THE U. OF C.of. ritu.4 Published Daily (Sundays eceped during the College er, by THE U. IF M. INDEPENENT ASOCIATON. Subbeription price 1,10 per year, invariably in advance. Sige epies a cets. Os aie at Sheehan's and Pst offrs newso statd every evening at 6 o'clock. Subcription may be left at the ofilie of the DILY, opera House black, at Sheehan's, at Stotel, or ewittt ay of the edtor. Coimntaications should reaclihe orice by 16 A .it they are to aippear the sateday. Address all natter Itended for pblicationto e theManaging Editor. All buoiness coamunu~- iatiotts should te set to the Buines slat- ager. Report all elct~n th part eelf Carriers tee he City Circulator, W. B. O'Neill. THE U. of M. DAILY, Anun Arbr, Miei, EDITORS. i. B. S iostiKEct, 'i. Mnagngc Edter. W. E. lraist, '0, Assist. Managingit oer. I. 5. Ideocit,'1, Assist. Maaing bil. E. 0.HOLde.,t,'2, ilesiuso hMatager. W. , tiNceti,'11, Assist.Bulittess Mang. It,XW. 1)o t'ekii v. 'E, A sit.ilsines ti'a i'.. Hullsosn letcsn,se,'1, F. BH TnnAL4.s,'5. 11H. I'f ,cwcEta. '"I I. ]L.1. HAMasseea; '1 A . W tessteee, '01 AltH.leVEn, 'l. C. P. MedirtAsrt, 'SrL. StetaoYsv, 11. RtALPt S oa, '12. J.'.T'ItdVE, 'lid 1. G. 1 icienr et i, 'o. E. t,. M 000, S. C' . .llKEtoS'.i WiiATi'has 1)be111om e fthe gmeenas- iumli 1100e'menlt ? 1110edieters of 1110 thre'e 1)old sociato(ns5 haeot11) even 101! he lding toedisussO dhe nmatter. lPerhapsecseteb )0110Ily tik they hasve lnotautoitr~y; 010 tinlk associatios o Srganized. It has not)1yt 1101111decided1 whether anllpal a01111be mlae t the legislature. If it soluld ee deemedi wise telo o 5, the directors shoulld take itmediate action in tie matter, as Mr.lBrearley st strongly emphasized. If Mlr hBrearley's offer is toi le accepted (ande there seemls t le n ti her10cseurse), the bal should ite startedl rolling liv reueest- ing 111101oIcomenc~lell'tie sampaigl throughl his paper, the jornal. 'ihle mlatter souldi be thoroughly aiaed, adtelegisaters educated uptotan lapreiationl of tie u0sef phlysical culture at te 1. of M. 'Te legisature 1110010ill till early iart sf Janary, and1 there is so muchlil prelimlinary owork 1t1 do that it woldl le exceedingly unlwoise to postpone0action un~ltil lafter111h 11ho- days. We lund(erstndlth iat .Mlr. lirearley, aon1e, has beenld(in~lg act- ive work, having aread y secured tie services ef lDoti. M. lDickinson, rsq., to aisinil the passage of a leg- islative appropriation. All wil tncerstand the significance of this. If we are going to ask tie legislature for help, it is necessary to get 01r hill introduced earl, and we should, therefore, adopt the suggestion of, Mr. Breariey ansi proceed to work at (slce.. BUSINESS LOCALS. Black Silk Mufflers. Wagner & Co. Gn and see heehan's holiday open- ing. iBeantifuli goods, triesareason- able. LiST.