TT4I-.0 UnfP M..D)A ILY ~QO~~ NOBLE, The Clothier, Shoohai &Cot)fle llliversitJ Booksollers), ~ ~_--I> OF(F EKING---- Wh bae hasor imany yearsat this' sea sot, displayid the largest,11m0st cii isrehensis'c,aiiatrcie toki ter cof lsmeswllts cr e n trciesok i hi lseo uies ilti erxcel their formier exhibits, thc e 'tlt Liof reparaitioi oin a broiadter sialeb p c a ~ ~ e - n e w a than ever before. S~ ii u u 4 n ~ w a Finc Illustrated Books. Art Calendars for 1891. Fine Stationery suiit- able for Gifts. COME AND SEE US. NEW BOOK STORES, ~i 6 o A tiret 4 S-A S Sre SC' ZIISI 1 llfOsS~r OAh sT ', ''If Ii Sh Ilt"011 ias I f r 2 tAT Or s czt A (cam 77tH t:. C APU. w$ Q BLACK tINDERtWEAOI Al T 2. 00)AND $an B AtGiANS IN tl'RNl)IIWAI1. Al' ttic AND 95C- G. H. WILD, Nc.E W nng Mn.GHWILU-9 ESTSTOC, ยง 3 1 ZiV 1111010 V T H IA LANiD EWELER, * i i iirki ices F a el Irist tM. VW'.LAKE, it r tii ~St i tt'a'rrfep, soa 1)~s Li'. Har.oar's Lttibia iosttsta. ED NL M~E ~t -yVfI1AWGNGSA WEDJ LUM3r of i 3 ? 1 -_tt- " li it Ii I I P B ~ I II ' ist 'i{ iii'ii _.._.._-----it MAET IIDUR MAODERATE PRICIS. 19 SOUTH MAIN ST.,. ANN ARtl'OlI, M I C It . HOLIDAY HINT'S.' I Draws Near. Our Stock of Holiday Goods and Novelties WillIIIV ii's fit ts nii lo ft ,i , is iilist iii' iiili' ii t e. li. C'' aiaii 11e0 z, let iiiiti (ls iii the.Noit'h-i wvesternii 'its'rsitv is5 e'ossilereeld the itiiil class aiii the other three c'lases zire adis'ed lto patterin after to lie oni as strong a fountdation as any> of the college organtizatioins. A5 cillege in OIregon is greaitly vexerd to kiioii'shat tii do wiitlh its suirlu s ftunds. 'T'e.I'. of ' SI is foriuaaelk init itius situailted. 'heImiiiibeisiif the 1 thu i'ark1 C'oiicert Co., spent the clatyyester- day l at regenttV'ii tiani's, ioni ash'- tenw v. ' iss Iii':: iv e ; others.'itiere sIll be a 1iiiititbei' of dlelegates here frotit colleges in .51icliigao anid adjoinintg states. 'Twso or three ti'eetinisswiill be hieldi cacti day', ande as the titie arraitged for itet-t((i ridav, Saturday, Sitnday anit Moniday ) will sot be a v'ery butsy ione for stueneits, it is beliesved that moany will avail themtiselves of tite prisilege of receivitig itistrtuctioii friitii such a totedl Biblical schiolor. Mir. Coniwsell wiill lit' here oiithit j ist, hut ino mtttcigissill lit' aii 'Te tieetitigs wi ili e hlu1in the chape1 xvithi except ion of the Sunidas' ev'einigservice ss'hichill 1likelys' le held ini 'iiversity 11ail. The S. C'. ClothCskt, tal J. A.POLHEMIUt, NiotiMain Sireei. RINSEY & SEABOLT, iiakiirs ansalesin i Groceries, ProvisionsFiour and Feed iaid OlE. 5W'ashigton St. JOHN WOTZKE, Maker of Bc' IADIESO and G.N' , 51400 Repii'i neatty dtone. 'LiS. Maten~ OR ANG ER 'S -,-,-ACADEMY OF DANCINGA Opj)O1site Law Building. Il l i:;1 e Ceel i Siat lly iilS d ei 'lS ThroughVestibuledi and Coloist1 1 handeer hifath Cocer C'initaivis siterofA. his beein very' fortuntate in secur- Gloves, U'mbrellas, Mrs. tNhitnan. iig the services of JDr. Hiartper, ansd *aid F'ailey Article's w sill inake great effort to have a large to select from. ',"WmnsLeag;ue has asked attendance both front Ann Arbor, forthetie o soicof iteroms iiand colleges at a distance. The EF.Mi 0 \N'h'' H' 1-fll Thle trustees have ofteIsiuerl ean LX rnted the reqtuest. andi for this prograntom h nttit tl i n fa -or, the League will attempt to 0~~ ae 20 South Main. raise $,,20 for (lie finishing of GtSalytcesi h on Dw oods sad C &Vpe. the building. ing. The ises Pacilie lines titbuled anid Chbicago an Portland, C as the 'Pa. +Gi and Cent the corner Harrison St an Chica. h., antd P regon . ntr'l atnd ou hi Jul. sfleel era a The (rut .press" 14 senger S fth Ave 'enue ars