TT4E U OP M. D-AILY NJOBLE, The Clothie Siloeliwi & c.,the Uivorsily Booksellers Who have for niany yearstati flu x ia11.i(,1. isplavidthe largestost com-ii prehensixve, and attraictive stovki.svthi line of blininess, xwiii this vi=. excelth Iirformer rixhilits, tlie r ,nl s ofpvetartion on a briater xsc r p e ja" l ' u u'( U nd ^ w ec' Fine Illustrated Books. Art Calendars for 1891. Fine Stationery suit- able for Gifts. COME AND SEE US. NSEW BOOK STORES, 6c ho.c t r cueeti443 :;1StuaeSti BLACK UNI)EIEAl"i AT $1.50, $2.00i AND 70. f7NllvR~f'YTEXTl'()II ~ ..T ~G. H. WILD, 11l l Too 'Isel iii City fSchools S t nit lit . Note('tanks1} it ;ad 11, Dratf s'iwn h gx to fhu iosS t ig t hei#r' (oteleCitF Lin .itt Sporting( nI. isiiiitt.Alt the itiatit len i 'tit(Iis inii ronseritigs atn( Ovvi'vix :I g-. Fitne Vests-tii lhe Insat f larg 1": vIc fPountain Ihelix. AkWarrittetlIi lti ntiii l'eli (it hr $l..,No. 2 E. Washington St., near Stain. G. TH. ARGES STOC JAMES M STAFFORD, TELRETSOK, ~ ~ IE~PLOQY GREAESTVARIETY COWS PIE S WM. ARNOLD, l , A ' T wWATCHMAKER AND JWE OniiTlAMtPS, in this city. Yio will saxeanannyIty lbutying itt us. 0111'i 5,MAIN STnREE, 111R71)E SPA R"I I OL tias no ezal, humns xxwithottdoator at Npint ; itiit ,'titi a id xtiasx txiiii Vie etiarrinig if viek intlgixvs ia cciv i tetlight.IM, W LAKE, solit 10cts ulpter galhun, dlivered t am- I itt of thle ity.PCTRES FAM S D 4t4lstIlneftge i SOUTiH MAIN ST. p EAN & aCco. 'IARTGOODS. lioxxe [,F U1,011 1' t C VFERDON LUMBER YARD, f( }l{ i5 Q(' -\S q THE CAMtPUS txy iMrs. 1I .. I t. onite, I'lti i.,o i i atim ofatnditit in I / taxiiixCatllinltwtlifixnixxtoursSAGINAW GANG SAWED LIS3E iii stmalatVae s 20, tie 'itt f a ns iiteadtl fx theifi ller lay- iCir.IFourthS atditDeiotinttsi MD TO ORDER txeax ext 2 tI()ttigiit?'.11077.Thet trtS . 'rniiixiOig iJ ALLnER , cI)1it5 n 1It Ilishort ittf I iill tii ' as tax -= l !t"e halc'texi > ft . _ - in_.tile ShlOIttitii r~i Sr LATEST STYLE]) 11.eenil n~i h311 -f Clint I . r. iii.t H~i. IAR _N Ret. (. '. stiuutlcllatul, fuitcai . lay :c e n Frad DEALiER IN Itli. hxwill speak oni"Oriin andiisisle r of Royal T. lii iiit, xias Cloth Caskets, MetaJi MOEAEPIE (rttvlh;xiiOfmit 's itra ofi Ileaen cut toilirried yesterdlay iiDetrroit, 1(o hIt AND COMN o (.0 115 tOEAEPRCS ell , Sunai ilirnitugt, 1itC servic es, of the C liii J. A. POLH EM US,~, ilthe etiing, Uniiont meeting at ht \o t1oenit fg. ALo.5 ACKAN BAGA E" 19 SOUTH MAIN ST., the titiversihy Ball. The excavations at Dlephi lave North Maitreet. There xwill he a meeting of thefcitone to a standstill. Anmerica RINSEY &cSEABOLT, IANN ARIOR31, - - - M ICH.i ' of C. CGrievance commnitein Rom stands ready wxitha her paromtised aunt 'Bakers and dealersin Fed tir uliionMnaDc to posh the wrork, but owing to a Groceries, Provisions, Four andV HOLIAY 1r~ r~llat 3:4I5 p. na. A full attend- change of ministry in Greece the ______awork was ordered stopped. The old JOHN WOTZKE, a_______nee is requtestedl. I. I,. Callaxxav, mnse a aoal otetok ,D~ Maker of asne chanirnman. mnse a aoal t h ok . 19and GIENTS' 01 hut it is conceded that tihe work will Riepiing neatly done. Ctt S.slains 5 -3 nllt At the G Fiepescentedlast a on only after a hard struggle xwith GRANGER'S D N tight, t. C. FiddIwes ntdanthefneasmntister. 9AAD YOF ANl,' Draws Near. ,excelletspaper on IElectric fight A lACAliEMYAttnDANCINGii 'li~,..- -M - il- ~irn~yattniii. ii 1) sTeever U.Il N.Almniasoiaio I 1v it Out xili)11;tt tow Ut un'llt ; t i re xtis iit Our Stock of Holiday Goods and Novelties 10il answec fi lquo tion for you. 11 11 I hndredls of Stvles *i lHandke rc h ie Ls, *Gloves, Umbrellas, *and Fancy Articles U 1 to aelect front. E. F. MILLS & 000., 1 20 South Main. Ivry Goods and Csu'pots. an ititeretitalatnt xiiikctrt-ic a ;ins P eru orgaitized at Grand lRapids I i ghit itug. 'uwithi thin followitng officers anti exe- Di'e Athletic .Xsstociatiioiinllt is cuitxcommtittee: *President, Av. J. uui,runic~ au sorlyafter to t'clock, tat vc-hpresidenit, IrigK l~rt s he enorylet -n as t arnhart; secretary, Mu. St. Houxe- coitie oft at eleveni, the tueetitig ad- mann; treasurer, Charles 'M. Wiilsoit: jotirticelltR onma24. irot. Stanley executive comtmittee, Edwin F. presidled atid after conisiderable dis- UVial, George 1?. Pantlind atnilChtarles cussiots. it was decided to adjourn Fx. nintil tlse second Saturday after the The U. ift St. A. A. mtain this htolidays. Since no nteeting of the morning and adjotirned until after convassing comtmittee haad yet been holidays. held, and it was thus uncertain who " Jack " Barnette, 92z, medic, were members of the Association, has received an appointment as as- At the Unity Club, Monday even- sistant at the New York state insane itug, lDeer oth, there will be a paperJ asylum at Ogdensburg. Opposite law Buitilding. Pipils-wittltuereciived, ii ai3*titnO ddu the season. Through Vestibuled and Colons: Steepers Between Chicago anid Tacoma, Wash., and Port- land Oregon. The Wiseonsin Central and N erthet Paeific lines run throughi Pullman e tibuled and Colottist !Sine pers betW Chicago and Taconma, Wash., aI Portland1 Oregon. The train l~noo' as the "Pacific Express" leaves t Gland Central Passenger StatiOn+i the corner of Fifth Avene8a Harrison Street, at 10:4,5 P. i.d8ll For tickets, berths in Pullman or C onist Sleepers, etc., apply to X T Homptsose, City Passenger and TOO1 .Agent, 20,5 Clark Street, or to F"