THE U. OF M. DAILY IN DOIJD AT THE TW~O SAVIS viIINC TIS WITH YOUf A GU. ESS \rit Ii every purchase made in any of the lie- partments this tweek, its the Clothing, Furnishing, Hat andI Cap lDepartnients, any anmonnt gives you a gutess. Guess a word (if fonr letters anti get a IHundred D~ollars January 1 st. AT T E TWO 1SrrrS Of Old U. of M. should have a University of Michigan Guitar. Prices lowest, Quality highest. GruaraInteed every inch of the road. Violin anl Guitar Strings, 101 cts.; Banjo and Mandolin Strings, 51 cts. Everything inl propiortion. IL (leienIt, ALLMLITDITGLE H NO &ORGAN CO. TI 1 A2J3E .A .T BROWN'S DRUG STORE C'ORN~El INMAIN AM) HURtON STREETS. LXsoES'r STOCK OFTiE otr GooI)s.ND PINE CIGA~tts, '1OBACC,; sAND Miii Ardor 81oaiii mbLugiry. VOORHEIS & DIETAS, 5ES WOK I TH CIY t STAE S. TILOS, LACKI SILK MIUFFLEIRS AN\D._FINE -NECKTIES ofF Every BESTWORKIN TE CIY! Description . CALLEDIFOR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK.FEG ON&SAI , CIAi.teATS TSTETS.55tCtALL ffi e - 23 outh Fourth Ave. S t L A N Di S E E U , u24hSOT.TTIuI C W N T , J T . A1. W H R'S 0h0 K T RE, 0 hN TOrLINGS~0 ic t . t AtNtol i it zictiiit- Il aein Istdtt vvt-aill save])imoy b y ingivig ersity Text-Iloks otni all Snppt; - '-Il Ieahlnarters. AWe alow s i Sie. for O ttin 0ahbri I3~ i ll 1a c ,uvit li itars. 411i0v[tn1). Stow- sitecial discount ni ieLAM BOOKS, Ml Df(AI, 11001SDICN'PAI.BOOKS, int, i. very Ib 1 t u li~ll itli ll ii i Ieois li.s. list 'a, i ie st in the Itlest it)lt iti 5un at losrest Itrieecs. 11W 1itwt: i !t ti uts ieI-. i 1 t nt'. i 'tiit i itt tcitii tttii tct LEADING lt(IOK SI ilE IN T'lE C-I.d4 d d+ ar l rBn r, n-- iMagazine~s Supplied by S. L. A. ii.l ii lub has 1_( tern im -i , tdiii Ti\ F TT 1 T~ Ii iitii Itc, ilii flii lirtli t aiiier t . ie 'sli;. i se r. catr I I i. ti ii s otti e ttii t yileteg t i s iroeI aprshl a rt OFAL iND)A in eetotig.tat scii(ch sear.tnitor siolilt nihe as mao s fue }riig uiuie ftvnt-o .ospe vr rU T. thOS&C.i sasflt, h as i ivtgjs upresent. Ia-Cgws ndlclisbei _7 AN 59 MIN G 5'. tandtiad frtti eghtto etso'locianlteer whih te asocatin) s frni hi tnymbventfaswentyfoeii ur c ples-r L. GRUNER. ediWtlithle resullt of dhe n s- i V1- tcDe{Te iii Ceturty.tuf Nio. I CIGARETTES. r-ieiio-ette Sinoiit-i- Wott Secriliner's. Foirums. i'ottilar Scietsie \onthsly. I Itiiti. PiiiliceOpinioti. Noirthi Anieric-an Ret extw. Nationi. OvIerlandd Monthly. Amierican :Naturalist. Catholic IWorldI. Spiectator. Utilted :Serv ice. A retta. Mtagazie iof Aturriran IHistoiry. Cosniopolltatt. Chaittanquan. Poet Lore. r.11SCELLAN EOS. L isis if lathes ,A t Daytii qs t all U'. of J. girls; are posteid in the Reatdittg Roomtt, Lit'y Building, anid its the M edical atnd II otitivopaltic Dlepartmsetnts, where they ntay lie contstultedi at any tinie. RetA XW. Rot; is, See. Woman's leaguie. THE CAMPUS. 'lise (iliristntas t ntmber of the Cltrotitie-Argouit apteareidt-tiay. It cotntaitns tmuichtof ititerest in thte way of nesss, buesides soni chcoice hits of literature. Such are thte verssity IProf. F. N. Scott, I. K. F.. atid(George Morton. Itn behalf of the Castalian we wish Ties, Drep3 .Shirfis, Patent leather -Shoes. tGOODSPEED# FJNE PHO OGBAFH8, Millinery and Art Gioods. 30 3SEst Huren St. Rfantifaturin n i ~ ) Bled lnd Orcesrat i'PUBLISHiERS OF Band lnd Oehmete - ciGRANDIIA~tIhI. FINE'JoB PRINTING. nticor aim toeplrase,. .onitjnriiinCv -nunttafo REGISTER OFFICE, OPPOSITE COOK HOUSE- I KPWr.n'Ino ugeallVicetuens 'rrtav I1 Hi RMn Vi. E 'res.asr. Dancing Club. literary artistic ability to contribute '" H U,- somethintg for the foutrtht conaing, r ' HE RGUS=--Nosy we htave it-a nos-el idea. nunibier. 'Te latest date for receiy- Jae PIN I'sIeu Since thne University can not have a lug contributions is January so, thus . AT LOW PRICES. gymnuasitumor any other meant of ex- givintg one week after- the vacation a~e$ercse e wll anc, spplingfor htanding in thne articles. Any new and old, large and ecsw ildne hsspligmemtber of the boardl will give any 'for cal, wood, oil and not only the need for healthy motion desired information in regard to the line) at 'J. E. Harkins', 28 E. buttalso promoting social intercourse. length and character of contrihu- in Street. Witlh this idea the Students' Danc- tions.