-A lady's goldi watch -oithi. mioniogram, L. M. AW. 011 itisk. Fitder please retrn to 10 E. Wasingtone t. Whenlet it go home11 for the holiday, talke with yo11 alt Atn Arbor Souvenir Spio. C'(111be obtaineod otly at Wi. Arneld's lewery store. Overeeoats-Nobby styles 1n11 tottomi lricee-Wagner & te. GitEAl'Msek.t Cot esi ms. short, risp,. readable biographies, compete in1 one1 volumeici. All. P1. & . Co. Try Toiledoi steamiiLandry. Messrs. Sheehan & e. itvite the readers eof tie lDALY to visit their store dysing the hlidieay seso. Ar- tistie1a111 attrative rticrasill books .1115 brli-a-brac. Sluitinlgs, (veelatiigs ansi Troser- ilngs at reducied prices at Stafford's. Hlello, Boys! We soed $99 worth of (Guitaris lst Friday and Saturday. Our geods anit!prices do it. See stock' of Gulitars, Bajos, Matdoloins; et., etc. Cet prices. . Wilsey. 255o. 4th Ave., AnnliArbor. Nobby Bolx Coats madetoi order at Stafford's. Buy coal and wood of Judson, State- street. GoC to E. B. Bal for oa. Stop atid see the disilay at Martiti Ifailer's Winidows. Gruber's chocol'tea and bon-botia are tile finest thi atirtbtamade, pre 1'avors, 110 adulter'atio. Try them, P. . News Roon. A Osplnillite of Holiday tGoos sat Martinll ialisro Stewart Batjos at Wilsey's. 1B5t15s10 at 1. . Brber So. Mel Gillespie, Taeher of Gitar, Banrjo antl Mandolin at Clemet's. Bay State ad oiler Gtitars, hajos and1 Mantdolins at Wilse's. Best Strintgs at Wily's. Novelties iti Dests, ('hais, Rockers, Divaus, Sofas, et., at Mrtiti aler's. WANTED.- Fifteen Yonlg Men atd Ladies to catvass. Goiod pay. Apply at P. o. News Room at o110e. Have you senI the latest silver P. . Stamp box, itt formi of etvelope with cancelled postage stamp in frot and receiving stamp 011 back With or without atdress. For sale only at Wi. Arnold's Jewelry store, 3i Main tret. - A".mcSEMENTlS. - May of the st- detts probiably rettienber tie enter- taitnet ivens hirertso years ago by Ohr Lily (lly Co. Mbay who did not hear it here, ave proably eard it elsewhere. The Lily Clay Cowas under the managementt of Sans T. Jack, anti nsow Mr. Jack britgs u1. a still larger sihow, viz., The Creole ihiresque Coi- patsy, This is an ettirely tew attrac- tion, anid to those who heari Lily Clay tieedls110 recomtntdatiot. Of it te Newv York Sun Says: "Prostor's Thea- tre beganth ie season of 190)91list night with'sgame T. Jacks Creole Bur- iesqtte Company. 'lie bill presetted matey tretty stage pictures, ad the ballets were especially plesing. Pretty women, brilliant costumes sd bati- ful scentery carlctetrized the perform-' anice," Oti Wednesdieay evening tiere will be at the Opera House one of thee most unliqule intertaintmenta of the season, Reynolds & Emerson's Living Pictures Cotmpany. This is the first time this attraction has visited Ann Arbor, but it will io douit do a goo buinese. TWENTY LECTRS IN THE UNDERSTANDING OF MUSIC AND THE AR1T O TEACHIaNG. Fr Teahern, Siger. and advanced sen. dents af the PraeatArt of Muic, Tuition, 1.05, ORIN CADY. M. DAILY. I4oLIpAY J3001(Sm VisitI Shoo1Ial's AR l c1' ristmiis S Of Elegant Glift Books in. Choice Binding for Young and All the New and Beautiftul Novelties now on exhiibition.' SEEHIAIT i& CO ANNA 