ThuE IT OF M. DAILY -.t.. (ii 2r .S- -EOO S- ..,'. +~ NOB.i._/LEF, The Clothier, 0 01iltoir for w o ;! l 1)11ars L r thi t.; L(EISO dl ,;p1. Ct()111-,L6I I n ? ~ C l l n i ~ I ~ c~ ~ Fine Illustrated Books. Art Calendars for 1891. Fine Stationery shit- able for Gifts. COME AND SEE US. NEW BOOK STORES, lBLACK II lI AIAT $1.50. .)LL ANI) Sti.OLL. >/Li (Jl~33i~(~ ~9r1J> J~3if~, IARG(AINS IN UIRNV1IIWAII AT' 9c0 ANJ)91 U6 1J~ Miq Siroct I.S~~ Sir 1,TNIVERI ITY V T -I1001K 3. T~. _ er . .WL ll oos i n i _ii ti Schoolsi. riieii N ~ OL a ii I. ILQ isho Xin the I iI iil cio tisiiulilLLI i1 iiie E goIL of I FomiitLiin Peiis. A W.rCaiiitetl FoL nin~L Peij (;IdL fior,$1.50. No. 2. E. Washington St- near Main. G. H. W -0, JAMES MSTAFFORD, flie lie-I place l o gel a MADE TO ORDER LATEST STYLES MODERATE PRI 19 SOUTH MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR,- - - MICHI. HOLIDAY HINTS. I Draws Near. \\l-1e i thlWat ill hIL ) our Stock. of Holiday Goods and Novelties N1I il LI iN i t~lii ilk-tioii for 1you. Hundreds of htle Glovnesrchibefs, G andverchimbefls, *and Fancy Articles to select front. E, F. MILLS &000, 20 South Main. Dry Goods and Carpets.: THE LARGEST STOCK, TJ"UTINE ILD CTO-7, GREA TEST VRITY V LOWEST PRICES , W M.cANQDLDWEE (_ L I X.IPS, illtiicity. YLI))daill -s aon10ey bl liig of Lus. 0tru 11t, AIN 5111 'f, I )SI P 1 111 Ii ha 1)0 equl burns sLitioitit LodoL.ior 1 '.JLL LsiatateLopi d )LoLLILIepaLiringLL c h*s lioug(f rick Lanl givecs a clear white light. M. W. SLAKE, Scald at 10 eiil 1100gallon, deliveredl LLo any patIof the c0te. I-ICURF.S, FRAMES,)LO 44 SOUTH MAIN ST, PEA.N & CO- ARTr GOODS. 1OwestiHuroll THE CMPUS.FERDON LUMBER YARD. THECAMPUS 111 1111 le lst. Afirmative, L. Z. Man Lauer Lo an delrin~r # 106011 'LLLnd W. A.ito-islo ineo'Oiv e, SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUMBER {. L1{.t. 1111xtlLi ssl 111and . A. Ilorriigr- - )iLL ru itLtLaLII aLL~iSx ed tc hatr nexr tan rda"til . I;ool flight Son1g. It. X'M' . .J, HALLER 011 roLLll i, I ILv givcl tli ei dea.L lLI1TE1S.I ilolotl C. 1. Mcl lister. 'o2, lit, Lof th 1' 4 lL I A IL) r. 11)1 11 1' '0ii,10los Cai ss.,I IL the ozlro oiit- tatosiuio O. M. AiART1N, ties. 11 tis 1i5001apoito 0t ere, ILrill nit Ibe 11 1 iuitit l DE0iALER)IN, Now ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sm llxc u sgogiooS h l.Cloth Caskets, Metal1'0 pecialy faz lis Icaltz" IAND COMMON COuiF3iNS. 10ilIltl'.i1IiPiof. John J1.XbI , 1111s15 trin 11 J. A. POLH EMUS, -. ooruofrirllo. lacI, tolit, studyingiigth111Dl. KoofLin +Ir7~ is plaacicibng a1 Ioitiac. Itis famous disoveory of a illi for ALSO '1C1S HACK AND) BA(IGA(;E IL~ D.. Cantpbell is giving Ilie juiotheL Ilcure of constiuption, will