TI4E I OF M. DAILY' =(D7OL2I = =00S_ NOBLE, The Clothier, S liO11IofC.,te hi tsiyBookso11ers, _ I n ciii foriii ii er t t i l I 5is c al, itsplav idithe largecst. itmos t ilt - rrehei e, anti attractiv e stc.in it ir lmsiut nes-s,will this NCr exc el c lrter exliilits, t lie r il tP (,relita i~li l a i rnader Scal: p c a a e Finc"Illtustratodl Books. Art Calendars for 1591. Fine Stationery silaJVt,~J d~w~ able for Gifts . COlME AND SEE US. NEW BOOK STORES, n ai i 4. BLACK ' S DIEI WEAR it r S1.o,, 111 o\N jis oi BARAIlNS i IN NIIVEAil ArTVieANDt94" VNIVLRSITV TET-BOOBOKS, AMG. H. WILD ot onilait ii prtiiigoks-att-a , t if l lt he la t cd aJ tideslsitu t -cte i o ciijl ~]!: 1tl;(1su i lt t ti 1 .ciiiattag-. ft(k.cst can tit a 1.eSoko '-1tai Pn.i araie -titii H hu i iii No. 2 E. Washsington- St near Mai.C H JAMESI MSTAFFORDL)I THE LARGEST STOCK, Pfl3I1TESS DIPTO GREATEST AREY -LOWEST PRICESWM. ARNOLDWEL Bx } r R ! ! } (}iii1 .lT 1', in thits cityr. .ou will sgtive ii ny k} ti ta mgof us.titti WATCHMAKER AND .1 L R D ,SrrilAlnao pado exrn "zt:%ST ARl "(IlL has no equaii ithotooo lar fwc n ie la htliih tt , I nt M.ic Wi.SAKinE, in Th attar oglao!Il atlitcenits tier gallon, delivered Iii any, hart of the cite. PICTURES, URAIE,A 44 SOUtrH MAIN ST. pER-NG&-C ART GOODS. 1t Wet U5555 { I1gS1+ ( SJ.4 5l iTHE CAMPUS. !1r ltttit I iit isttyttgtiitin~ uta FERDON LUMBER YARD' k i l.1!M 4 ? a~l~fit{;('Eif~ an daie In11iokofcollege sontgs. SAGINAW GANG SAWE D LUJIY' Sisti11_ f thze t mre g ;inris a't l r XI tsis nLgiferinalt i Fiutiiiiandi DecoatSt. T-A'DE TO ORDER ai1u" it t tlwl.y atisa ti h t ssititi a n Itaiternill aeht s3l2.HALLER *I si ittith r W e incubiQeinc lidt . LATEST1 STYLES itt lt5 liuii;ut411rs i jt tjtheIlr iiiit (Bittakes iautaanwith seitse to study iepaiau ;aspetimeatis. _ I . egitiei ag i htchtis uwni t h iti s tO. N. lIARTI N, Slltl (le~ t h 1ciste smtt}'th .resma'sfirst Late.iDEAL.ERlIN ti iitr.-ight. Cloth CasketsXtl,1 j pP- ueh tn7pus,(t (il lt- L ouis A.rtustritg 'o -, lsi et Iti ANDS COMMOtN COFFINS. isuutg ii- Itnoi ng1.for Chiiago, y esterdavtiwhert lit - J. A. POLHEMUS, MODERATE PRicICESll yvinti- 11cation of sctrs. ill suet clthe iuolidays visiting. I 19 SOTH MAN ST. -. hrou-.tte ue niificentce of a dlear 1ALSO 'B3US 14A4X AND BAWOOAUBIC 19SU H M IGT. (ranger's IHalt is to tie teseite SNrt l icreet. ofa7fuit "ii ' "°"""""uiwg frienthie Pomona Strident of Pus. ANN ARIBOR, - - - f11LCI."There a-as a4tosiness ineeting of mnua College, in California, mtakes RBNSer sdealT nde, the Music-al Society after the Chior-a l teunptrecedented offer Of $3.00 for Groceries, ProvisionsFloura nd H N S exrcises l-ast eenin. tte iest tdescriptive articles $4.00 forW-s-ington St. H LD Y HN S Pr.-Agei oerorlethe best ecssay, and $2.00 for the JOHN OZKE, Gioverrnr-elect Whinatnsaniithtters iest~p itoet. lortunately co Lpti .ADIES' 1anda GENrTS' nn e to -day inspecting the Orrctart tions is restricted to students in thseir Reairs-' seatly donii. 4i S. Main gt- ( ite itay 1 run lasol, or the number of con- - G AN E' DrwsNar sltaid thttho ttse wto Ito tilcil IZ,~(i~~ . .ACADEMY OF 1'i --u-u thut Itic t ll - l t k Our Stock of Holiday Goods and Novelties ittttiltre il i i t;loses, Umbrllas, aid Fancy 'Art i01("1 to seieet frost. 20 South Main. Dry Goods and Carpets. the shtow "of gorgeous tills,.iati - i;lttWer- disappoiinted. Soine of the stutdettts are goilt I fris Mitlihianiiitll rt-it- hiistis cutts 011 Caslalisut may receite itt lformuatiuonuabotit tue samiti-lyv ap1p1y-