THE U. OF M. DAILY C uprr-Is C"UT' 1IQQ IN DOIJU AT THE TWIO SkMI BRING TIS WITHl YOU L" LESS with every piurchase made in ant of the D~e- partuients this week, ins the Clothtittg, Furnishing, H at and l(ap Decpartmnuts, any attoutnt gives you a guess. Guess a -iwordl of four letters tool get ailltudreld1Dollars January i]St. L_ BL.ITZ. Aiii rbr Siiui J.llry VOORHEIS & ITS BES^IT WORK IN THE CITY!' STATE ST, TAILORS, 011 CALLEDF OR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. Ofic s'Wiii AT' sa-,iTr'i . t/L fNL] SE US, SI~Y T ==1T Of OWldT. of M. should have a Univer~ity of Michigan Guitar. Prices lowest, Quality highest. Guaranteed every inch of the road. 1 Violin amnd Guitar Strings, 10 ets.; Batnjo and Mandolin Strings, ci ts. Everything ini proportion. 38 S. Main St. A T ENr N G ". IAO RGN 0 BROWN'S DRUG STORE CORNERl MAIN AN)DJIURON STREETS. LAIIOEI' S'rSOvKi, 1'ToILEr GOODS AvDoTWINE tIn~lts, ToutaviCOS At.D CtGARETTr"s IN 'THE CITY. BLACK SILK MUFFLERS AND FINE NECKTIES of Ev1'aerg Descriptioti. FERGUSON777-& SLATINGSM WAHRS 00 STRE, O N O N Ills I 'ts ii;11,1iti Iluk' it ut t ii x l"e?"'t(ci wl ae 1o~y yIyngttieriyTxtBo san 11supi- W lo c" V li FY, ' 1,IIvs.II ails an'. As.ily 1:Zios ic Cvi Nnl, 55 llhbur+" Ittasat r ,itvvs ii t sto n ii con-tew t'iltt vtisiutfit,i Guitrv,.( i II vest al ]t f last. IIDINI; 1OO)0k -.10111IN 1111'1CIT'. .L TTL1.T SI S7Lj i S~TIANLEY, MISC ELLA NEOUS i -I4- All intlsttv I n Ft1 'csto pmt '~ G THE RSCUER OF LIVINGSTONE tdai, it ii' 1)vti l) niistftrm RNE EMIN PASHA. iiioii til ]i)e kit lot1;ti iii OFAL KNDIA t al '.Ci I.gilsar te stan Adworin-Rtenowned frca ;rid 1tvdivsiats of eehniouthi, ito ' T. JACOBS & CO.'S, Explorer, steadl of every Wedinesday, as pi lt)- ,r 27 AN 29 WAINST.fishetinit the -A t IHorne list. atn ____- WILL LECTURE AT UNIVERSITY Sey olnsItosi Leather L. GRUNER. ''ALLsTtEiEVEsNI.GaOi z Dae elr1 nS=To = HALL UHERYEN 6.OF all' sstoi' loi" l t doMtilgNeuynd~rttlslsIy. ___easil iRoi, lit') lliiilit~tg, anit ( on Srigt a. n h :edcl ndI-olc oat~c I- o.I This Morning Six Htundred Single Depaten tsiwaeratthey lnioatlbetis'S CIGARETTES. Tickets Were Placed on Sale. cotstulted it atiTlni. Cig-trete SmokrsRwho ita 1'. it ii ia, Cl te Sns s wht ~Sec. Womian's Iyl,5vrue are villiiigIsoiny a litlie 'ha el tt lb ous hateve ir lieiaythink (If :talt 'rd;igaretteI will tineIliv''s tmethouis onlthetl 1)trk Coniti- I THE CAMPUS- Tn , his lAS speriotio~' CUl0 h it hdSright lelit, i'veryibodiiy ttatdmire the 12'P1411r111icl fci1 ~t'1ts a rif ~ r nin t'iralnia.nTileis sthe 051 ltosonfrsieeelystiliey n nl g -d ofSraigt Cut Cigaetes , Iege itis itlenit for leavdershipl. tl3oraf0 ias 'Ml~EyantHu i5astrol~tu b s Iah in ht 1 'rtithehes'il iiyeaol u ri the track of the electric street 'SEs i 'v a rnti i smianland nobierve tha1 the - raill a stly 5 lsvabottatll laiid, andlilIoevr acae .TharmlsNshTE isanr chne sitject htts prioved a gretaltertis hsipcsI aevr a~tbreA. Ts-Rihmode rinas ngt 'ctariifortile thle ftrnous explorerFj Ann Aehr ~ saings B k sillhis l)ret'tttrip. Eve'rybhodytis til u t ~eh~ tii ftt tt Arbor Savngsstir. CaAannt'b Ase. the gi vivs'ya. "° r °rgari1. Snrtplnls,$il0isWl. _\I accou~t of the Fridilvii t i v yy UatiiM un dec the es enril Hashing tns 'ii iolil lsSidlt'l-t Ri This ie. Neeiven epose. Studentans L I.til ttonws crowdied out of yetsterslai's UP ncange ontbe priaclpal cities etn the ttre A sociatilln lilaced oi le I o 5~ttctge. )-atsens iidIuponl Iropee su . I pp ast-ly ne._Of4 et hsingle tickets for the Stanliey' dg' .i'u- i ppa o'l Muca.ees.,stuidenits in Mfr. Tuft's s dm115s in _ W. Huatnsassa%. Vice es, laent here, to he fotud at Gruher 's P ostofice news 'taint, aiid Noore &Py'llgl ct)pea-asrt 1 --THE ARGUS -"Iti skvta)li of tht ork of thse se- 1NTaber'tstMate street store. Thene, s1&T ? ith h nundier of season ticketsnetrhufanlhtiltinb-- A ' OW RICES. out, willl use th- entire seating cap whlores tror lti'so eyp 0 tves, new and old, large and city of University Hlall. If you in- lecture coiurses without quiz's, and mal, for coal, wood, oil and tend to sit when you hlear Stanley,' witha very exaspierating exanis at the TEJ3P: 1sle at J. E. Hlarkins', 28 E. yotu sould helter get your tickets close, are looking with anxety to ts our ais touplick. - g~onstreet. early.I the futture. RE GISTER O3FFICE, OPP(4 i3 Shirfis, Art Goods. Irn lSt. Mauufactun-r c,.: Bard aid Otchestr Bad land Orchestra ,Soal fur Ctlogue . Mnluiid frcc. GRIAND 11APR1, IHIGAN.. 'RINTING. sltflis it Catl nfrehtil ESITE COOK(IHOUSE