Lijc Ui. of Al1. 1ailp. VI.I.-. .+ . INEV\EL1''1- (11 M I(i16 S 'AT 't I L ISN''t)y I 'it lt t in I t 11 he t iiizldtw r T e n w ) ir G I F TlO F d20 , 0 0 0 .iTH E wGY M ' ' i itIi' t ' 5 U i ' i i l i t i ll i f t , AT LAST IN SIGHT. im forir 'm +st f1m-iI. t lr 'ci ) m r Pal-.sidc t I lg l sI le llc 1 t it, s lrl~cs . N y /s c ti ie AID OF THE U. 0GE N. tlt~irlzl I Si 1).I "tl s' l~i til '1 ' > ii ut hList I 1 15 l(iln'clto I Ci E INiS Wright, Kay & Co. a. ;: Is I t A l t s 1 tit 'It I ill " a It W i t t e 1 " t V tilt { 1!i 2 " ,1 fit' ill Ii u1 t e CI ii i 111c'ttT ("lncan su llisttt'tnewst tlla e 1 n in Itoit Pit i d enIttt A nttt H'lic .1 itlti ii itwith tr I l i ai ' al s0 1tri 1 i t r it T i i l c c l tit "I t he ii tc allI tllc'' t -c l - ~ i l ! \f is i ill ritse t it eql sti ts.i 11 rju i tlat t ttill ' t'tt'to clll i' aq n itts it iiispartc it ttrts e liugh It till licc s t Iofiltiilsonii ha hcni tt ~i (ro- iii tiel s c r a s linanr1- t stts it s hl iijur W th t iize s ofM in It l t iiifo 11 , i. f . l t'1 ,111, 'tIll lI,)' I 11 1it'I l c StCil I il)c'lt "C I suppo < ' a Ilic'ci thc" i ,rh gal I tVIIc thc I1c ral hal C c l that thc ; r lx :; ;ihlc I 't'his C III 1w a i:11- v f k{ ii(1 i t ';i't lll'ill ti" ;1110 :i I i; tir i tlli Enguinseerinsg Society. lt lt \'(}t )11 t i iiI .1 1"I:.. rGha 1 pIer &~ CNEW STORE. 'lit\ I I) .1N\it)Sixli''.1 tiNL I, it , 1ItLi SIL.K Al U"FEItS. hLAN1)1KlIlt- SPECIAL. -NEW LIN E 111 ti'it'es. ATILLETIC stu l t IMNSI 'M GOO1DS tii lt at s (),l !; I tI lit AI Th L ci r.)t Il'. si ety foit rtis c'tti Seit estter: ittirestt taI4ll~ ll e iiti'c, Fir LiMultiplt'Ratilwiay Syste'tt tl~ it (ttiriitt, t sll(t i" thta e+ I' p'uThei'stutdelist ' cuei if5; alt1 auie Enfso Mcr noh ttttgit iit t' a lt eass' ati c inIticosta itt o seaxt .ttit tiit t lesim de titlsnt Iy xhi AHIOH ' -Q~o, So~oo or es t'tt e t %trt e pireon iiilttrs it t5 stti ti cla" thts t rtil titeActono'-itAitr tan.lutl ' 10attc 1 I linet iatitt'nt vetit' itt tlrwsien standrcti t st it tsk tit t teSst itrtte illat tilt ttt ti .-(1. de i~rer nlbs ok ittti ito e i t nkiIe lotw pronl letrs ttasyvisnige es tttitt frs t pite otitS75-ilbe q a&PnLd& pl siy tth .ne tirju t c conitetrationce. t-sesinien hargtinglinsih Mtactkotthesh, ttvIpas aca earl tr.doansas antittj s c ud iene,-at fo rthe tceir tipe c n-' rtsĀ« hpetht o heU f I luniastitoios raorcaaAsoiaio i t scu a UthingllY UTYP1'Ki5 iIiithis wa teantis ay inheChicagodity lagcers rtu iin ty-000,winose citnievto lithein presadhe loent peulr oac.andes onrickes f nanci l uppo Aet A Abrt s'OS teamSTaTndry, letes o rnd oot queesii'dsiedPLA e Clveyandest wrk.n