THE U. OF M. DAILY STUDENT'S HEADQUARTERS No other place in the city can you find a more complete line of Students' Wearing; Apparel, than at THlE TWO SAMS. The finest Overcoat Department in the state. The largest Suit Department in city. The greatest Hat House in Southern Michigan. The largest Men's Furnishiing Store in Ann Arhor. Call and see TlE TWO SAMS for anythin in our line. All Arlir So~fi ilVOORHEIS & DIETAS, BEST WORK IN THE CITY! STATE ST. TAILORS, WORK CALLEDIFOR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. PwECI'n', Ts STNTneSn. Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. __AL AND SEE US, FERGUSON & SLATING, Gents" Fhrijishers aidcl $a ers Carry a full line of HATS, CAPS, NECKWEAR, HOSIERY, GLOVES, UNDERWEARu, Etc. The latest styles and an entire new stock to select from. 22 S0c7T sTaTm ST., - .AuTs a s. Of Oll U. of M. should have a University of Michigan Guitar. Prices lowest, Quality highest. Guaranteed every inch of the road. Violin anid Guitar Strings, 10 cts.; Banjo and Mandolin Strings, 5 cts. Everything in proportion. L. If. Clement, TRA.DB i A.TZ BROWN'S DRUG STORE CORN ER MAIN AND HURON STREETS. LARGEsT sTOcK OF TOILET Goons AND FINE CIGARS, TOBACCOs AND CIGARETTEs IN THE CITY. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING! SCHOOL OF SHORTH AND Will this week move into the new brick block, No. 20 SOUTH STATE STREET, and will he ready to organize new classes during the seconid veek of Octoher Day and evening classes will then be formed so that the convenience of all may le suited. CALL AND SEE US IN OtR ELEGANT NEW QUAR- TERS. School will be in session from9 a. in. to 0 p. m. Nearly 1000 pupils have taken our course and all who have not lone so have regretted it. Re- member the place, New Brick Block, (thirl floor). JSWO. 20 SOUJTI-I 'T.ATE ST. ""AHR'S BOOK STORE, DOWN TOWN.. Every Student will save nsoney by buying University Text-Books and all supplies at Headquarters. We allow special discount on LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS, DENTAL BOOKS, in short, every Book used in the L'niversity. 5,000 Blank Books at lowest prices. LE IG wT i LEADING BOOK STORE IN THlE CITY. [NG'S USI HOUSE! I 67 Monroe Pve,, Detroit, Mich. The tnrest Musiicai Merehandise House in ihe Cslt'. Agnins'oSiMartn. Ws~nhbturn, Brus~niml t ets y Gtitr. and Dobson, Stew art int tl'ni a' It . t lenS ttings in the Wiorldlnest lv sy11with onmy usdre n ati155 cents ci for %,iin a nd Osuiw ts intt 5centsetsh fnr lissn. Miller FOOT-BALL-Continued. the Saturday before. Thus, in a roundabout way, Harvard will still play for the championship, for if she beats Yale and Yale defeats Princeton, Harvard will be virtu- ally champion, although no Har- vard-Princeton game has taken place. No accurate prediction of the outeotne of the struggle can be given at this early day, but as the season opens Harvard's prospects are sure]y the brightest. Seve'al of the candidates for her team have done regular work during a large part of the past summer, and a few, like Capt. Cumnock, have been in strict training. She will play her old eleven with the exception of the center rush and left guard, and no end of good material stands ready to fill the vacant places. At Yale the outlook is discour- aging. Practice has begun with the remnants of the team defeated by Princeton last fall, a team which played its best but never quite came up to the true Yale standard. Yale's chances depend wholly upon the development of new material, both for the rush line and behind it, to develop which will require the hardest kind of work by Capt. Rhodes and all the advice that Walter Camp and Yale's other foot ball experts can give. The old men are Rhodes, HIef- felfinger, Harvey and Wurtemberg -two rushers, a half back, and a quarter back--with seven places to be filled. There are plenty of candidates who are fair players, but in looking them over the ab- sence of such men as Gill, Stagg, Woodruff,Wallace, Corbin, Beech- er and Bull is very striking. Yale needs a full-back, one that is a sure tackler, a good runner and a strong punter. Such a man is not yet in sight. Goal kicking is another of Yale's weak spots. Yale men look upon Harvard as the most formidable rival and the greatest interest will be centered in the Yale-Harvard game to be played at Springfield. Captain Poe, of the Princeton eleven, seems to be very much in doubt as to whether the champion- ship flag will stay on Jersey soil after Thanksgiving day, for Prince- ton has to develop an almost en- tirely new eleven. Seven places are to be filled with new tosen, as with Yale, but there is not the same reserve force of players to draw from as at Yale. The sone who won the cham ionshi are HOES. s gone. Princeton's invincible rush'(5PLe X's line is broken and Cowan, Jane- way, George, Cash and Donnelly -- cannot be replaced in one season. Channing, the mate to Jerry Black at innif back, will snot return, antiFIdh'1UiA h "Stnake" Ames, the wonderful full llinery and Art oods. back, will be sadly missed. 15 East HuronS st. In the way of training Prince-_ wlYFORE & SON, ton will have the services of Rob- nufacturesof inson, as usual, while Yale and Bhd and Orches Harvard will have no training . except that of the graduate coaches. Is FACULTY ANNOUNCEMENTS. r tsERsOF D$hn 114 rchelh LATN-t-Special examination for delinquents in Latin will be held in Room E, Saturday morning Se r. next, at 9 o'clock., GRAND RAPIDS, FaA cIs W. KELsEY. MICHIGAN.