ThEU t~ N.RAILY NOBLE, The Clothier, DINING FAJD LUNCH ROOM, 48 SOUTH STATE STREET. 1' rstclOi WIIL D~l 'H 1 in m min'. Ilic S nii nl ii min nin''m. . .r0 i1. .if r lm iii m O l.1No n I.\I)toi4i4ti1OiM 0iii G Al I~ttlII (i v -c o l p ,HtARGEST Slmi_ t heC ,:11 ,],'jt(.](} rllD e" tQitl ",il 7j~ I O >lC iiit~ t t~st lT~tn + ~lll WMl. ANNULt tt ' .. , ty k t '~ ETESVAIETY LOWEST PRICES ? I 'n it." i t ' l tcl 'i 1 c~Et i liiii Ii I 'WATCHMAKER AND JEWEL R x t).tt rtlii i lt I HIr .1 ii ') ii ! 111;.no I t1ii. 1" c11t1L I C'it t mm ii 4SOUTH MAIN ST. iPSIQAsh' v MA,.DE TO ORDER M\ODERA.TE PRVLTS 19 SOUTH MAIN ST., * ECAMPUS. r kiicsi cal B111( i i uio 11110)0. ' a i Il or iii n rrS ic" 11i (llij frtepnr n ai i me i nA eia ws I , im ' ( Il, watct: I ttt'M. W . LAKE, lr iof11hc riii . , 1 'V'URIS, 5ItAHE'i., PF-EAN & GO- I AR'S' (,OOI)S. 1i0 wctIII111101" r FERDON LUMBER YARD' tttcl~l~cltc\crcic' ,,I ' AGINAW GANG SAWED LUMSF in . .li'l i 1 I'iiii i)t t ") J.LALLI I }ci at o ) C.1h Hitl l l t as e s M tli C has 1 '> InfAN i i'i'ut 'n 11 11 I SIclit;I 'l l Ntinuisicni rli ; i')l l s A NN AR- ORIit, NI C if. Thee(rei, o i'n'ns~lni'n atOl I)n'iu'1 l]iii 'ialenrusllinhim' liii'i(inscn -5 pouds niniglit, jimt)la10uinds hainn) thn itheliii' lorniiiusiin111i(1. GRAND OPERA HOUSE +BEN HUR + ;cc lhe Gr eat Chaiiont Itm*A. Thursday and Friday Evenings, Jaissixry 13 11(1 16. 1>1111TIEIENE 'IT OF THE,) LADIES LIBRARY ASSOCIATION Thnte caItifl y membsho of tho UTioienit tsiathtmihtti uienies evertywhere'. fimos molce the treat of the setteon. ,.dnaisiori50v. Cildrena2{ lkoervtitt seatst without extra chargo' at (11 vt)iintilieNevwtsstand. touldnccomlilthis lwy ianotline. mmiichivein ,cci inly- : fea ctni the '. o M."co-(Is' doas uch- i chcs iTh '11 ti i vtin liii i Coi ltc~t *"' it h suni ii - fr l Iiit 2 , h e iie iIc tint iith I 00l G ttt fittii in nil i ,,, 111rm in ef Iw rdni 0 f e the cvc. tell and iin I 1O0 poumnds. n. 1 Till Ncum liiinesei n~ri ' n iii ([oar team hasicnl'inid the ii . i13. tiiiii.Inni()0.o lnso umiii l il motnditea 0 eoiaicontstitolie i l liibr I he g iiidt'cclnsscrtuirineid oaiott Marchli I tii 1111I lr 1110 lat igtfter nneveraiweceks ' vitsit griiounsinicotutieil utnter aIlm mliiitime i n etianOhl ton 'n rules. 'I''lieNorithwterni Dr. Sicoii, lte cicitelecteilpress teamoomit extinct t tug nn'venat'oitheiidetin ofi iRuttgers coi tegcis nly ii"I'o eantert eamtn. rears of ge. tWilliatmnsenllege exliects tc iidit I A 11. iiiln, iw'ioiplaieud left a sne buf ioiigiitht tte , too,0ooo ua" d ntttiettCot.l rtell 11(1o1 Ball recently left tter. teamo at the D~etroit gamte.,lian left Sitner cupts are I to etpresned I to eiitte the .11artard clevell bi- the tHanrrd rhe idty of prayer fur coltteges in clutb, of New York..IFrtday, Jatnuary ;o. RINSEY & SEABOLT, Bakers ndtidelesil l Feii r'ed, Groceries, ProvisionsFlour andtr t, nd 8 I;. «.oc igonog t " -~ JOHN WOTZKE, IADII;S' a~~lld t Nu'1 i GRANGER'S ACADEMY OF DANCING I'li ih c i cedAl t t nt i t tle SPECIMENS FOR STUDENTS Fanmotus Sat'an-Spar and other Mlniv Shell Jewely and NAete always in Stok