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December 12, 1890 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1890-12-12

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=07 7)-j-=730=- N BAWheCotir
Who have for nmany -earsat ftI ssi, dSti lsjtlaid iithe largest. mostctoni-
prehetisise, andi attractisve stork is ~ their tone ci business, wsill tis }ear . ! 1i
excel their former exhiibits, the results of Ipreliriitioi'i on a biroaier scale, r ( f? i rDjiy I '(r 1T >1
than ever lbefore. VrY14" i V u e 4 a UJfk.X.)J YYC(
Fine Illustrated Books. Art Calendars for 1891, Fine Stationery suit-
able for Gifts. COME AND SEE US.
YVJ '.51 LS' .L / X~ JL ~IAtiGAINS I-Nl \tiiIWE~kt AT 7tIr AND >5
6, So i 13Ma I!ZStrut4 So jtoi. Str.
A 1 L Isi.iiiivAi.lt~i- ___- -
A liji;o', llt it i City ,'i tiotti-,. St iitent-; Note - thinks and Pail. -I ratft- i liiii~tleli' tSo i I ilIt vvntitp i h to c
23X1the tai- -t Itohv;iidt i I tcN('it's iii "in 1llo s ti
._l;tt' ieofSinttg 1l..tog .Iist itinetltsi. 1 ndli-Vet at i lo i
baI.:rg-e SLloth okirP1 otanmi-"E11'"1. %A aatet I.tolutailiPten (ild) fr tbl5 No. BE.Washington St, near Main. G. H. WJIL
U1L6RE I (p).;j tl, city. You will sovettootsieybbuy iig iotfi11s. aiOtr I M Oo _______ ______
"i1'130 STABD"-0'OILhas non cilalhbutns w ititnt 01101. ori all Jewly.-isjsi 1rt itg~ t
(iarrintg of -wit-k andgvs t cletar5whiteclight.-iM__ -_BLAKE,
Soi t li0 cints tier gallon. delivrted to atiy pairt of the cite. I mcIz~C5>URES, FaRME~S, A0
44 SOUTrH MAIN ST. pE N&co. #I At iS~tOS. 105Wsc-t Huronc-
Seio Law ~ J~S -li H MU- xcat v ii : 1 1) o tinatanrrot itti derit'
Ii t a > - 1 -t t ti itttnttesrs ItaplexPfiter;andii SAGINAWGANGSAWED LLIM3
1IViAd3eTOOIEt' 1.itt titits-ti-i -c=-toidtaft
1) T i~-D = t r~l o- lcilt. fth il, tiesittutioso f itll tans lfor fudige J. HALLER
illT t o t l' 'llt;t o:0iiivtla tsxv
LATEST SYE L ~-t ~iic- -i+vti l'ii.'
Prof ll i ti isctt; Itl. Ittiw7its, ttt ( has le 0 . M. IARTIN,
lc lt~t: this teestiltcoin. tf101i1 a OliAELgit IS e ali
ttC111s Ih:'tiai(llliz sltri'iir'oilt, et, err attck ittbronttititis c nv- CohCses eal
muchto te cagriE ofsom andANDCOJEOlNOSCOFINS.
MIDi4' EPICS te ii tiiigri f5it tIIts-n.atil trllfh-oatherts.i sit e J. A. POLHEMU S. ^
ltititiiti~ut iitiir5.his work in atifews dabs. '
ikehase Ieet rlilestil it taEbit Wingert stas ltroutght before ALSO ISSHACK AND 13AuSAGN E+
19 SUTHMAINST. tht th elctio ofoffcersof heloth Main Street.
1SOT MANS, thtueeetoiiffferofteJustice itonti, yesterday, charged----
Athietr Assoiatiotis tohe at o a. with assault, the assault consisting RINSEY & SEABOLT,
AN RO,- m-MCI.i., Rtoont A, Saturtday, and tnit 2:00ofdatgareternDuad Bakers andtdelerslin d
__________________ o__ 'iclock ii tile atternoon, as miany Groceries,Pr sosFour and
supposed. Lowery.-Ileea-d not guilty and atand 8EWahgton Eat.
H OLIDAiY HINTS. lProf. i'attetigiilis class ini Lysias tite case vsas adjourned until Satur- JOHNWOZE
la-iiraigNiohtsSiio-day morning. Wingert is a student. Maker ofSfic-
begi redin enpbo's 2nos- The Yale University catsalogue r-ADIES' aind GIENTtS' &M
-tm, Sc-ay Rpairing neatly dc-ne. 43 S MainSt
ton, Monday. vv~~ill he out to-day, _________
'~cT~f~ M r, J . li>nting, '9t Late, ,'flit ale uive-si reRANGEas
leaves for Pnslaith, nitsersityt re hslie-
Draws Neiar-catiai - un active stork ini lreparation for --ACADEMY of DANCING
What wsill y otI take The Bouardl li Regenits autthotrizedI netsitne's rate. Of last year's Opposite X aw illidingE
honne witthttutte it ilvolsitils 'i a (irt-ie ive umeni tre hack this year, i 011iteo h aut o a,- l ilb.rcie taytia
lires;niuts fit lt-e-Fric-tub ?" Si! tii n ,Nto 2: Brewsster, Nii.- Ptp Ii sttti-c----te iiutt ic-l l
as they satls it ini regatrdlitote ' - 3ii thoac-ac-on
Our Stock of Holiday Goods versityrMagazinei. Tier uwentitoiHartwetll, Noi. 5: Perris, Nut. 6, aitnd hrug ectiuid
and Novelties -crtyesun.Ires, Neit. TSeepers Between Ch goan
The JeffersontSiuciety xvilii girt a The ilrst death inu theehospital l and Oregon.
t~ji alsssr ths iuuetiiat fatuou icii entir-tainmienit tiiis eveniig int trout ioieratiuoi, sinc-e-the taming of Pseific lines runi through 1Tullma Nes
Hundreds of St YR t-e1Lvs lecture rooti. X'nI ite Dr i. Naucrede, octuirredl last week. tihuletl and Colonist Sleepers betWeneet
itaudkeorc Itiefo,-iCticgo and TacomaWash., 3
Glvs rel in tg literary atdtulltisical priigrauui Sciuti -r. Medic,'9t, luas stiilyortland, Oregon. 'he trai 0v
GlIEEIII. ovslect r llashbeein lrepared. -aiiedItoite liy sicknuess itt his as the "Pacific Expres-" leavs'0tat
and Fancy Articlearsf a aatiy-Grand Central Passenger Station;,d
Rslctfo. the Bado Regentsha afmi. the corner of Fifth Avenue~y
mteeting, this miornling at to o'clock. The Pathological class that vasHriitrson Street, at 10:46 P. M. dal ,1
- 0ILL T- For tickets, berths in Pullman Or
a1i Te uttlitia mnci, whto are untder organized last vweek Itas been investi- onist Sleepers, etc,, apply t "g 0; arsti onn avdeai h ueceBclu.TeToroCt asne n
aret lt trigv-ie xm-gating teTueAegailu.T et, 06solrCityrseeer tnd "j
20 South Main. nation usntil the next termt of court, most hilarious of the clans have found AEntY,D206 clakeStet, r
and were placed luder bonds of that the first requirement for success Central 1'assengerlStation,corne-a'c
ThSfadsadCi'~ ~o each, is law and order. Avenue and Harrison Streets CbuP
.+v a jr wr. vv wr wars.r. vwa tiv wsa

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