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January 08, 1891 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-01-08

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r r yj'j~ ard, Yaio le ndo] Un tl't0>111 loournal-
Pkil losho l allY 8t sundavs vcew11 o) olorirpl
the (I 1k11111'yearl, by
Pa-mrcnPan-American Delegates on thne U.
of H.
Visit Shoolian's AmR~1 Christmals S1
Of lle-ant gift Books 11 inoce 811Iidl f) Ioll ou . 1101(l 01
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th a29l"Eio. Alhno Arbo. bilcl iiijlo~. "11, 'JL1i ~iIIo~ 1J~ A
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11g1ta 1 0' 0111101iniarto teof11 H00 r01 e lad~ing fetsIrtll'' ill stalge .probu~ct(101 ^ Saturday Evening, January 17, 1981.
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Saginaw Disihlioli.
Going Nortlh 1STATINS1 . sGoing 801
P M ....A.. ,TI.]. LAr. no A. ,'1 go
b507l.... . .. 0.AnnM,.Arbor1..11 21.o1
707d.....0"' 4'.. Durnod....1 51..."""4
4 7 ....10 7 . Fushng... 843 g 001'
S4i . ..II1 3..atSaoginaw.. 8100
Superintenodeot. lGen. Pass.
(450.0H. I0AZLEWOOD. Local Agent.

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