1 - yil r AAhkL . f I No6. UNIVERSITY OF MIC JIG. N, PRESIDENT HENRY WADE boaitti- diziei o r~n w Rt3GES. l itnda half ttotreetmilion doltlars." Te lloti,, a1-a- wi attentclie liv 1 Tels te Daily Readers Some- tt About Northwestern vyol University. ; -:Well]l icnint s5y 15 ly Proi ice y IIatlo o~or fo- (titr cataltoiue t ovarlttill tis-o ilerly elyt~d oesfr altoutt2000 itt all. I1tcre aitovotr ,dyDan ttlfteLatiytdeipartmettttI1 rsfsosaliitttto. Ph e5'0', OIr rsidecI tof Nortlisroestorti Vir\ersit strz h ct hi ek;datiof tlte -iMetical scooi~il is -Nathan ltijveris ittartit litstcisrseo lec -I1.oteis, t-ho twas jpresideintitf thte tares t ft tt it eati menUt.OfleIn tetritational lodioal coitgrets Iteld ll'y ft1i ]; tt ofateut ti'r asltcgtitt somte titme ago. taftttrtl,.1riitr lecturttoc storitas .1 udg~o ioth, of Chicaosgtis sdoanof itez~~~z ''esaisacin atr- tito Last scool.- \arttiall I). Eswell, ally t Xii'ciitl afteor tat i ig--rati- 01e of ttoeloctrersto thteopost- hee lied zz~tcu ttzzittrs intt er radttates hero, is a professor titero. ti"tfor legal toeiztt tolint fos Are cos thte ontly 1..'. of Mit. tatt rv aitbli moo, andtvh hsgone thtore 1 y i ''roStfi si r t. aiii tt i - di ini. iPresidetlott .la ot vhii sces5te.i Lrsti et a en- . IprecedledlIrosidoett \igcl i hiro, iil to mnI - - -re le ad:wetfroitti here tereo. sit 111athtet uiNrtlitvsterj: University was scosndt prosidontthtetytave tail fromt f' ct inls855. Is Ilocatedl at th 5tzleslty oftichigan. letlesgo iains at Eanstoii, the Cot- of itara Ars lso Tieoogial The Excavation o Delphi. tool bing at-anstton, aisdtthe Ilit 1887, xlhile tDr. bi)Coge ca l Scloos---Union College o~f Lawc Director of thse School of Classical ~Medicai lcistal suitPiharmsacy Studies at Atttens, ie begans to msake eParitlet sbeinig inii clago. preptarationts looking toword thle Ox- '4fttis S srevoIslle ot o tsecaration of the site of anit Delld- t nd is one (fifclago's most ploi. His recomlmendations wcore ldsneands aristocratic suburbas. adopteti and after souse little delay, fat ll t tw~ltoh loiusandctpopu- i1889 permlissi st-at sobtainetd - lpl~alX- f ciol ar seatit-from tile Greek governmuentl to pro- lt1is of Chticagitlo h itake tita ced witih the wrork of excas-ating- th'eir plac-e of residenlce. -'-Blt in order to do thsis it stas tees- I't is atMethzolist'deitlssi isatiotsiiz;satrv to putrchaste the little village of it it not?" Castri, whchociciupies the ainiientt t 11 ot, it itsttit strictly a do- silo. Tis little town-i of ssie 6oo "llatioial ttso, although its io 700 itababitants coves ansitarea of iilsdcr tile coiitrosl of thse Methodlist about 300 acresatid it scatstnecessarv- iurciszljust as Columbilsa stas for to pitrchtasthetienttire tsttt:inii orider '1z'i tliliiasuider coltrol oif the Etis- tio have riomt for oitrry'i:-og st thse tIl il ;Md ale of theC(.ois ros a- sick. h rc -xduo h T]here are mets atititl it is placst-as $8o,ooo, aitd this anioutit t hotes clo n ot bielotug to the thte Arch,:: ological Isstitute if Attser- 