'1TH4E U'i 11 -H. DA ILY NOBLE, The Clothier, DINING AN 1) LUNCH ROOM, 48 SOUTH STATE STREET. NEW BOOK STORES, > f,, ft [- ( FI i :1: N Specical Val ueszUne- wear I101 1 \N)1I>111:.lI; AT /.141 9 I 11.3.11 INI iA\INS IN 1NIII .III ATA o \I t h1e113l0100.1 c "11 11l'la0. M.faIARTI 01311111111111 I 1111111II1101W1 I11i,1I1~:Cloth Caskets, Metali tt;1 t11 ' Ili m-fh lff(r . II.11 1 13JI'. A. PO.LHEMUS, i ~ N ill Mad lb 0911 "13'.1h ~h at ~ti'' oo111'' 1ct111t11 IccIc 111t111.'11 RINSEY' &1SEAB1OLT. N ilh 11111 1 c1 l lot ill 31 the1 I. 010 103 , tillthe 1111113111 ( 11t11' Grroceries,Provision sFlour and reed' c ti 1 etrOt e v." ( ur tvofNc 111W .S 0.000: 1 1111 Itoll I o '(I; n 1. ahingtoo St. 011110111111111111111 I Iit( \ l) Iirlil ic - c 01 . 5llc t+0,000. JOHN WOTZKE. II 91111 100 (1 Il~llll (, 111111GRANGER'S F. 1.111111 . i isI1011111 ine tit thex 1l11is(1) 1,1 -(It.(11 ;ACADEMYI' OF DANCING., Ic111111 Woo(, R(I-1 r11 T1 1 fin1 111traIll of I r i I'111-- Z, I Pll ilr\\ il h. r~cf it ll 11 .v 111111ll1 1ill' ic1111 y 1c 1111r 1101111 11 clt If the111 1111 o01111a11111 13 s. is 1111111tilt Nw111110111 csc I 'Iicsh s iI 1' iI' sstu io, 1111 i i11i 3 II 111the 1, 111 j ho w Ir. st tttIl 91111111 t e aa (it I NIv. t II. 1111. f1 Ili-; i 1 10 00 1 ao 11 0111711 wee r~ Col 1, 171 311. 0f1,7rn l s till frte's ta1110 r C. C. C lb, m1111. 0 . 1111 reco)re0111icietly romh1srecent Though Vestibuled and Oc a Sleerpers Between Chicagoan Ta'omna, Wash., and Port- land Oregon. PIotllil(1, Ort-eon. Tile 1101a1ti l 110 theI "Pacific,10 iIxll~eti 10101 fli the corner ' of~ (Ift(11A enlilt HarionBuetTB, it10:114-a.~M 1 ]rer tickets. berthso ill Pl~lan r, onist Slek, etc., apply to G A,c) et TnmmvSoN,, City ii01.s1111g1'F 1111 d ', -agent, !16 Clark Shreet, oro 1, E,'DDY, lDepotTick.etAutP0 Cenltrat P'assengerSttion ortet COe Avenue an111d Iatlrrison1Street. (i- M1. -A