1,4 is TrlE AND THE 'THE BEST.g"" Sevcnteene techners. iBoared oilh Feribed Room 5:..55.teerweek. Cireulares upon apple- catio. P. R. CLEARY, President. James W. Brine, 10 and 11 Htarvared Rotw. Camebridge, Slats. Harvard, Yale. Prinecetonated steiveroal Cl- lege iutfitter ctet te lfosn teta BURLEIGH & JOLLY, 26iSUHSerTATE ST 5. ON OR ABOUT JANUARY 5th, 1£801, wieth a fail lisee of Sportitgand Athletie d hts, Baste-beall iandl'eieis Go, de eceeialty lee Spring asnd Sumemeroseattsenstrepeared be take ordersfre tlceesme MACKINTOSH COATS. Dosnottlace your order for goosene t il yeee hatve onelarid thil ite, N. It, tuiarligh & Jolly are tier only octloric. eel agensoin AseseArbor for dances IW. Breine, I7. L. DOW D'S HEALTH EXER.CISER Ftt Bain-Workers3;Sedtatriy Peoplt: direlien,Ladies , Youths; the t Atlee'rnaindl. A csete gveesiae..'lakeespbauteoee. /.W~IN quafooitsroomsan,sien'tii, dable,comppehenslee,'heap. Indorsed by a,oopbysiri. toe- yees, clr gymenetdorso8: suers nwuing-il en5rsill'd circ I rdeAli k.aegoteng's; norharge. Pof.ID L. Doewd, 5Sentii sictal an VoeaICultee , oRate14thst.,Nee YeeS. FdENCH ICE CREAM. FINEST FRENCH COOItNG O.W00EST PICES FOR IIRS'd' MATRRI AL 71 Fort St., West, - Detroit, Mitah. CITY LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. C'. L.YSTs', PsUProscoxi. Ns. 13 and 16t Waihisgila St., - Yptitantl,-M11h. Frstecass Ricsanatd Sty lash Saddle Horesa for Hire. ___________ PHU1T"0G RAPIIER11" NO. 12 W. HURON ST. Grand Opera House ! ONE NIGHT ONLY. Tuesday Evening, Dec. 16, 1890. Creole :Burlesque St CREOLES and ORIENTAL BEAUTIES. PRICES -- S44, 754. AND I$1.44.. Deairable ]seats selling with a rush. MHIGAN GENTR 5The ringara Falls Raute"t CENTRAL STANDARD TIh -°t - ic- cy ¢ lOlt {a' +O t000 5c Ci 4 : 0 4, ota i l y . S u d a . e x e pea G.P.& .s.ehio. lQt A11 l MichiganRailway Ma.C~edit.!Stanuadayime. le Cfk 0x. Ep&A. hiea t AEAnn Toed, >AnnT A rran rth Tie ab3aag Isis etI~t, S.fnnday .a 4a WC 64 d .......DndeTie.Cl12 6C1022 il... d 7011TO.MlEDO.110110h11- oca5 7 7 ....PtJnel....1117 9t'0 6 7747>. tee.ANNROR1 iSt 20 5 tee 1 . MiLland'...... 1 1 i9 0' 7..I, 5 9 .8.6 WitmorfLel 1i00i8 94." ..... 1 0815 ....mus 10s. 55 it 8 590 " 632i5.itRowelae102it e; ....73515.40 DuHandte......te95 40' s.. 6 0c5 ..s.ounna. ascet9.1,b169-' tel11t1le20......Owasse...9..x030 ~5 9 I1la130.. .Ihaca....... t7 4,5Is'. S 2c 11 50 .....St. Louis...... ta2o6 A. 9 512-45e....Almsa...7211 41b1 7teOsi0ia3 1 25 ,,,t. Pleasant.... 6 4 5 1 7la8la045 i1s57.......Clare......61 3 i 4'a g 7150. 0ea...Farewell....... 2 110'+ .. 6 2 _ Ociekam + Ot 1 2 '" . t, 701 ,.Mnniste.e....'' 7t1' 1230... 61)5 .. Beeconij.. tI.. S1 1 00.l5i3e... Frasshtcet . 6_?e Saginuaw DIvISlon. Going North SAIaNS. Going ao1 Pa 6as 5 j _an as.Past. I I?. - W ...... a m. LT.) tAr. A. si.*-'-1 6507,......7 40S.AnnArhor.. 11126-.."-j 7115... 94,....Durnd,....96. S 47. li.. t 07 Flshinsg...,. 8 43 " H. W. ASHLEY, A. 1. PAISIEh1.a Ssserntendsst. Gon a. n GEO. S. HAZLEWOOD. LocaltAgent.