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December 10, 1890 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1890-12-10

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-- __-
VO.I. No. 5; . IJNIVI
The Fuj
A00 Text of the Constitution°
Aopted at the Mass Meeting.
R=ttoInc 1froms Yecteedai ss Edition.]
A irritnirI tIt.
t I l 1 h nulimeetintg osf
hlt'ttesa in April of each year.
sliet. " There shall be a regular
et"1> Of the iBoardl of lDirectosoat
Yart once every=nmontli of the college
lhe President shall have
the aswe to call special meetings of
aeg~ e itil on it any time in the col-
toe ~ a il it shall be his duty to do
live tT witten reqnest of twenty-
TwIneInlhers oif the association.
R Ms,5J~iembers shall constitute
Sittb Notiiecs of all nicetingo
tss 8teil on all the bulletin
eelI o ill sdepartments and(1 puhlish-
Wee Ii tsl ,lc papers at least one
0tl)itsrt regular meetings and
three d stp clys previous to special
blte'U1. Thercaptain of the base-
the hal be elected at the close o f
a th ae ball season by the members
Stlietd teal mwho have played in aiiy
misa Cld gamle, and it shall, take a
Yof all the members entitled to
8t toelect himn.
team b the raptains of the foot-bal
sall~t be elected at the rlose of
lrs t-ball season by thse sem-
0I~ehh teanm who have played ins
s~aedled game, and it shall take ss
it.Vt t~of all meumbers entitled to
eet hi)m.ncas of a tie the Presi-
° lI Ilcst the decidinig vote.
for rapt RVtpersons entitled to votc
net 55 a whlo is not able to be pres-
t ote .al bate the right to send his
8 I:01 1writill g.
or ''. to ease the captain resigns
tailaosno t return to college, a tall-
los be lerted at thsoeerliest
teami te (iit0 ,by the mnenibers of the
tif 5 in college, provided sloeiso-
tle 1°l the elections be sent to earls of
Oalj~~~s duties of tlse captains
teas a t choose their respective
1)0wea'an theyr shall have absolnte
S eiof manlagement over their re-
St' eas nthe field.
mac beecapLain of either team
( )Vat o~ vedbya three-foutrths
the B~oard of fDireceos.
ARtTICLEi X.1 Dr. Abel, the New Lecturer on W ih , ~ R ~
Slnc. 1. It shasll require a isajoitiy Materla Medico. W ' ,Ka o
vote of all inemabers of this association -
to alter sir ansend ins any way dis ccn I1>r. J olin J. Alel whiro Iesstess
stitustionsI ppoiinteid as a lecturer oin81 alerist or " ' -5 1Importers Gem
ISin'. 2. P~roposedl alteratios,ost Nledicra, liashail his leave if absenice -and ArtGoaod sveersa l Op-
siendusents to this conistitustionss ot extctendedstwo weeks. HeI was at first tira is kflanufart mers of 1he
be liosteil otnall btulletins boards of sIallots-ed5rleaeitnfabsene catnditi
dlepasrtmsenstsand pttblisltst inst Slo> ete alav f benec~t niiaBoapo m~idt th
lege papsers at leaist onse week ptresinus till Jass.Ir, 5 i oi .in.order thast lie
to thseir consideratiosn. might rtottplete Isis studies isn Gee- Zraa51 Sample sast spas pr-
ARSTICLE M. mnty .'t'his extension oim iie is par refererrns-
This coisstituttioni shall go inito effect grassled10 etialie l~r. Abl to stak
immediately isposs its adoption by thse sicarcfitl studiy sof Dr. Koch's rots- D}oLO-~-sfot'~If.
joint ineetissg of thse nembiters ofithte stunptiotn cureIl~e is niowvii.lerlins
Blase-Basll, Rugby, anid Tennis sissocia- for thsat pur~pose, anidlsfter lie has 1t til OOD WA It) AVE.,
tionls. cottpletedl his itntestigatiotn lie svill
015055LCi i i'retrni ts AnntsArbor. briitig teiwitt DE COIt1 - -I1 c -iaan.