1 tilodlst octurcli; fir exatmpile, iea at 51100 proceedied to raise. keQV IDaviciSwing, of Chicago. The The stork of raising tis stuni li-- Iflelobers fiotl 1Jlt,183 i (tiffre of tihe faculty belongtiotitan in Bso nJn,18 n lisr en denominationts. It is tihe one year was ailowred for thte accept- danc bdestrcollege under M4etho- ancec of tile offer of tise Greek got- control, and in5 fact is the best ermeut. In June, 1890, thse fund Wzdn ed institution 1n the West, lot yet hlaving been secoured, tise DIN SDIAY, DECEMBER I1,f 1S90. PRlaCE 3 CJENTS. M ' i I i I i } j ' T i f t f 4 f3 4 :i Sit. ttst Ibefire ties exi rtiott t )1i tilt 1111 tltt-s'8ooo- wss sfiiially se:II ire-ilOfll#itis attioittttBfoston as' tGs _Ga tiate S ,ooo. Nosy Si sirSiSt .ooo - 7ta ia tati Chic-ago S8r i oco. Nosyvstwthet cvrvtfiiiig is re-aisdy ir - F hestS : 7-s 3 Aari a h puishtigthe fprojtc l ttitocomletton, 0 - trq Sti ur pan pao- ani unerxpectedl sifrictilty lots aphaear- - pt afaj cii. Triciiitpliis, the Pimeur Si tisterr twho itiaie thte treaty wth lithe Astor- D c-; fi It {cac.-,Bf J3 ., icait Arc-lsaolgical li tstiltite, fiatsfcet replaced b lao'o atii, wlho i isiler- flit0WOOl) W:1ltII AV'F,:. stoiud tlie fav-orable- titthis-Freachb anid miay possilyfvnott accfptthe ar- DCtroit. -_ voc ,a ran tgi-mtents iof his predescessor.ViTe_____ Irs-ich litgas ex-av-atinig at Illfi sotlc40}oat t a-,all int iiallyin ttIn a lotscslits 137a lhey laidi lars-tittml f ii anittIs-store still Afpoloitst ataiotnal shirisic-of GIroost- lecopetiedlby for many cesntturies. heire the wsorli I HA.5'1111:2ti-C. ~~~stolpiesdtasitunothinitg listsi§iti- eee dote. formlerly with the if thes- preseist Prime 'tin ister trill accept his tpretdecessosr's arrange- loots thse work of excavatiotns till likely begin intthue comtinsg1ear. Tise excavation of thsis famsosts site is the most impifortant }jet undertakels by any arcis-eologiesi society and no doulbt wsill ise rewcarded by the dis- covery of many treasu~res of great value to tise ciassicailsstent. D~r. D'Ooge wcas not only tisesriginator of tie iproject btut Isis sitce givens it msuch timse situattention.It wsa largely due to his efftsrts thtat Ciia- go sublscribed $xoooo. Reception of the Woman's League. 'i'lese cindlaftersnooniiecepsftions of thic' Iotiant iLeagueso scurredl Sattirthax , lec-usber j , frto 3 to i. Sit rs. l )'(.oge ansi tlcs.Thisitspsuti kindtly-olpened thseir homesi for tse ocsitntit chsiprov-edia mutst iple- intot o 050 t)hse frestut.at boths place~s. The U. of Al.- girls are alive to thse advantages of these occasions for bte- coming acqjuaisted socially, and tile membership list is constantly in- creasing. Hlarvarsd Outfitters, Cambrid-e, Mass. A 'Splendidh New line of Gentle- men's Underwecar, Gloves, 'Ties, &c. Also Sportinsgsitd Athlietic Goods. Chas. Speller &~ 20 1-2Z S. State. I3\1 asitresslig a P'ostailard Is' Manag~ier MichianaLeigucTIeaicilers - Itreati, NO. 94 SOUTH STATE STREET, Several Good Positions to be Filled by 4anuary 5, 1891