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January 07, 1891 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-01-07

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'1~iC. ~ 1~~f(.'~la 1 . iii to a futur' Life.
thtAtki'o'~ .~.I, *iti'ixin t'anti cisxitt'htere of an wd of
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iii Kc~ M NI '1 NI'N~ ASOC1 <t trler.
$OLI1pAY J3001(Su
Visit Shoohoi's Anllll1Christmas S1
A\I teIeto ndaitlIL ttiitil n ovelt i n w one, ibliti("'
Thli1iugata Falls Route.
in tt~tne intt'tti'o~i ito. ()n w'xi' x
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P. R. CLEARY, President.
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D' L. DOW DS HEALTH EXERCISER. . I..x'1'..1..( lIi :th . u . t :1Atill1'
c hetrtot~r.A p c Tleo Ann Arbor andNrt
w. / ttar~z, cilr<.Itrt~c, _lup. Michigan Railway.
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