" 4 Q. No. 162. UTNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, Tt i~iEI)AY, DECEMBERR 16, 1890. PRItCEt 3 CENTS. FRE-SHMAN ELECTION. ticket isas elected btic aoasritissc kllU i I~epnen Vcor ablouit the saute as the abovse. The s-oc rae tie l ,ildsio-to the its i ______1idepenietVcor. Ild leiris had no catn]idate for cx j.ade. lit' Iresltiet, s-i tlettoss on tut Toastmaste. tihe]-sofhietrs elc- Nss. si ball bial.11t Itl)utas' rcesr,- th Rt icketts of tlie.laidelleirims- has-eu Palladliutitrimis a stilftcitt fessors of the I iitersiiv , andiltos the r~ tallisw their inameis tos be tunietditorial, fromttichui the ftl- lpeole of the city,- atietitire irs-sk of iite as tile canidtate for presi- loing is ain extract. It is ti lleasure 'laspar- }trtettis. " lit 1 rFat ticket.ITaut iteithier f-rofidin ow ands ttenia paper whichcluItltas tiasie tillelgtgeitett titti - ert tlemen watited to cut off is disposed to ilo justice to itAttierican James Ira "y ppleiiee, of Bosstoni the Oe g head anidlietite the brats coillege shorts. emtinenst Sltakspeareat lecturer ands intto tthe cotntest with M.T "Foot-hall is a tioble gamset It ralr ogv ielcue i ti hket 4ui at the lieadt sf their cant never hecomte a succesiftil short Arbor, ottl The Five Great Trage- lf aigitdeatttstta for protfessiontals, untless the mioral dies of Sltakspeare '' The time will it."- aigmd ointa fiher of the craft is raiseil totitatch ble the last wreek ill Janutary. The I torr he ballot for all the officers physical prowess, for foot-hall talls sulijects will Ilie: tr1-e taken. This utotiont was ittu llay-iteitter qualities sif the -t. ftRtmeot itu1 1tiliet :t.A I ratio fteN nudt xpdt atters Ilte mi. It is the ligtor-us h foe V~e5 otintg used with so mods regards 'fioot-ball as thle crush oif . tithelbt:AklDrtmatotif Faith. az t thlltuLawDetuartiuet, w.ttssheerureighlt. ;. lauutls-t: A Iraututof lDestinyv club -c - A ctmuplete roll of t1l c - -all s trite that thle gamte is rousgh. 4. Ntci-i rtit u ui Chit0 lhastsectn obttainetd to thtat It is true that injuries freulttueiily science InIeg tl rotitig muighut lhappen, yet oc-cur; bittthudoytu kntow of ally ciii- -LIear:t A D~rtamattof Sourrowt. 1t "Ought thtey statt-alltupper lege gradluate who is a pesrmtantenut 'Mlr. Applleblee tat guceut these lee- as~iitvt.wreck ini conuseiquence of tile gaule, ltres a numatber oif timies itser ini lBos- l ttutle uui tussw that the ini- though it has beeni llac esl feoaful ieta asiuirltht i ltj bahllot would result ilit large gentertitiont? Ott the other itautil,(lo0mauy large ities ill this cotututrt- hle rttue5 for their cantdidates, anl you nout knotw scores of oildulayters, andsliii Fngland etd eeryher SI eaIr derided to mtake the ballot great, mnagnuificent fellows, ,Nitlt thee hasvelueent received with great -inl Tile result ouf the ballot sl eep chestsJuieiklesretgfao MrAieeewlleivl aste w : sturdy faces temspered bty t spirit of remuemtbered bsy mny here front tttlt5e J- .Loeb, i ouz ;1j".(had- mastery, and withal literal reservotirs having givetn a remarkably interest- A' '5 of force, physical and moral? Noitu-lg lecture its University hsall, in* the lis IeS, AMiss Waidswortht, 96; entities cannot play foot-ball-it's a students' lecture cours'e four or five Miilts 6o. game for the kings among men. yeatrs ago, on " Charles .Dickens. 1 torb R. A. J. Shawv, un$t 1'. "It brings out just the spirit nuen , TeWles '9 edt ucewehri ea The Hobart Guild party last night r5ainder of Clue Independent the bar, in the pulpit or in trade- was a marked success. Wright, Kear & Co. ti-s-t he ittO upon P- Mciewtstr e svus Fbe apened l il j a a I G t formterly I hart-rat A Spleudidl Nes ivitl tile -it Olutfitters, suiriulge, Mass. v hune of Genttle- muen's Underwvear, Gloves, 'Ties, &C. Also Sportitng and Athletic Goods. Chap. Speller & ,. 2_0 1.:3'Sate. tAN LEARN ill- IINDECIS 13)-uutlihtessiiiaPt 0I al ut Z- SD-7I21-TFES, Mtanager fieluiguut Leaigute Te-achers* Blureau, NO. 94 SOUTH STATE STREET, .4NN fl1?8O(R - - Y1ICHIGflN. Several Good Positions to be Filled by January-5, 1891.