T-TEUIICv .M T-AIL T~0I~~ ~NOBLE, The Clothier, ShoehA a & Co) Ie t ieUllorsity Booksollers, .... ~~ ~ --IS OFFEIRING - XWho taxe xfor inanticyears, at this season, isplphidthe largestniost ccotm- preensve, anti attractix e ttck inathir tline of losine s.xwil this year excel their former exhibitts, the resultsol preparation on a lbroadler sc ale p c a a] er zU n e w a taeNc-bfr.Fine Illustrated Books. Art Calendars for 1891. Fine Stationery suit- able for Gifts. COME AND SEE US. NEW BOOK STORES, BLACK UNDEIRWEAR Ar $1.50, 1$2.0 AND) $3.00. <1 '#A P FJI( ! BARGAINS IN UNI)EIWEARI AT . .ecAN!) 9 6 Sout1) Maim Street. 4 S,)Ltn State Street hinexi~i ,ikFlhle Bo a ilLNR lionint tietma A I1ilooks used illii City Schools. Stixietf- Note hooks anidPiads, Bitft- Is sliox ing the Lar gest Stock of til iso tttig iiGertxt't 4'olplte itr of pcptig G tpd. ig Istrmens.All the latest shtades and novelties ilI rOttoeritigosant oiiplee liieof poring(udotri iisfxinieiio.Overenatings. I 'ite ets cn ettlehail of Ltirge Stock of Foititi n ets. A Warrantedt I'oottatiPieui (Gotl) toe $.S.iJ No. 2 E. Washington St . near Main. G. H. WIlLD JAMES M, STAFFORD, THE LARGEST STOCK, fU1~DLOO GREATEST VARIETY dLOWEST PRICES WAT M. ANOD JEER' TPAILOR 1fi J .0RE~ Ott LAMPS, iii thisx city. Y ou will sate ruoney by buying of u. Ou36MAI STREET, a teto ad orpiigWth charring o wick and givesa cleat white light. M .BAE Sold at 1(0 centfs ter gaillotu, deliv ered to mny pitt of the city. MW. LAKE rIte xest llace to getfta PICTURES, FRAMEIS, A R n 44 SOUTH MAIN ST. pEAN A CIO, ART GOODS. t0Owest Hurotn " " ,FERDON LUMBER YARD, I'RJi ; -I- QI 72s S -+THE +CAMPUS. t ie wn i age oitt8xsEdith Shief- Marnfactturer tif and dealer in 'flc 1resioxixlas elrtiit fi eld, formxerly of the class of it)2 SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUM SES MADE TO ORDER tk ia aitia uha it1 i rI'I.(o---to 1c-o io.Fi i st ~ptSt hay. A 2 Ii.xix . et lie peripr, \iei., tformxerly assistazixi lxlJH LE ca ,ii Roil ii I 1r.-to. eli othaixtirat7.tT=_-xit'til:E t-- Sr QPT'LCES xlelxexxxemts turf)xxout ill fitllIfune r twels]ioaor1wl ae40 ciii -a ,;,r 81)5 llaiu le kixixeI , lii ette 2 ;d uf this mtittli ttepirift ei aln ity3. r, ,Nva clle h me las lxxiitDa i E. Ileixieiaix.Itt, ' ,7, has0. M.EA RTN, ixs9alex xitie as ixii1 arac-rit'stit DEALER i coiit xofthe iilcesitoftier itother. omdalwpr prhpwt oCloth Caskets, Metallic :xl 11Weiss, of t)eteoit xxwlhi iwas re- ANtD COMMON COtFINS. MODERATE PRICES. i r eiceptionitwill lie gixeniar cen tlyeetdsaesntr .A OHM isHall text i8lotxday ceeintg lotr Myeetitsaesiaii .A OHMS the licetift of the mtermbersoif ti Mt. I.K. Freedmtaix, 'lit 'gy, tWhoi - ' I ctsa i ~ALSO 'BtUS HACK AND BAGGAGE Irf 19 SOUTH MAIN ST.. Hoar gil.ionapriei 93 s OraclithasttainNerthn Main Street. ANN ARBOR, - - - MICtH. HOLIDAY HINTS. JDraws Near. What wllvii-ott take j home withv you as I resents lflu'the "Frientub? Our Stock of Holiday Goods and Novelties - Wil 1a inerthfitsittestion foe y-oix. Hunrtdeds of Sityle-s i Ifatioke rchi e fs, Gloves. 'Umbrellas, attd Fancy Articles to select fromt. "Fw. MILLS,& C00, 20 South Main. mry goods and arpet.. Thie Oracle till lie out the secondix week after te holidays. Mliss Francees Cook, '94, ilt., i coinfinedi to lie room trifththroat troublte. The Sentior 8Medicxstrill lt-y to elect class officers agaiti, Satuirdayt, 9:30o a. it. Nfre. hlirtl, '92, Dentx., is suffering witttia severecattack ettfttoilitix. 'or reasonxs iktxxxxx tox lxx ilix SeiixiMedics, iDr. Lynds oiixtexi lhis quiziyesterday afterixooti, thilthl resutedili axiattatek oxithe hiospital iwithisnxowi-balls. 1 i~e xwinxdows-xti-rc crashxexd axietliii-ore e-lierfun-eel lxo retreat. orxie fitst Iimte the 1.tilteesity ott Lcipsic cill thitscasonx admnit wxomxen.. So far six wonten have registerced. tour of whlomt are Arnteri- earns. Trhe H-arvavd students are circu- lating a petition for the extension of Christmas vacation. article in the "Itric-a-brac"-o1 thxe Chiristnias numbixer of the Cetryx miagazine. T1he freshmintixviii hold thxeir elec- tion irn Room A nxext Saturday after- nxoon. Rexr. Joseph 1). Wtickon is said to lie the oldest lixing graduate of Yale. lie received lilt degree sev-cnty-five years ago, itt the cia-s of r8 r i Anx enithuisiastic mieeting of the (lineal Uionieitxaxsxiiid Dec. 9th. Thue wo-xrk- -cosi-ise oft t} Sax-tx--I RINSEY & SEABOLT, Bakers and dealers in Groceries, ProvisionsFIour and Fed i andi8 E. Wasisingrirn Se. JOHN WOTZKE, MakernefErie LADIES' and GE.NTrS'9110* tRepairing neatly doe. V S. Main St, GRANG ER'S ---ACADEMY OF DANCING,-A Opposite ILaw Building. Puipiils iilt'e reived ati any tte cl the 'easn Through\ Victium --axnxi ' lifiiliiYe. I'oelalo. , - Sleepers After osigixig the fieier Prof. Staxi- Tao Icy' somtiilixig countenianxc fairly- The Wise( -Paciilinehos becamedwt-l ltpe-asure as lie r'- tihuled and nm-rkeed: tI t i- ortht cimting- a Chicago an P ortlali , C long teay- to hear that."-' After thse as the "Pa rehearsal, C.'.:'. McAllister, Arthur Gland Ceot the corner 11. L~oyd, anti C. C. Benedict were Harrison Sty elected dlelegates to Ite Univ-ersity oit sp Musical Society. Prof. Stanley Tasmrsom wishes every member of the chorus Agent, 21i EDDY, JDep to he at University hail promptly at Central ]'aa 3:30 Stunday afternoon. Avenue ani V'estibuled and CoOnI' s Between Chicago and- na, Wash., and Port- land Oregon. ^onin Central anid -Nortlel Srn through Psilnan VYe iColonist Sleepers hetWet nd Tacoma, Washl., ,'z Oregon. The train 1.n,