TRZ U. OF.M. DAILY -OF -JUST ARRIVED, ATHE TWO. SAMS ]BUY YOUR SUITS AND OVERCOATS f o11tIEMBE gt Guuess the word thatd will open the Sale, a dictionary word of La. S3L.ATZ. LpiAbr80~l1Lllhr VOORHEIS &DITS REST WORK IN THE CITY: STATE ST. TAILORS, Ca ALLEDFOR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. W515hCIAL 5RATS COTUENS. SE OIC_ 23 South Fourth Ave. - AtLNLSE U, =T7L M=SrT7 ==2 TWr Of Old U. of M. should have a Univer~ity of MichigUan Q""uitar. Prices lowest, Quality highest. Guaranteed evesy inchs of the road. Violin amod Guitar Strings, 10 cts.; Banjo and Mandolin Strings, 5i cts. Everything in proportion. 381ClmnS. Main St. AILM.W DINJL1GLR PLIAINU & OR GiN CO U. TR ASDE AT BROWN'S DRUG STORE ('ORN ER MAIN AND HURON STREETS. LARGEST STOCK (SF TOILET GOODS AND FINE CIGARS, TOBsACCOS AND CIGARETTES IN THE CITY. BLIACK SILK MUFFLERS AND FINE NECKTIES of-LEvor-y (Doscription. FERGUSON & SLATING, f 1v~WAHRS BOOK STORE, DOWN TOWN. Student will save money by hisying tnicersity Text-Books and all supplio, tt1Ieradquarters. We allow lPeciah discount on LAW BOOKS, MEDSICAL BIOOBS.,1DENTAL BOOKS, il Short, every Book llsedl in th Itiversjfy. 5,00 Blank Books at lowvest prices. LEAING 1BO0K S'TORE IN TIlE (CITY. ~L'~T~l NEWST TYLS SrIAN E yMISCELLANEOUS. -IN t All interested in se(-Isriiq- rates to (Itlicago, still imeet in koom A.\Tues- THE RSCUJER OF LIVINGSTONE dlay, at t: p. ni. I~efinite inlornat ANUDI7~ ~PTG R EMVIN PASHA. a3rd =~lbe vnlit-a dne Mrs. Angell's "At Homte'' days OF ALL KINDSIAT And world-Renowned African to all C. of I. girls are thc itt and T. JACOBS & CO.'S, Explorer, steatd of every Wednesday, as piib- iithse''At Homne" list. A7 AND29 MAINST. WILL LECTURE AT UNIVERSITY REB1A \V. KoGRS, L. GRUNER. HALL THE FVENING Or SecN. Woman's 1League. a' _eae nSMio~s JANUARY 6. Lists of ladies "At Hlorne" dlays to te o ot anrnspt. all U . of Ml. girls are pocsteudits the _________eatyandPromptly Readitng Room, hiry hluilding,an I h rfond Straight Qoat. To-Morrow Morning Six Hundred in the INedical antI 1hornsopatltic No.I Single Tickets Will be Placed Bepartmnlts, wltere they miay he CIGARETTES. on Sale. cottsulted at any time. CgrteSmokersewho RE.1tA XV. Roostos, are willingto n ay alittle - Sec. Womn's Leagtte. { more than the trice IX hateve emytik of Stan- supgd orte rir ~ceCg rete.wlo n sehods on the Dark Conti- THE CAMPUS. uto u all otkehern trigtnent, everyhodyv nosttadmire the oidelc ily ainor e andmhih ' t o ic ditiso h an aind ac- IThe lbste'r Society will 'lye a Si r" fn inaVirginla. Thin in the (lid pbi ormi h a etr - nilBado Strnight Cat Cigaretts knowledge htis talent for lcadershsip. IRICprr.isnthlaeect' h~eaLjr 01'1toutby unlin the yeariC.C1 tiil875,eiedicsicnofteroom inext Wednesday inighit. A m riittone, and obsotenethat the Cranytewd icsino h Th L, IIT t akg. suibject has proved a great advcrtis- good tine is assutred. LING"'S SI XACUSI! 67 Monrree e .Dero'ivicl% 'rie loarerot: roctoMerchoodice Ro1socn t (he Stote. Sicrcisefir .Mactito. "tthhurns, Brunos and Retot Gosoec. ond 1t to. te N- ort adno.1 Yco!stojm c. Iest Slte nthe O World csnt hs:: i on sy odicou 0 1,tels;ccl each fore Violins et.,t Guitoe and 10it, c tar Ties, DrepS b'hirtp, Patent Leather. -Shoes. GOODSPEED* FINE PHOTO1 GR sPII8 Millilneryvmnd Art Goodn. 130 Eant Huron St. JawYOU I loll Manufactures of Ban d nd Ochestr P- rentsnaOF. r ~ laud arhestr Sett ed rCcrao~ k oEcatDI rtDS, 3WICIIO}ANt. SHORTHAND OOE" IlT WILtL PAY YOST. Shertbsses SchcoI~tNe* Euildln eg, SilSoreis St;;ice $treek. -''a :T5 Richmond Virgisnia. 54Atsrbor Savings Sn 8orMch. Capital Stock, $50,0(X0. tn~dudrthe Gneral nanking Lawo txhneh'" Receives Deposite, hays and ed Sk~te0onthe principal cities of the ItII.tio . DrafsOicrs:u cashed upon proper W.DIRra AsN, Vice 'Pres., Ro".,,, tIan. E. is+CoeC sa,(ahie N THE ARGUS.s- AT LOW PERICES. l'ew and old, lar ge and ofor coal, wood, oil and ro 1s at J. E. Harkins', 28 E. n Street. lng card for the tlie famous explorer oin Isis present trip. Everyhotdy is oin she qui vive. 'ro-morrowe sorsnisigthe Lecture Association will place on sale G~oo single tickets for the Stanley engage- ment here, to be found at Gruber's hPostoffice news stand, and Moore & 'raber's State street store. These, with thec number of season tickets out, will use the entire seating capa - city of University Hall., If you 'in- tend to sit when you hear Stanley, you would better get your tickets early.t 'Te ILectttre .Issociattil shldttt ptrovidle new charts ftir thea seats ill University Ihall ; it shsouild also get people to clheck oaff seats tho cain write legibsly ; anodtihens it shtould chaisge oif those usiters that are care- less. M1r. A. 'l'homopsoni, of lake Charles, La., a graduate cit this (Uiversity in the class of '67, is visiting his daugh- ter, Miss 'Lena Thonmpsosn,sof the high school.- The annual directory, which has just been published at Iharvard Col- lege, shows an attendance of 2,251'.'j