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December 13, 1890 - Image 1

Resource type:
U. of M. Daily, 1890-12-13

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i _= L
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I. N ; PO. 131l.
PRIC L./ Je. C EN 1j
WhtThey Did Yester-day.
l' ir Il of l cI'ii('5 I lo-iv _(
at wo1) IlrhMesr
:ral110', \\ hex , l liiiiixaux ci
ICfetr h eln s 'ti' i, li~' ihe eied'-
at ( i f)) l 5x'('I'c~ et sesil an1
Cut ad ((lii' lentil late last Might.
'1e l'if0111. a 'i'rcsxln I O i
tli at o 00(1 l fea111 Rdx
int 4 xasx to tvdeliv er a
,ir 1iflcf~. c's lipon )menxtal x
c fiihot'ieas'IatllI t
('l. ampheltlseas appinilt-.
' 5tst rinosteology antI dem-
fr0 s r Irofanatomy for oneryear
g ei a tutoer at a salary(of
Cr . Htuber was appoainted
Iitutrilaatonmy at a salary of
fTh l grees ofIf'lh. 13. swas coor-
red tpos0. 0. Lyons, and Pi
H. Levi.
therCCutise conmmittereportedl
ht ndeointruction (If the board
1eh"ad ppointed 'Mr. Bigelow, of I
rl on to gv a half year's lecture
rs iii the Law department dur-
csecond semester at .$i, 200.
11 rlefollostiixg appointments weere
f rec' lO anpoliticat economy
lit eodsemester: Prof. Ed-
l~l; J' amsPhy.1)., of Philadel-
lf' oc Carroll 1). Wright, of
man~gon Prof. I. R. A. Selig-
h. B." , of New York.
.%t 'emnpi was reappointed as-
lprofessor of English.
prof ohnI W. Langley reappoint-
) g -eietlecturer on nmeta}-
lantes I.Ly((15 reapontd1 s- Waz ios"i a flnertat cle
-i-taru c rfso fo~tlsietheflfoilcn ethusiasic encre I rllthle
1McicddpIitlii fllci Il Ii li
l). . .l Dar f~ligtcf '~t'1 t 'of li( t n fte not(1tran1 x
ssat to ltheipro fessorof -xl ('iIjcriss frhe (900 ha te aer
th d alidepiarment. I vI -,Fioel ((ill~r" 7o .T>.fl filc
fe-soc(If nervsouls diseases.. tliefo"rxvillu,' w1as 11(' llT 155us.11
D~r. I lag;ler, assistant to prx osor ! to .. s. lfxdxii and I. R. New-
of opJtlilml(f(g). ccmer to he affirmiativ e andntbyiJ.1C).
l~Tul If . t'la(vferg;, feetnre -rru11in- 1l)nolil and A. C U . I_).o is for the
hog lws ilthe Law1' (efl ('IC intt. (1 iicg:Ifix'e. 1Piofsl. 1Knuoxi fu ,'rile
tWright, Kay &Go.
t4ll WOOl1) WT. il) Nt'lE.,
s:(larx (If S 300o.
'pp 'lflnial ills wil'l tae: I c~lf rone
lix 11 ell legislfati~rl- filtlame r ci .1
'I it(" t=) ' ill L m, x1 1 it -I 'm- th
lillilflefi (111(1f tlC l ell fsiiiiiaf
fiilidilng, Ifor tie('cel ((sf ril('fi( (f
(lie odId (entlfl til lidig flr (ixtiwue
(If flhe enbxgincrx.
Howlever, the applrolpriat insto ble
4.sked for flits year seilIl be lc'ss ihaix
was( askedl for in '89g.
The Jefrersonian Society.
'The first public enterfainiment of
thse Jeffersousian Society give)) this
year occurred last evening at the
Lawv lectuire r'00m and was a fine
literary event. President 1. R.
Sutton delivered the opeing ad-
dIress ini an easy and original nianixer.
The pianoi solo, "'Paraphrase tie
Concert,'' Dy :ilssDavis, was ren-
dered wsiths that lady's 055ua1liabilitv-.
NJr. C. 0). Knudson then de~livered
"King IHenry's Courtship'' in a
mainer that proved him fully abale
to cope with she nmore (lifficullt selec -
tio~ns fromsi Shakespeare.
The oration Dy O.M. Jones on1 the
"Outlook oIf Labor" was a splendid
effort. He discussed the various
theories of Henry George, Btellamy
and others and advocated, as a so-
lotion of the question, the organiza-
tion and education of the laboring
classes and settlement of disputes hy
M'iss Cramer rendered the "-Italian
:iiu 11dTayll'ri' ic jited c Bors
III. i k i'iif cdItIIi favor oiift Ow
' , F'I f
selcteion(1(1f ias yrelncls o resentfafixves III
the vi offal (conitest (Ifthe tOratorical
assocriation( will bI ild lFriday.
tbc (Ifilleil Ii
CHIAS-. SI'll,"LLE tt tICO.,
formxirlyswifti tlhe
Ilaxrvardl Outfitters,
C'anmbridge, 'Mass.
Febiruary 27, 1 8y)) . EIvcry studetlel
intendinig to enter either oif these
p~relim~iniary conitests m(ust send to the
President of she Association, before
Feb. r, '91r, a notice conitaining Ihis
nanme, and the departnment anld class
ill the University to whichs lie be-
longs, aill his Ann Arbor address.
.. H: NEE, Pres.,
46l E. Libert}' St.
The " ilkado."
Tlie '' :Mikado,'' as plreseintedllast
iiighit by Jacksoxnxamateuirs, was a
flatterieg success. It is seldom that
ani Anni Arbor aeicliciice is permitteed
to see so mnany bright faces at One
tinme. 'The" three little niaids"
weere intrancinig, andl their conmpan-
ions equally pleasing. 'The different
parts were carried out admirably,
especially '1Yum Xlun " and Lord
High Executioner.
The sophomore hop occurred last
evening at Nickel's hall. It was
largely attended, and a very pleasant
time is reported.
A Spleindid New line of Gentle-
nmen's Underwear, Gloves, Ties, &c.
Also Sporting antd Athletic Goods.
Chap. Speller & .
20 1-2. S. state.
Iev add~ressilg 1a Postal Card tol
Manager Michigans League Teachers'
Several G sod Positions to be Filled
by January 5. 1891.

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