THE.U. OF ~JCof De~ ~ j ~ oer the county are ood indica- t onOf bhow men feel. The minis- Pubishd Dil (Sndas ecrtcd duin ter most adlapt himself to the great the Colerer) ear, byilquestionis of the day. lie has as THE U. or M. INDEPENIrENT A EUCIATION. hroad a hield as anty ratn of onr time. 'I'le at ittidle of scietiiic arid lierri ii us ecessarily put Sulu ripiss price t2.50) per year, ivariably tire iiiini stcinl hs mettle. Tlhe in adva £nce. Single copies .3 cents. Oin sate at Sheehan's atnd Post Otticesterns stanfi every minister tust seave science aid phil- M. DAILY. I4oLIpAY J300K(Sx Visit ShoollaIfs Amnal - hrisItuas S Of Elegatit Gift Books in Choice Bindinig for Young arid( All the New and Beautiftl Novelties now (in exhibition. -SHEEHANT & COLXPANY, S2TA.T- SW T,- evening t sitochc. Suibsripiniimay tie isoliv. itt that lie nay preachl it cift at sirs sifiie if te DAic, ftOperai ioune fiJie bctiei=ditt ______________ bloch, at Sheehian's, at Sttitt", sorwith tiny frm itepllit o nnd o M RW NG N~ of the editos. watt it frioni thieve. I t is riot attract- "The Mliagarea Fails Route." Commntiications shnutld raih Slets ice by .2S TSSE 1S A. M. ifthetiy arcetr toipeair the samte Sa'.iv atitscyiiye1 itf- CENTRAL STANDARD 'TIM' Address all matter inltte e rtpbtieatiotio hirlng wh il iche knowis Iris audtrietnce-_______________ the Maniigisng Euitor. Alt buintess comnitts- tliisleir r asi.-I5 icatisons sholdel ienct totsr etirBuisinss Misc-0.0!'N aier. . - AND THE .-0 o I°iO^ Rteport oltsrlecttt the partif Carrierslt BUSSINESS LOCALS. -------a '' she City Circulator, W. S.t. ONeint. s~ ' I Ann Arboe, Kich. ing. Bleauttiftul gioodts, Irices reaisont- MiISiM S ~II~I, tbie. r' ! -T - __________________ hietltsri gori issue for the htolidasys, _" -S" : . N s CI- : Zs take nsitht miss all AtnArboir Sioitnir ____ -0.-e C:~ Icteear c rliueaalSporirti.Cali be'obtained ottlysit Wit. S9 I --t O I.thr;wrseeasoravl-Arnold's hewehry Store. -s E BE T'c-0..iv-~ ~~ able riroilsris in rte tia i n lliti, ; rr t MtSaS (s.5coets dtott-~j. 01OO CC where class titeetiigs Couilid le held t'risps, realable biograpihies, comiilete Seventeen tetacliers, Itiard nith Fursishedsil 1 - IHra duin tervelitrv~lc iett ilne votnie, 510c. All. P. &O. Co. , w II Messrs. Cxc lxsuo 11l1 Sheehiants.& Co. ivite the cation..^ faicilitate Iuattirs. 'there are so readlers uif the DAILY toa visit thteir P.R'LARPeidn -. ~ mny riectitigs Ith1d (eachiweek that store dvrntg thinhiolidasy seasont. Ar-is tistic atid attractive articles itt books sllitteirrtltii at ien adestd bric-a-brae. BURLEIGH &JOLLY) a ais toi -hem' a prhposerdItmeetinig can Suititigs, Overeoatitigs attilTroitser- SiEALERSt4.N;I lie helid.'This casses imuch treed- illgs at reslueedpice5sit Stafford's. y *gy, "y * a less tronuble, fetururcanigetits-ri ts shldnil Hlellor, Boys! We sonil $it9 worth 01'f Ki R-'(____ (iritarsa list Fr irlry anii Saturday. Our BLANK BOOKS. C , lie maide lire the authoirities sir as to goon nd rititrin'ss do it. Sec stock of r s ic n titittiate all. Gitttrs, Blatijos, Mandonlins; etc., etc. ATHLETIC GODD AND STUMETS ' IPPLILA. I I . C'ut hrlcers. A. Wilsey. '.i So. 4thi Arce., - :-_!___- Xl c liiilcrstail lthil kuuuunn:kAlidsAtin Arbor. Best lirle of FOUNTAIN PtELS inn thine buets grantedl nti nts' filas fssr a rivet- N0u111)y hhix ('muts mades'In torer at city. Ice Creaml, Ssrda WYaten', ;o. anecias ol.Lnces lu sr trssrrrn' ufc. i i t ! rtl'rr's.Cofe tol sColc llo.iedid is ,utCigars and Tobaccos.I t na rfser In irilur in rtegrnInr ' 2sshi v't i ~tii rti 'i-OYSr'h'1hh, FRY, STEW Ot1 PLAIN. ia s asrfsdt aohrolts rud"1e11llIe', plese srexainte them i155Calannaesu a -' Q'-r S tnat itnvas Irs'ser gin rfur stIni tr I tund1buinug ntuitre ( iluuutul)clrik lito 3f5. _Call____and____see____us___at___: