THE U. OF Pulished Dily (Sundlays excepted) during the College-c )ear, by THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT AsSOCIATION. Subotcriptiont price x::,5 per year, invariably in adivance. Sile lccoplies .) cnto. (On Sale st stiechlsnsd Cot 0111cev news, stand every evening at 1; 'Clock. Subncriptioo nway 1be lef't at thel office of thilo s' ly Operat Ilutoa block1, :at's, at Slofilto , or With anly1 of thse editro. t'otnoslicstiono s lw d reach the14,olice bcyj 10) ott. it they arc to appear the Samse day. Addleoo aell natteinte nded form, pobication to viseMattoing EdViitor. Allbitt e vttiso- icattiono shold be1w !ctlt to the IBloelavs Mao a;er itiepot !all neglect os Iltte ttart of 'arriero to1 ill( City C'irvoltator, 'W. 1l.t, vd THE IT. of H. DAILY, Attn Arbor, Mivh. he effected, hlowever, we can not doubt but that the active endeav- ors of our con te mporary will ftur- nish a periodical vastly superior to its predecessors, atid a pttblica- tion worthy-cof this grand Univef- sity. CLASS OF '90-Continued. Arthur McNeal is a student at Ktushs Medical College, Chicago. A. D). Mott, who left college last yeaor to take a polsitions with u sur- veyilug party in Keutticky, is still engsged ~liulthe nttework. E. S. C. Mlay is in tile office of tlic Loiijistatice Tellitotie Co. of New York., EDITORS.-....-e+i°."°.H.BSHEAEII ANW*EIOBSNS LCL. .H. OV~ER , Mo saT.MNAGt CoOR.B IdS LOA . A. . H. Covesr. '0.BasNs's. NA pEonRo st. N 'iceo -1ineteditstI ol onso/ll 1 tthe 1r.slet M.8.Hae~o.'a. so~..Masas, of 10 vent t ecr linec, ilv lcinsrtion. 5pvciol w.. S. O'NeILL, 'at. ass'T. 8Us-.. ~Bonu, vlofrlne ueodeti isofrlee R. W. DOUGHTY, '021. Aaa'. BaS. MNAER,byatitctttloleobyvootni. t.. 0I. 1I sItust', '53 1. Sot '1)It ),, (1' o to 1E. IB. T1t,1f11 fo al. I. i.'i si~l~ 51. 10 N.1.0 es. 1 rry. Tloledo S,'te'llIamLundry'. l)athls Itle att1P. 0. Borhler Shopo. . . ill the 110W tlliitigo it ic kwelifat Ottl s f 1 .'1,) .. Nt ll. 1 ' Nttlli agner & (1..1, 21 z.iiii. 1111 etiu~'llltOAllt. i'ii i OI (vrler Iloy ler's catlies at (Grtthe1r's. is~~~~~~~ O)S 2.0110 ,1. ,L'tsil'hfttstvd eveffeats at Wa' IN .11)1".1 'I,, .l.1: . 1': . NAV i " ll ilspe cflrs ittr .4 'tIl .? . '5A , 1'111": {ll (;i I It 1);111co 111isI Baill((1iiiat leme1tnt's. AmOS iI'n(t)1IM, Oil Ih l1ANY III; ill Full stock: of sisiting"s at 'Staffordl's. 51StE Il. ttOii'Ei: t1e. ]Jsty figliraly, .stsltionvry,ot. - _ ° - - . t Gruher's P. 0. AEows Rooml. I'eliev ing ihtt the pnhisliine tf All the newe(st styles its clothll of S all kinds at J1. T. .Jacobs . Co.'s, 27 a slnidelit dir'ectory' belotigs to atId 02) Main ot. weekly i' atlier thiit adai l per", iBargainls in new io'bse-buttier coal we 1:11e Il'tt11s 1l~i.1 o or e sto sslat Ebehriach lrlwaydv re Co.'s. we lao' let tis eldto )11' t'5 Loy yostr collet+ ext-b)ooks, n1W anit ttectiied con tellporary We have secoudlihatid, at thie Stlotits' Book endeaoi'e to H ~ cltinits Sore, State st. xatiiie Stkifrd's stock of tritlsef- cheywith 1100'. Wile we wotild i11gs lild fancy vestiligs. h!ave been p1l eased to gratify the For theio largest ilne of new and tIty- 'as~il'ig feshmn hyshoing ihnisli huts"landtlcaps to he £011110 illtftle '<1jll'i1,' t'(slln~l? ) 11 t'1I h ll ci'ty go to J . T.. Jieolssc& Co., 27 ,111 his naei ill pritit, we have deeelid 29 Mlainl st. it hst t kee Witlilithe oun sSecond-Hand books, h bll )01(,I011(11 it lst o bep N itlin he oun s tatiotlery theapitat Sheehan & Co.'s of on1r Special depatrlnent of cot- look Store. log jurnlim.The 'U. of 'M. F'ountits1 Penl" otnly $2'.50 at (rulhe's I. 0. Store. W4ild's ad. will pay lottkillg at. While we are much pleased lto ;A large line of Trunks,1;11tc!