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January 13, 1891 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-01-13

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arn_' sru Cnd1ur u h C1R AT $TATI1flC13Y s3M$.
""igp~ h J~ c . o fnty- 1( t fl. a s cp cvd uring2 ? s ta h urs AVha 1 HW E W 11 L1 0 O R T H E N E X T F O U R i W E E K S
''a trh'sitiil ssssyns'nrprs 'lstng lrrsitahslilrwork. V o casnnot iafordlOffer ivtns of paper o ll kitds to Ili soulld by the ond it rit~
oi 'sisstotn ii ss it. I's rtiurns aoc propor-' Mill ratss. 'rs our (Crown luspssristl in ii, ,tn s
"IIS)' OP4'. N13PENtiENF AiSOCIATIO. lisnt tt he im'e' spentsu . but t fen- ort . 11101 I'ijPap'eir'the i, l 1' It ntritrr tapls
'._niae s r i Ion II iihsi ts're u ctr astra t rgais. E11 Clotpes to tutc sall Ia
at rea ty reduced iris.
.hoisetsi ns's ' iississ"",s'n's till',oilusi' BU INESS LOCALS.~
it n lssn it t Ii s t 1. wit ipl, u t h 1 'so [ iii 5' / 7{jt
'isnt, st issiiin" as u ills't'', wte s tt 55' IIf ule A\lIt sui nd oss I (sti1 y 51tills.
tr te cu n e lnp ice al thelate~tHoveIti~s"The Xtgara Falls Rue."
li or ILnit l.tti htl i i ~oliet~
eir Ilinasitst i tsim i.e t ap ht i teis an e s' oia u:l e ' tI sir's 1's t Isi's sstlY. i
Ad sit ss allisuit ii,'tn clt iss' iiiss" tss' i' ii'' is lssOut.'n. u
's at's 5 t it t to il t s u t s i t s s it i sts . l lis isit n o . 5A N D R D I M
' ~irS.1iii dn''IWSe nt in it ~lSO ttsss tiiilitt i's1111 t{1)1 ~lsts 's t itsis'si'ttiii :Ab its --
isis'. 'is ''iiiii' 5. (sIti i sri Ot slet o f I t'su'sit slbiss'. _ -s'=
Ihe "ity sls'"st i's'sW'it.Wt'ss'i''s theslnies Itsnnlitcal mI)eltIildt e.ISecs .
THE U. of . DAILY, istl oc.Ihit rii Mn. ULAIIJ ..Ils 0~s5Al
Ann Arbaor M i. Cois I i I 05551 1 tal t i's. 'Olsit"I
EDITORS. (otit E- Bi. Itall sr 'oal. - ~ I'i '
tti'..tuiiii'' 'I ,ttnsucu si t tueiisu a r 'ttBallIs it sI \iseys's'.S
5i:. 5i.i555 s's 't5551 to's St lsisisi !isig t51 isis.
tct 'tt.55 't'v ii' i ts I1I is Illsl''s'ssi'ts's' sil ltitu' - hoT"1H'E B E ST .,,
it 1o'. it. is Nis I ' .i ' .5lie'II5555 1 i t fea hitt o('sl its tar,
H.1t loot' ' 15t. tt ir ' t'. 1 ou5i h lorv ] t I1 sill opera 1115 +lilt
.1.50 5'lis1'0 t'lt''t'uss"5.5iw ul.t5wt s's'ss "ul 5'Mtte ~l1
-.t 'cnt . atti . i c.' c' tl' f I ., s i slts I' t i t sitit sPP. . CLEARY President
Ifs t J art es W. Brine,
is's'htu lh i t tl tIls elo ''' iitis s t Iss iss li t i i i oi 0.. .
