THITUPOM. DAILY HIOIrI -- oKNBLE, The ^Clothier, z' E STEE T2 =- ---t1OFFEIN- - It ho hase for inail ys attthis sea1on, isli iith(elares, m o(st xot)- prehetsseand lattraciveistxc t xtteiline o busntoss, xiii this vear excel theirfrmer exhibits, thevresuts of iiiixion o a liroatlr scale o prCr\r ia]V t.e z n '.e w a Fine Illustrated Books. Art Calendars for 1891. Fine Stationery Suit- ~JJtL I\u u e ~ n e w a able for Gifts. COME AND SEE US. NEW BOOK STORES, JLACK VIDEIZWEAR AT $1.50, $.9) AND) $300. ~ 'T A-P ~ ' BARGANS IN NDERZWEAR AT 7c AND 98' 6 Soullh MauiqSireet. 441 Sit Save Stret UNivIVERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, G. H. W0ILD Medical oks, Law Bookstxx lio,._t i o AllJloiksxtsxi x Cte chol:. Sitdeti. oteIttolt atil axiDx~it~ Is slowitg the Lrgest Stock of ttll Dress Soitgs itt the market. Complxete Litie of Spxrtintg (ooxs. ( ittg Instrumetts.llte latest satdes anti niovlties lTixix aofrindxi Overeatittgs.. itte V cests cati bxvhaxi of Large Stock of Fxoutntain, Pott. A Warranted FoutaxinxPetn (Goldi for $1.501 No. 2 E. Washington St near main. G. H. W]9 JAMES M1 STAFFORDx THE LARGEST STOC1X, BUSINES PIECEOO GREATEST VARIETY d LOWEST PRICES WM ARNOLD. E StTC MAEIND JtEWET, R ThL r fOttL AMPS,il this city You will sve loney by buying of us. Otr 36MAIW.BLAE!, IMPORT"E, ~~RED) STARt"'0OILIhas no eial, burns without oor, or a,ex treerni pdtorarngvhs Sxold at 10 cetts per galot, delivered to iy part of the city. PCUE RMS Ttttsllae gt 44 SOUTH MAIN ST pEAN & CO. ART GOODS. to West tifta5' T h TE CAPUSFERDON LUMBER YARD, t S ± QI- "AS ', . TH CAMPU.1Mr.rexI LelatixCl andtiMr.tIarrv Manfatrer oc antdeaer it (Quie alare nuberwen sk ting xlse gae a spread to tnumber f SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUMSE (2xit aare ixxxiie xtt Ist th ieir gextletxix fritnds at 20 Soxut Cxt'. Fourth axit Dett . Six MADE TO ORDER last et t xxissreninicxguxi. . HALLER I. I.IJittnsonl 'of kaw, as re The xi.itio'ioxi xxf te Att ieie *f LT STSTYLES judviet tAstsoxc xi itis. iato as fixiidtolt ),,ixigfr Ieplixrixugspiaty xt St--^i.OS .1 ug (xxiv tpublicat~v \stion nte, iiyeseray's O. M. MARTIN, 01a1=1lexture tnillnitrstalc Commerceiii xi ixbliatcti. veial e theeor nbsi hxEAE I . r1yCloth Caskets, MJtll[ A tI) COMtMON CFIS 11 ,. < is xxte, lxIlt, is lst i IWili.Jo ihtnsoni,.city crclatoro MODERATE PRICES, oeigfo natc:o h .A OHMS Trlrr~~t.the IaslteitaxeTmes, wsa rrestedi- . ZI v7E :? _Z ,' 19iSOTttMItlS.,."ystertday otn conmplait of xiuge ALSO 'BU'S HACK AND BAGAE 051 19SUHMI T,. The fresth Dents iad their frst North Main Street. Cooly, for ottaititg 5 under false ase of a cotmploutnd fraixrcl Jaw, pretenses, acimining that he sas cvl RINSEY & SEABOLT, ANitN ARBO3R, - - -M1(11yetrayteno. Bakers and deaera in ycstexiay fternoti.leting for te gymnsaiumfn itd. Groceries, ProvisionsFiour and xtudge Mlaxsell delivered the irst Johnson is under bonds to appear - andSE. Wahngon St. H-iOLID.AY{ I-INTrS. of aciourse of three lectxrs to- before justice pondx for exariia JOHN WOTZKE , _______a___ tte Senior ILaws. tion. Maer at Sn Ctttersty hall will be perfuni'ton fTe Setior Lit. electioti sill Irob LADI>ES' and GENTS' 81101 q th evnin Stnleys lctue wthepairing neaty sone. itS.MSain S5- tieeein fSaneabecuesilyAb e held next Saturday, although --- -- ---_____'_ \fthtfi ~ trh e great discoerers favorite tniltteeictodab'tiftt t GRANER'S Draws Near. moa. gettitng a tinme suitable for all. ~' -ACADEMY OF DANCNG, I: What will yost take Maxxy partie:are taking advxantatge There is also a strong desre to pot opposite raw uilding. heome wh tvyou as of the recenti faltof stow, by ejot (1poine it till after Clhristmuas.- tresents foxrttie Friendis ? lng the fite coastinig at Maiisonttt. The Webster societyha iecx xsawill lie reeve t nyt aiilas dait Our Sptockf of Holiday Goods hliiipiostpoted unitil Thursday evenigVstbuedan and Novelties I r vi t xtietxgtflx vlivl sil ibe the lastreulasmetTheroughBetween Chicago and ofill.N Grievance commxitte," it) Tacoma. Wash., and Port- ing;before hldas Ihe folowxigland Oregon. Will answer Cli tquesiont lot you. Roomtito, Lawx buxiling IritlaxThe WisconinaxiCentral andorbt 1Dec. 2, at 345 l..ip"ial sii1x-rtdfelxCX ii Pacific lites run throgh Ptllman ® Hundreds of Styles delatmation, XW. 1. iclbortn; s-extibuled and Colotist Sleeers bet gae Ui Handkerchiefs, Thec Ncbraxska studetixis wilixeet say, J. A. Pa rk; oratioi, S. EChicago a nd Tacoma, Vash "e GloesUmrellas, t-orw troclclnthta ortlantd, rgo.The trait s iO GlovTey tcl Cxnirova lc ie late vo; music. Dbate, "iResolved, aas the "Pacific Expresst leavso5 sod anc Aricls iuiz' rootti for the purpose tf effect That it is for the best interests of Giand Centr Passenger StatoU;5f to select from. itig aix orgaizain secutyta h eorats hav the corner of Fifth Aeudl the'contr tat he emcras hveHarrison Street, at 10:45 nne.tM '' ;11 F DILLS Cf. The twofresI Dents whlo register- control of the National House of For tickets, tleprsertlscin yt PullmanorO ii. . MILL 7&GO, ed recently, bring thte menmbership Represettativs." Affirmative, C. ois Slee yPers e, apply0t11f40 20SuhMi. of te class uip to seventy, making B. Wood and Peter Sharp ; nega- .Aet,26Clr tree, oto it twice as large as atty previous t ive, if. D, Jewell and A . F. Shel- Cental pot ke toncoreltr Dry Goods and CarMst.,clas. Idotn. Mvene andllHarrison Steet, C"