(.'a5ate leartn that thle paper to he pubhli- hanud-bags at fr'sonlllle lfrise, tt ..'1.Jaucoha &6 Co.'s, 27<<,29 AMain ed b)y otir esteemled cotntetmporary street. wll be of a1 more purely literary S-hl lllX- Co. lie agenlts for W'irt, tlolhld & Scott fountain Itens. ch1aravter, w «e cannot h)ut regrert L B atte Gitars, all siues, inl rose- that ati illus trted w Neekly, slltici s vwosl,Itle and Imallog'atty. Folly wanrranted. Lotvco1,l luffs. Bet glittar. the Yale Record ~lor Priticetoln and vioiln strings, loc. PI(silt vi . I rTigt'ajdurvrdLmpo, 1asfi'c. 110030 strinlgs, sc. ILowe(st tl;t'I tll( Havar jaill)0~l}1 'sprices gtlaraulted. 2.3 South Fourth not decided upon. This Univer-i avelmue. ALlvin Wilsey. coul andwoud, w beieve 1t1 the novelties inl Neckwvear, Kitd Sity'cul Glwud w eiee oves, Canes, Umnbrellss, etc., etc., at support three classes of periodicals, J. T. Jacohsa<& Co.'s, 27 a110 29 Main at. Rhlodle has the best and cleanest coal. -a new spaper, a comic wtieekly, Yard, WV. Heron street, near railroad. w\hereinl the efferv escing spirits of Buyi your Drawving Instruments slnd the student body could find vent, mnateriaha at Brown'Ws Drug Store. and a literary periodical. The Hfail Toledo Steam Laundry wiagon! If you want a fine suit, go to J. M. new~spavper is already among us, Stafford. and we sincerely hope that this,& Warmn underwear cheap. Wagner &Co. ' our ideal, arrangenment of U. of Granger & Baxter's Star Laundry. M. journalism may still be ob Just north of .inn, on Fourth at. Handsome nwefcsi rues tamed. Should such a division not Wagnerct's.trusrs 'M. DAILY. STUDENTS' BOOKS. BUt.Y YOURtCOLLEGE TEIT EOoM. LAW AND MEDICAL Boor NOTE 1BO0KS, AT THIS STUJENTS' BOOK STOttE, STATE STREET. Sec od-latnd books at low prices. We are agets of Pau11 E. Wirt, Scott and Ilollaid foitttain pets. Bargains in stationery. Err,= f 3 d az00_, - 1 © RRO MICHIGAN GENIRA r~rzTE - m "he Niagara Falls Rut. CNRAL STANDARD TME AY' ND TH I Y _.( - THE BESTs I .Soteteenteacs". IBoarithtiFurn it'ed - P. R. CLEARY, Presiden. BURLEIGH & JlX. OLLY, ___ ___ a a __ r IELESt.IN ia ATEELETIc G10113 H l TIJNEENS'IPPLIFSI 5".nXn7 o Btest linueof FOUNTAIN FEN S in:tha city. Ice Cel. Soda W\at'r, a Conlfcctiots Cotld Lunchies, I05'oan - a ' Cigars 0110d'Toacco. OYSTERISFlI, STEW Ott PLA IN j %c i Call and seusoat'o'. D. L..DOW D'S HEALTH EXERISR os . o~~ Fr ? i Toness&lSedentary Poplt a -I O tietloc, LOs,YotNsts _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - tl~let ole 5 tt'lit. A cttttt- ts 'fTae' 0Is t t nttt - 5laly 0S day excepted. ?iIttloe1tI, 1 t" ,Ist'".ct , )tts 1 I 0 50 5t'LES,t I11 00 lA t', ye e rrse'gt. stitvc, tar'1'i'G0P TACittago Agt~nn .arbr. ttotvetti :r't. b5 tti+~ lox.:'tlcststa ______________-________ Il4tl ochrit'Ittssl rti Toledo, Ann Arbor and Norh oclCliie ?- 4h . , ewYork. Mihigan Railway., ,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Time Table ging ito eftfect, Monday, Sue. 15. (JA'G2O j Ging Noteh. oSAasNt.GoingSoath. bIIENCII ICE SCiIErAM.{7INES'S'5iENC1Iq 6. 4' 2. - 1,.3. 5 CO)KNG tO' PtRIC~S FOR t lans. C'recCad. StadrdeTime. i'eseua. Sat ri'ST I ATiERIL 1. I E'p. Ep.MatstiE'p.StailSxp. TI Fort St..West. - Detroit, SMich. :.M. A.s E's Ar P. e n. ..3 25a6 H....Tr iESO ...1.'.. 1bo 1tt . a CITY LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. ..... 4 76 0 at'Monoe na's 2 i 28.10.. Sm 13andi15Wshil ingS. - Ysiln Sti ,, M 0. 5 705-..,...Min ........ 1254 6 ...... rIrsl s i gaI tnd Stl ~s adll'Ioscg ... l5 721....Pttts Ied..... i14194.....a fot Hir........ 5071 1 . ASN AiIIOOI 5 9 592-.2 ____________....____5___S4, II7 5 ....... I lad's... 11l5 9 0ut.....- 5[...b47 855 Whtmoo Lke1 2 855 ...- i ... 11 0 ....h abrg...I all ass 5 1 .... 62 51...... Hwell."""lost 25 8 .7... ." .. 11. 5.... Duand...... 9n8 7 sat. . .. : 53t 0 .....C rnna...... 911)6 gal NO.19.JI07 * 1l 422 5 . I na...... 71t 2 . 9 4 2 0 ...t.'ous ..... 782 : 3.:: ..e.t. . - / .k ~as 1 151"43.,.~tPOaisutSar O 6A45 4B. 50r.gx.a N .y2 W edURNeS . 5NOct 20....Car.... j 6 S6 A62 MDIITCL...aflusI.. -.J8 7 1 2 / 1018,...,50 AN8...CENT . 5BzonII a.dB5I1e 6 , '-(? 58CR1) ttUatP..sBY 4Soo. Ot. SarZ$EWOO. oes . Fst.