mept tae, tt l t lssI'itt'"s lt is slt OH:OttAsIO (+Ji tiAIY 7f
ut lltds stil t '1statt l tlt;ul R1
ittsItisitltitisn-IsofithisistisstI"5hol55 55. suit Fo5v ieisn]
ir{at. It istilts l, i i t I N O sRii siiiisi'' isisis ti' isis's
'Isills I u~ts issisis s''les:;s"lasn'
li111 c. it"toss Nsiii t Isilss hlPCt3I -rNtO'SI 1 dinII COAT
mars s to its' 'tl s.Atrt heii''. if 55idi 't'fry te'o "O'o ptltu'Wll'tIt5
Itstdli' 'is'soit f r tor; ' (istIs i 'n''ses''t i tsMsAtCK5sts I N TO.5SH COTS . 51 41
Issciasnls dss irs dt I ts i lt ir ls ", ls th ' tt'is' sts'su ' e5551's Isaisty.hnI1(si is its isssi, c' nt n l . 1t1j4,5x1. nt' a
tisilt'r liirtstf0 L OrS H A L H X R C S R t o 's ssiisi._ 5
'Is t s e lsitttslovet' , 'slirsis is heissi fristishItslastittam Witat115 a at Its is
I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ \ Itsiil I rut ir1I sr 5'tt'tIsss ii 'i t kt'ftes l ls is s ciht" ni t ' T ldIn rb rad o
list1ss o m r ha woo s-v o il in ' a sisoswee ap!ysails a stigist- u. 'iititiiiiiti11 . '4 1s sij
Io rasDai IiIi. ' Iss stll ss'OI Is I Isi s ils. ssG'.siis1i'. ,i i sTss iAss 'elhign Railw tA
'Il( atr ca e o tt lcin a tsr a tiig a llip'du'ds. omB'ls's'a 's F'oir lstBra . inor s 'iiieiiiPoplt'tt ats'isihtat tssdi
gt'i'lit mliii Ii.Is']s isis tsuit s'
Itssi '. ot i tt t t i sisslii'yalssiii'lt'sss sts Ii ito tesittiToedo n A'bornd or
tti'th itis('1 ' sie lrs S is ssstsss'ss'ihIti a uI iii i
t irs, itnii.'Thiek i stilsn's iiisof i'' ' s'st's' 1 I iitI''toit sit it "li
is' t i t' n( iutit'ls si as t en's dsisirtetheter lsiss's sit
lists,"isIt 'ss'eribs stirsstto1 is sirs S.si1ilsi')I.('iss' issssoih. 1'' A IN Sl (toint
past to us oseiustroi s iii sili ts''ne stusis 1 to's ussruus'sits swi t ts' ,71Ft t .. Wesli l t. ' nrot0'lhtstis isit5
set lt is itr t at teslsIs ir I'i i latussl'm lsirt's'ale p as lutlunss-
to isusl. isass siul isususlosut' sul B tug1 to 5'fli t t'inaaassi i
1h a t i heInletasrs n t O , mIs. Ii ' tltheu rc helts.s CI is I 05 5 du isne
N t NN o s s IIa's
its Ili ftii sts I.sssl'sb 'smui h EgisrtI(kes'ssrss (s' ' titHQst
foissul -t ar f Isssts1ets r sisusnIto l ust 'r .B'lIOlStiy 'ttuissttsts',lyrwiho(iS'full't 71 Sa trday We t enig taury 17. '1 1 as
!e cl~ o . If fl. 'alrl mis Sl 'taeItho ""Was t. te Ilietoitswhgets3 s__ 5 I o -a -'
nsil tc'tis i sl' rsinti IsIsie ned t utri efrsnetiui it(i us i a a v yl IN" '1na;w ...Dtisad v. nt '
oleIis o anssseri'sisc Iutibin hects'sa S nesi t'nulttttaii s f rut' tted by t('l'ires. 'hm Lj t lm a ai.....K
eI il tu r n.la 1)1 ffsrsit sus i s tu l 'Ik e stil )h e s nto uit e a ts It 511 sours "to Stitiau5. -
gyanetiantie e'produtiontlOftldtet e .Wst1i 0H. W. SHLE . . PA 7 sS5°
c tus' u' s'r'iisgssthl lit s i s Its'r lia st r sy ofrstsi~st l eisd ins otl. P ic s. $1 75 an 5dC 1E0 5a,1ntade al . Ben'Ia ",a+
- to'~~~i 1t 11 1 l . V leWOOD. l 94A 1 at.

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