return Noth Nsita Stree. mdc trcabreas nds l aur n aig oeo hs RNE EBL section. Baskers and dealers in lhealth-gl-uig reniedy wvhItlliiii Groceries, Provisions,Flour and Feed, j isuniorlws, 'presidrd tdtheof meet 1'lhoaverage expenses at Yale per - sdEW~)wes J~~iL~ 015,IroILOL tNlear1101 has beeni for eachi freshmoan, JOHN WOTZKE, in g yesterdlay. $736M~tinLr,81 31jnoMakereof fi)e 'the Lrosisinitited l lt ht 10170 ''oloncr, iz :;jnirI.ADIE' ,axad GE9N t&, S(OV e' $884.17; andLIseior, $91r9.70. The Repirig natly one5. 431 S. Alain St- IL~oLLIorO astSalu~la nigil. largest explensessrelportedl for anyLL o -ne______ 11he folloing arceItie fral. noei lL. 298GRANGER'S wasI 2, 0rs (I 6ACDEYOF DANCING,- TfhesL~ 101' X fire Ilill bho LxctirsioLILportico uL. Atlih scil LLiLLIIL1 1 Presidentt, 1"& rotKalamaoo, JaLckson andOpsi 11- OPPOSite tIaw -iluilditig. \L-itlcI 0)1100. 'q2 , lit; ,I iic-prc'.i lito attendL110)1Statnley's lctre jlo) 11clit ~ I-ti x L.l~, 1.,... r ,.,t~~i..P i it w llh r:.>i"d .r iil 1". 1I it ooLI '2. lit: treasure:', 'I lie lIx t sei-ni ma[LiLLZL ItlilOenI- Icr1-titLl IIIbyltheIWebster society ill 11e givenLi ll thelta111- lectuire roomilWednesday 1 IIclOSIng, 1DIc. 1-7. ,mfllloinLLlg programmec will lie ren)dered:]President's address, X. C. GoLrm~ley iano10 solo, 1. J. Ols- mian; oration, J. AV. Curtis; guitar and harp duel, Messrs. Wisehiart and1 Bauer; 15aper, M4. S. Lesh; de- hate, Resolved, That the Federal Election 1Bil Slow pendinlg should S. I o extra tickets xwere sold this III )llt-L(TI g.inntttarboir. Tlae Printn(C c Club, aisisteil by t1h- iBanjo andtid olIii C(,lub~s, lois w tade arranugemntLs tfor a trilL ilirixitg te Christnmas holidays. fTie tlee anid Banjo Clubs tire soil to be amuonthe1 best Princetoni has es-er had, while the Mlandolin Club is a new addition. Conicerts wcill, be given at{ the following places : De- cmher 27th, Cincinnati; 2911h, St. Louis; 301, Indianapolis; 3)1, Louisville; January xst, Columubus; 2d, Titusville, lPa., 3rd, Pittsburgh. Through Vestibuled and Colonist Sleepers Between Chicago and Tacoma, Wash., and Port- land Oregon. The Wisconsin Central and N ortlielfa Pacific lines run through Pullman e tiliuled and Colonlist Sleepers betwTe" Chicago and Tacoma, Wash., and Portland7 Oregon. The train knON i as the Pacific Express' leaves thle Gi and Central Passenger Station. at the corner of Fifth Avenue 101n1 Harrison Street, at 10:4.1P. M. dailY For tickets, berths in Pullman or Cc1' onist Sleepers, etc., apply to GEO. '' Tueomersoa, City Passenger and Tacker Agent, 205 Clark Street, or toF.J EDDY, Depot Ticket Agent, GrSR4 Central Pasaenger Station, corneriftb Avenue and IIarrison Street, Chic5 il.