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December 09, 1890 - Image 4

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U. of M. Daily, 1890-12-09

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TP-E tU r) PM. )AiILVY
~'-~ NOBLE, The Clothier,
71 173, 175 Woodw ad AvenueBD troit MichicaQ.1
ayT, 1 HA\TSTh NID /s e~~lVa u® ZUnderwe{ ,r#
Children s5
a2i tosist NoveltiS /rrvilrt Dc lu.-::.
BLACK UNDElRWEARd AT $1. 0, $2 00 AM)$0
1)L'1x1].l SI \ lI. 1tl,,2A1 I9'AN6 Souith M qIr teet,44 SoutiState Street,
Meoical BooksLRvi Books, 1II. N1 i Boos, A LL KINr.s,A
Al ok sdin Cite tSchools. Studenits, Note Books and Pa"dsDrait- I-,s sivin t he TLargest Stock otf1Pull Dress Suitiligs in the market.
11mpooks ne fSotn n tuets. litheIlatest shades and nosveltiesin Trouserings and
Coplt Lneo Sorig ooS j in nsruint.Osercoatings. Fine Vests crn be had of f
Large tocki of Fountain I'ens. A Warranted Fountain Pen (Gold) for.$1.1, No. 2 E. Washington St, near Main. G. K~. W ILP
On .AI', i tisci}-.Yo llsavye mney by buying of ins. Our WT iMAERMMAIN AN JE LSRnEET,
lRED STAR l OIL has no equal, burns without odor, or scilatninpi orpiigWtco
charin ofwic an gies clar hit liht.M.W .BLAKE,
Thebes pacetogel~s Sold at 10i cents per gallon, delivered to any part of the city. FEUE, RMS
44 SOUTH MAIN-ST. pDEAN & CO. Atr GOODS. i0 West Huroes
{ J f~.~ ~jAS'II TECAPS 'Thle Vrcslssncn t'lllirobly sble Mannile iii c oramd-aleri Q
lisci i siiii tal, i giuii abslle tos rav e their cleitinsunstil SAGINAW GANG SAWED LUN1B
after the sacatiion. The. sthletic iiFiid mdI it5
MADE TO GORDER iiis)sl cishiowiosithle samie cisaras.-A E
me s li i citocr sgfriietinig irevenits asnielicti ion net J.HALE
the benisfit iof the .\tliletir .\ssiii isi I46 S risce I is r.
LATEST STYLES I, iii j (Mr. '. V ov le, lit. '90. law Repairing aiSpeciailty.
" , 92,Esli wasis scaclsised toi Iis issuein Salt O. .ARTIN,
ciisetsi s Riglt cais, si x i Ciy',l s ight,- iy thes sicathliDEIALERI IN
l'i~etti'sIt~b t~i) l:is1eCl o oth Caskets, Metali,
electedipesde i f lie seioirclsss ssfasrAND COSMON COFF-INS.
MODERATE PRICES. sit that clrelesiDlr. Viiclsell still lecture befoire - J.® A. POLH EMUS-____
crillege. the Geislisgical Sosciety Friday I.- i.
A. J. INcCabe, lis, '91r, fell on at o'clork, cn lre-llistciric Mail. alS 'ZSHAICAN B G
19SUH ANST, teicy sdwl Sunday,anbrk Prof. Mi Truebloodi was unsable tc
Iis left arm at the wrist. lDr. iDart-
usectIsis. classes yesterday, because RNS?&BAOT
ANARBOR, - MIC-Il.inig reducedl the fractutre, whsichi Bakers end dealare in
tliugl liu~sill i ilprss-iigndeof sicknsess, bu1 t iosw at his work Groceries, Provisions,Flour andred
careful treatmlcnt. agai.1__ ____
HOLI DAYV IN S.APetitiois grantdb h fcly OHN WOTZKE,
