TuI; U (lM. TD)AILYJ DINING AIND LUNCH ROOM, 48 SOUTH STATE STREET. First class board, $2.50 per week. Lunches at alil hours. Oysters in every style. Fine line of Confections, Cigars, etc. NEW BOOK STORES, NOBLE, The Clothier, -.-IS OFFEIIN G- ~ eelaI Va] ue5UndcrwecPr BLACK INDE11W ;Alt AT X1.5, 2.00 AND'M).0 4 T A i4~ I3AItG.IN SIN I NISEZAEAII AT ;sic ANMW 6iSouh al Pt qStreet. 44S at1SStaaeStret UNIX LRSIXELEXT-BOOKS,: . .WID MedcalBooksLaw BSoks, BlANK l3sc"s, Ai'i10iN"sMTV - All Bookscusidin itySciocis. SuetNoeI' iooks andcPdsDraft- Is shoicntg the Largest Stock ef F1lii)rss Settings in themkto.E~ CopeeLice of Sporting lGcods. it"Y lush innits. hels t send nucveltecin ioutic cccinc Large Stock oit Founitaini lens. A Warrainteci Foutin Petn(Golil) fir X1.5t No. 2 E. Washington St, near Main. G. HIi. /1 JAESMSTFORITHE LARGEST STOCK, BUSTJINESS PIllECTOR1. JADES M. STAFFORD,- rnhun The best place to get a MADE TO ORDER LATESTI STYLES MODERATE PRICES, 18 SOUTH MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR, - - - MICH. GRAND OPERA HOUSE + BENHUR + Tableaux of Murvelos esstiy. i1,400 Squise'Feet st Cant-as Flegat Sceneryail Cocstucies. See the (treat Ghariot taen. From BiE1111, Gecn. bLtt Wallace's G rust Noelc. Thursday and Friday Evenings, January 15 111d(116. FORl TIIE3IIENEFIT OF TILE LADIES LIBRARY ASSOCIATION The east cfidby membiern at theUntivrrity. Enthiutiantic iaudienrus uverywhuru. Don't atlas the treat of thu suason. Aedmsission 50c. Children 25c. Reuserseid tents without extra charge at the Postoffice News Stand. UhLA1ViL I VAh1ILITY aLUWtL i flmbL On LAMPS, in this city. You will save moneyl by buying of tis. 0Our "iRED) ST R " OIL ihasno equal, burns without odor, or charring of wick sod gives a clear white light. Sold at 10 cenits iser galilon, delivered to any part of the city. 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. pEAN & co. THE CAMPUS. Edgar Alien Poe. has hero eiected president of thte senior class at Ptrintcetonl. D~r. Markley will speak on i"Col- lege Meic atndChcurchcAWork,"ill Suttday mninig cicapel. Profs. Waiter and Winchtell did excellenctly well in lihe performnscce of lice shcow last nigiht. F. A. D~orrance, dlent, 'gi, is re- covering from nt illness whcich ice hcas heels sufferinlg tile last week. Thcere wilt he a umeeting this even- incg frott five to six in AdelpiiHail, for lice purpose of organizincg a chcess clubs. J. At. Cries, of the Phcarmacy de- pcartmnit, has gone to Salt take City, whtere liestill take charge of a dreg store. Prof. Scott still give aipaiter ion te "'Consfession~ of a Visualist'" at ther It'hiological Society next Wednces- dlay evenitig. Tlie Junior Dlents had their cx- atminations ott Antatonty, yesterday mnlling. Tihey replort it as beiiig an extra easy onie. 11. 1). Warnler, 'gi lit, has goice to htis itomle in5 Jackson to be present at thce fantily reunion in honor of hsis father's fiftieths birthsday. A subscriber wishtes to know why thse co-eds do not start a journal of some sort. An annual published by the junior class would not be a bad idea. Drc. Henry C. Adans, of thce Uni- versity of Michigan, reach a paper on "Motderns Civilization,'' before tice 'True Conmnonwvealthc Club, at Washc- incgton, D). C., last nighst. 'rTe Ann Arbor street railwvay runs a special car whiichS nakes con- nection at tihe end of Wasictenaw ave. wtith thce trains oisthte Annc Ar- bor anld Ypsilanti railroad. Onse of our freshmuen rushced across the street tile othser evening to find that twvo supposed cats were nothing niore than the shcadowus cast by the hleads of two men whto were passing at thse tinme. 'Tooi Freshc 4 Judge Maxwell of the Nebraska Suprense Court hcas given fo the Nebraska students of thce senior class in thse lawy departmenct, collies of hsis twvo works. 'Thce only condi- tion thce judge ancnexes to his gift is that the boys nmake use uf theni. 'rue organcization of thce quiz club mientionced us Wednesday's issue is tite result of thte generous gift. At the Unity Club next Monday nighst, January 19g, Prof. S. F. IPeck- hanm, of Pirovidlence, R. I., will read a paper on "Tise Origin and History of Petroleum," with illustrations. In addition sometihing novel will be 1res-anted before the club. It is to be an "Operetta," entitled III Jacobi, or the Poisoned Peanut," in charge of thte Misses Eddy. Great prepa- rations ihave been made for this ope- retta, and something very interest- ing is expected. WM. ARNOLD. 0-R, WATCHMAKER AND JEWEL ' S6SMAIN STRIEET, wales S c atninadtot repairing e> M. W . BLAKE, PICTURES, FRAMES, At ART GOODS. 105'west RtSog FERDON LUMBER YARD, Manuaturer atand dealer in SAGINAW GANG SAW EDLUWO Cur. Fourth and Depot Ss. J. HALLER 46 SOUTH IMAIN ST. Repairing a specilty. 0. M.MARTIN, DEALER IN ii Cloth Caskets, Mfeta1lP AND COMMON COFFINS J. A. POLHEMUS, ALS 0'IUS RACK AND) BA(;LSACE L NorthlMinStreut. RINSEY & SEABOLT, Bakhers and dealurs n S ed Groceries, ProvisionsFiour anfood, Band 8 E. Washington St. JOHN WOTZKE, Maker oatitu, ]LADIES' and GENTWS' O Repairing neatly donu. 43 S. Main St GRANGER'S 1 -ACADEMY OF DANCIN0,4 Opposite Law fluildi'19' Puipilswililie rent-itedcit any tine de the season. ML ID MIMIa7n 22 Ex. HURON STREE~T, ANN ARBIOR, mi11011 yyy SPECIMENS AND CURIOSITIES OF ALL BINDS. SPECIMENS FOR STUDENTS Cheap Collections a Specialty' Famous5 Satan Spar and otherMl¢eIs Shell Jewelry and Novelt1e always ill Stock.