Sirs-. 1. Thse first annustal mseetittg of itu sonic if IDr. Kochs's Ivtislils, its____ll______
this associaitiont shall be held on Ssatur-tretsst r.\ssgsssssiissrs iaftelt
dsay, IDeeembter lt, hI-S, tint(l the next Ina ew ay
annutalsd meetinig shall be lieldlonsthe
first Tutesdlay in :April, 18912, asthereit-
before provided.
SEiC. 2. The orgaiationis of this
associatiois shall be coistruted to have
begun tit the beginning of the college
sear 1890-'91. Members of the foot-
tall, bsase-basll and tennis associations,
weho have paid their annsual fees, shall
hsave the samse deducted frons their
muembersip fee ins this associaition for
the year 18190-'91.
]Roberts' rules of order shall govern
all matters for whlichs this constitiitions
does not provide.
In order to rarry out the provisions
of the new constitutions relating to the
payment of dues and the election ons
Saturday next, the president of the
Rugby association, JHnghliflan IDeven-
ter, was authorized to appoint a coin-
nmittee of onse from each class its each
department to receive dues. Blefore
the meeting next Saturday morning
this committestill prepare a list of
those who have thius qualifiedl for mnem-
bership, ini order that nonse shsall vote
eixcepit those whto have pail the fee of
:3. Members of the Tennis and Rulgby
associatilins can secure a rebate by
presenting to tiny member of this comi-
miittee thseir tickets of membership in
thsose associatiosis. If thsey have
joinsed both, they are nsot required to
pay any fee in thetiew association, but
they should have their' names regis-
tered with the committee in order to
vote. The committee will be posted
upon the bulletin hoards of the sev-
eral departments.
lusts smsakei-carefl te lsts 5and c olsen
h r.\Abel still iii 1(ou1t1 prove a
\-ery valsuable tmanssfor the A.1 edirsil
D~epartmnit. Ilehe splent thev last
stxo sr eight y-ears its carefuil prepair-
atioss for Isis work, attd cones very,
high1ly recomntcsded. Ilhe gratduatedl
hs 1 883 at te University of MNichti-
gao swith Itse dcgree Phl. B., arid thect
itt 185 took his Ph.D. dlegree at
Johnts ltopkitns. Itmmnediately after-
wards hec repaired to Germansy, where
lie obtained his M. D. degree and
htas since hbccn sttidying its thc uni-
versities of Blerlins, Leipsic attd Vi-
enna. He spcnt nmsich of his tinme
its original inv-estigations its pheysi-
ological chemsistry. Durinugisis cease
of absence Dr. Rike Itas had
chasrge uif thte swork its 8hateria
Lyceum No. 1.
Last'Satutrday vtentittgswitnessed
the birtht of a nsesw literary sosciety in
th-e tnivcrsity, Lyceutmr No. z, it is
cahleud, takitng nante cud inmpetus
fronm a similar organizatiotn intshe
Ann Arbor High School. The Highs
School Lyceum has now in thte Uni-
versity about forty hsonorary mem-
bers. Msany of them have felt, upon
entering the University, that the
existing societies did not meet their
need, and as a consequence have
ai tress"stuore itill
lie opelledl by
tIHAS. SPEDtEI. R s&- CO.,
formierly swith tlte
Harvard Oustfitters,
Cambridge, 'Mass.
A Spslentdid New litie of Genstle-
mns's Underwear, Gloves, 'Ties, &c.
Also Sportintg and Athletic Goods.
Chap. Speller & .
20 1- S. State,
deterinled to organize and pursue
work on their own isses. Lyceuns
Noi. s is to lie restricted in member-
shtip, thtereby insuritig personal ansi
vigerous stork. Parliamnstary prac-
tire is especially soughtt aftcr. A.
utisque feature is thse exclusion of
ladies frotttsmessberslthi, Co-eds
ets nihil'' is thte sotto. At thte
mseeting Saturday a contstitution was
adopted, antd the following officers
chsosen:t tres., A. J. ..odd; Vice-
Pres., V. P. Niebuhr; Rec. Sec., A.
Thompson; Corres. Sec., S. M3.
Nichels; Treas., C. C. Cambel.
The society has a strong member-
ship, and bids fair to satisfy the
hopes of its founders. Next meet-
ing Friday evening in Room 21.

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