The tonsstitutiioiiof '"Thle t)ratori aitdlyth aut-
Hca1I1 A. 13. Davis, F. I., Dunlop, 'M. J. Makeraroftine
--clAssociatisoi of the University of 1",sk cE enst. .lw LDE'avid ENrTvS' SMn
Mcia"is soot Iriuted in arnRBairing neatly dana. 4:3IS. Malen1
Mtpicitfoand rasi- reisce, I). C. Morgan, F. C. Nolile, - __- __
,ic ou ii eayfs itim-S. Slhirai, AT . Wlhelis. OR ANGER'S
Draws Near. lion iiiiong the miembers ofIs is rf the nras-Aam, ut -~ACADEMY OF DANCING,'0
wVit rill sin tsake sos-isationti. All thoise Wos-hlarvc pail
isnewt iiathe lselllhsersllilsfee iif5 i ' Chsarles B1. (ooley, aisaluinius of opposite Law Bnuildinagr.
"Friends?" ; ~~~the (iniversitywlt edppr e
I iess-tts for' the t useintiilesloa o y lii il -111 be-recstill cc-and pameecs lie-
fiorctue Aumericasi Economic As-,- Paliisiilereies iorlli i1
OrSoko Hoia GodlIi R. Stirk lisis left schosol for his Ilie"asen
OurStck f oldayGodscisitioii - at their aimnusalmieetinig, ini
hoeillii Pennsylvansia. Through Vestibuled and C0oonis
and Novelties W Oashingtioi, 1Dec. 21i Sleepers Between Chicago an
- - Arrt(),,I.ii, is srsTacoma, Wash., and Port-
\Vhl- c ls iii5505 ol - siisAritrsi, sis -7,2 lscsI rd islies tis aborlisli the tug- land Oregon. ~
ustcecss iciii siscicc- stiisi sf-ssar contiits ill tire Inster-collegi- Pacific lies un thrug llm1111 'ort
crilig hedesoriStytesroflgrltPullman
hlssrledsof t~l5 o nshssia.ale giriiies. h1ciiretliiiaiiilussni- tihulesd and Colonist Sleepers betw"el5
7 1 i tuidke r c h i a f ;S Ihifcltiiy usdueciedlast ni-Ilgt iiii ieiliisc i i iiieici. Chicago and Tacolsia, Wash.,5a
(iloves Cobnlrelt~5 las, - te Ceolu to - t Por-astleand, icrExgols. T e al kll5
and tsFanicylet-tush ii gi iii t he- iuectini-sit the (Geoloisical a h PaitEpres'hey
* li FleyArie A ,a Gland Cantral Passenger ,taticSnar
to select troll. ii. Society Friday p. n., the executive thlecorner of Fifth Avenue a
It is repsocirte that si thle 1'rat Harrison Street, at 10:45 P. M. dal
HILtommiittce reported thrat Dl.e,'4Winch- 'rtcktbehsinC o
Csoeyi;sslcennt e floi llIsad toniiseted to gi-c a series of oirSepre ,apyt
MILLSwa &miatd:PrCien Tsaomnso. ,City Passenger and Tice
0015il~lil.te: rcidisfotir papers inl the nsear .future on Agent, 206' (lark Street, orto,
20 South Main. toe;tXlrii~s,.isWl Evolution. Miss Miller continsued EDDY, Depot Ticket .Agent, G
-roes; orator, Van Aradale; poetess, her paper on Bivaloes. Mr. Hardy Central lPassengerStation, corner ese
~~ ~ ~SA ~~ Miss Hibbardh: historian. Hardys. wans eleced a member of teaSocuie- Avenue sod Harrison Stree,7IiI -,.------.~---, - -l.
mry %xuuual vamu vas pwvn,
+.. .. v.. .. +...v v.... .+. -._.. .. .... z. . . .. sa.uJ' f ' WQ,:1 C.i44. L4.iA +CL 11t L113114t VL LilG .7v4-XGLy " ' Ti7.

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