 0on the Chenmical labora- t~Y'wich is for the first year. Will bery important natter whirls brogh 01) in the bill is the suggestion that the tax of one- tentieth of a nmill which was de- voe otesupport of the Ui rtliy by ain act ofi0,be i- tidl to oneeighths of a nill in elr. UnOdterthe present all. stt te taxable property of Willa tajx ofne-eighthi of a mill prf yilax$rr8 ooer year. The co~ jtayils$47,200. Vs 01 'tu OW appropriates one-eighth a mi iill Colorado one-fifths and al i one oill. he Senate comsmittee will visit hit iiversity one week from next pra, lncel'sLecture. betforet 8 o'clock last evening 4 Wa filled to its utmost bastand by the tinethe lecture tiY had beeni turned away rIVERSITY OF MIICIICAN, SATURIDAY, JANU ARY 17, 1>91. PRICE:, T io.:sE CENTS. ont accounteif iiot being; able tio secure eveis standitng rooni. The P'riifs subiject fur ediscussioii seas AWorlEvoltitiots aidilas out- liineidthus : lue iiethiiiilof sworled origini, st-iind1griiwthi aindsworlid de- cay. Thec saiie fur all ,vorldls. Thie Specticle if the PUniverse. Iil l ity of nmethoid anuiinity if Creatiie In tel- ligenie.1 Diviiieplais sintd basis if inter-ciuuun ucatioi amsoiig the lolt iilationsi of all wrorlds. Eviilutiiis the unuifyinig coiiepltiion. 'Ilue tiiie wa lmuted so that the lecture stas prnicipial 1-liipoi the first edivisiont of the subject. Theu imatter seas lpreseintedin i as clear, com~ipreliens- sive mnsner as it caii well be lire- senitedl in coiniection with a subject of this kindl. Ile held the close attenitois of all in presenting his idea of thse world's origin out of chaos into its present. As to world decay lie says that thse terra firnma oin which svenowt exist will sonsetday bse rensovedl into the seas, anid that thieisthse race of msan- kind wvill beconte extiinct. lHe fur- thter says that the wcorld's crust is yearly thickening and that at some time in the comiiig ages it twill drink in all the waters of the seas and all the air by which life is sustained, aind that then the earths will be a dead, barreis and hsence uiniihabit- able planet. We can all obtain a great deal of valuable infornmation from this series of lectures, and thsey should be wvell attended. The subject, Jan. 23, will be "Or- ganic Evolution." Dr. llarpar's Bible Institute. D)r. Harper is now definitely en- gaged to be here under the auspices of the S. C. A., Felbruary 20ths to 23d1, to hold a Blible Insstitute, it connection wills the Americass Insti- tute of Sacred Literature. A prograns has beeis partially pre- pared and delegates are expected front othser colleges antI front city and town V. AM. C. aitd Y. IV. C. Associations. To meet the necessary expenses, earls mensher of thse S. C. A. who is able and willing to do so, is request- ed to hand $si.oo to any department Vice-President, or to Mir. E. C. Warriner, Miss Ilgenfritz, Miss Jay, Miss Van Demen, Miss Butler or to Mr. W. W. Bishop who is acting as tr'easurer 'of 'the fund. Election of Officers and Directors 15 ACING the expterienice of College of Athietic Association. I ess-okss-ailiircut When the mneetisig of the AthleticIthe easeful scruitinsy of College Stui- Associatioii stas tcalled to oreder this detitsItasvinig a large corps of skilled afternooni, Prof. Trueblood sras siae1Designters anid Jewelers specially teiiiporrt- cliirnuaiinted for badge ansd other jewvelled teprr cara, anidlRalphli work. hIiportiing, atste do, tdirectly Stoine secretary. ITue ciiiimsittee frout Paris, Lonidoni assul nisterilasi aipioiiiteid to secure isemiibers iiade otis Diamisond~s ind tlhler precios its repiort, lMe ssrs.IPalle aniil Alti t Sontes, We ut-e in a poisittinto pro- steve: iheiiappinted a iconmmuittee toiduice the fisiest plists and jeswelled uuuake ~n licsreetiSotieyIBaidges o1 all kindis svlielu are mae liltiap tortionienti twe simantufatiired inthtlis counttrv-. the differett tepa rttutetis. I'its homteerprtseI thittthe 1Literary W rf i.t iKay 0& Co. tlelariii t rec eisvedIeight directtirs; yJLJL+ "C) (, Lass tdepa rtm~ent twtotdirectors; hI lPlRlEIS, J.1 EER1S eatch ttf the othier tdepatrtmients iose AN each. MAN UFACTU RIN G .1lEWELEIIS. The metinthenilci proceededto tt D tr oit. P\ihan. the electioss of ttfficers, II. G. Iield andl Hutghi Vanleseitter beinig cait-Chap. oe]]r & . iltates. 1Fieldl redcived 85 votes I and \Vansievesnter 55 Mr. Field wias__ thsens declareed the tisaninsous choice p for president. IThe electioss of of- INEWA STOIRE. ficers wsatstill proceedtinsgswhen the DILY wseist to pressIA. Nye aned J. V.Curisbeig he anidaesFULL DRESS SHIJRTS, TIES AND for vice-liresitdent. Although only GOE.LTS M~IA 140 ptersons5voteil for ltresidenit, GOE.LTS MOT' ftilly s16o mienbers swere repiorted. TION IN TIES AND SCAIRFS. ' 1 ---_LINED AND SCO'T'CH The Gym. Fund Grows. Dr. IE. 'I. Tappey, chiairisatn of the commsittee on subscrilstions to thse gynmnasiunm funsd of the Univer- sity of Michsigan, repsorts the followv- ing additional conttributiosns: Ashley Pond $5oo, C. M. Borton $200, Henry Russel $15o, Mrs. Williamt A. Moore $sioo, Willians Carson $ioo, J. M. Wilkinsoin, V. 13. Cochran antI A. E. Miller of Marqluette $ioo earls, Parke, Davis & Co. $ ioo, John Ward $ Ioo, H-amiltons Iey $ ioo, Edmsond Hall $ioo, Hlall T'. Bagley $50, Harry E. Avery $o, Willians J. Gray $5o, Edwin F. Mack $5o, T. R. Chsase $25, Westnsore Hunt $25, FranskID. Andres $25, Rash and Kiesling $25, Jenniings & Hager $25, Thomas Spencer Jerome $25, Willianm A. Butler, Jr. $25, He nry B. Lothi- rop $25, John N. Blagley $25, Dr. J. IE. Emerson $25, judge lHosmser $Too, and D~rs. Olin and Le Seure $50, and E. C. Skinner $25, niaking a total to date of $6l,5 10- The Chicago News is authority for the stateenit that Henry Wade Rogers is to be installed as Presi- dent of the Nortlswe tern University on the i Qth 'of February. ENGLISII ETON CAPS, Latesit. WOOLEN UNDERWEAR, all Grades SILK MUFFLERS, IIANDKER- CItEFS, COLLARS, all Brands. SPECIAL NEW LINE OF UMBRIELLAS, all prices. ATHILETIC and GYMNASIUMI GOODS Of every description. Sole Ageiit in Ain Arbor, WHIOLESALE & RETAIL, for ZT 'IG-HT c d ?S2 O nOSrTON. Genuine English Mackintosh, FU5LL LINE. Agent for Ann Arbor Steam Laundry, quick delivery and best work. ql3A$. $PLC1R & (lb. UNIVERSITY OUTFITTERIS, 244 SOUTIf STATE ST. PLEASE (hALL and examine.