THE. U..OF Me Htundred Dollars, Gold, or Silver. rjjj.___5100IN GOLD 01 SILVR. I: M. DAILY ~S3WTY ==ITW Of Old U. of M. should have a Jniversity of Michi gan Guitars Prices low'est, Quality highest. Guaranteed every inch of the road. Violin amd Guitar Strings, 10 cts.; Blanjo and Mandolin Strings, .5 cts. Everything in proportion}. AT THE TWO SAMS ~Duy it Suit or Overcoat. Any Student, any Citizen, any Boy or Child, ui"'gthe letters that will openi the Safe in our Shtow Window, and buying a (,1odr Overcoat in the Meiis or Children's .Departments. will receive $100 in Cmi e t al etea~~udn~~yo ~f ha.. n*Lay,(letlena, SudeitBo orChidtake a wkordhof four letters, af t in at The Two Samus, with name, and buy a Suit of Clothing or an Oot, and ont January 1, ill, will receive One Hundred Dollars in Gold. The first guessing, if any two alike, receives the Hundred Dollars. I-131 LIZ2. 11111 Arbor 8t0ali LallrY. VOORHEIS & IiTS BEST WORK IN THE CITY!1 STATE ST. TAILORS, W'CALLEIIFOR and DELIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. 1I'O-PFrtAI. RATESTso SUDNTc. Ie~r. 23,_ South Fourth Ave. GjtLL ANLD SEE USB, ' TRAIDE .AT BROWN'"S DRUG STORE CORDER MAIN AND HURON STREETS. LARGEST S'TOCiK iFO IL.ET -GOODS AND FINE CmAils, TonA+CCo)SAND CtGAtRETTES iN*'rTE CtTY. pkiyU Your _{A3 )(j Collars aanuki Ctdfs, Neckties and UPerrin ieIJ Gloves FERGU"SON & SLATING, I 122 SOZYTI ZMSrr.A.2TFSTS., -AA *TD*T.AM-O m ..4....r.iv . rv .i. i..i V ir .,.Ii v, 1 ' v O tdent is ill save ittoney by buyiitg E1 i to roiy Text-Blooks tIntWallsupplio itedqn itet .We low scildiscountilonLAW BOOKS, MELDIC AL 11OOKS,. JENTAI. IBOOKS, in :sitort.ry Bookic citiin the 1hilt rsity. 5i,IX)0 1F1ank Books it lowest prices 1C!-C>Erff wi76Ir . i am LEAD1TING BOOK STOE IN THE IT' ALLTH N L E ST ES MISCELLANEOUS. e L I IThursda y li iht at 6:45 ill Rooiii A.. IEvery one turn (oit as there, will lie --JO H IN implortanit business to transact. 11r OF AL. INDlAT orider oflExecutve Comnittee. h r~ 'iihere w i li e a nmeeting of the " JA .COBS & CO.'S, tPolitical Sciecre Associationiini * 7 AND ag MAIN ST. Rioiii F Thiirsday evening at 7:30. _____ __ A. CT.Al'acots.t, Pres. S L. GRUNER. Dealer In Penniisylvaniia students iintcrestedl A, S TIOS=0 S in securitng chcap holiday rates AairIa n5 Soethetydn~rmpt. home, will mccl at thic lair luildiiig 'b~1^~Na r anirop . Saturday, at in a. m., to ciiisult fl dlSrigh tt with various R. R. agcents. No.1 CIGARETTES. ---"r -_. Cigarente Smokers who COMMUNICATION. ace witttng to nay a little more than the price No doubt evryod is pleascd charged for the orinaory cron toots eCigarettes, cierf itn ith cu o alt others. qetfradcinr i h ~1i The ichemond Straight llts o itoir nIi Go eiartsi'sare male crom the bright. Gencral I.ihrary. WXouldit o ehs otad(tta rw nVvrdirii~ hsi h l an 9Da rn"rin g hist igt tesO, agood plan to chain the new dir. pi wre° hiiacon adobserverthat thetioiiary totedsIniay gone E4 , GOioNRanchacag. by tile iionarie ere always left utetur.-Ameican T isciso od. , Vrii. 'ntedsk; every' one kiiew where A5.~toSai g Bank to find th eii,ancl they were arcessible prg 'or ich CaptalStates000, to all. For the past twvo years how- tha1~dudrth eea akn Laws ever, this goodl cnstoni has beeni Ny. Canvassing Committees. lIn ticoildance xc tli a iilitiill passedl at the . :Aletic ee insilIg lst Satu rdlacy, 11e. 0, the followinjg mcii arc apploinited to recei\ e and, solicit scibscriptios tothe athletic ,Asso- ciatilol: Literary .Dc~ar-tment..- '9l, T. Hi. lliniehmuaui, t.W. v. illhartz; 92, B. 1G. Field, t. W. Wisner; botic. Law LDeparimnent. - '9)1, lI.. Abbott; '92, Gi. S. Johnitsoni. M edical .Dclarlrneo/t.-'9 t, Clark: Suthuerhand; '92, R. Tr. Farrantd; 93), II. M.,Joy;.'9.4, P. 1. Macshall. Phar-maccutical .D iartoent. - 91, Perry Briggs. Dleatal Dl~cjartrent.-' 9 i , XW.4 Bloothi; '92XX. A. I)iark; 1 I. K reit. II ionH F. VAN Ilhcs'cxrtsl, P~res. Rugsy .Assoc. The follocwin~gepisodie wii lifrniish good iiateria1 for atsiramtc scenle C Morrce lvys Detrot, Mool l be i.arpect Musical Mcrcbotudiccnousint liie Stotc. Apeiiotsfr Matile. Woshburtn, 1iiO nisod obsdon ci, Stew- art iisd liccory iiocnos. Betl Strgs in the, World ceit byioii io sny address at 15 tot each for Violin ndsitaiir end i10cess(- oth Goospeed. YUWILL ALWAYS find the Lat est Nov- eltie s in Shirts, Hats , Ne ckwe ar , Gloves, Shoes, wi th Styl e, Qual i ty, Pr ic e, to Suit the Eye and Pocket . We cater to the wants of th e young man. Goodspeed.. FINE PHOTOGRAPllS, Millinery and Art Goods. Si East Huos St. Y T Yl i & iQ 1 Mtanufacturers of Band aid Orhetr Band and Oruhedra Sei oed Free. OREASD RAPIDS, MICHIGAN. FINE JOB PRINTING. I is tott aim toeplease. s$etrfecln Guaranateetd YRE6ISER OFFICE, OPP OSITt COOKHOUSE. more andt more disregardetd, until at for '94's Oracle. Two AIluha lelts the present time one has to hunt all went nut to serenade the D~elta over the library for a dictionary. Gainmnas the other evening. lT'hey Formerly the attendants at the desk were recwartled by hearing the ap- made it thleir duty to keep the die. plause aiid -giggling of two of the tionaries for a part of the day at fairer sex. They phiyed severail en- least on the desk, hut from present 'cozesanod then proceeded to find apparaceseve tey avebecmeout cwho their admirers were. We. discouraged at the rclsns of leave tha reader to imagine their reckessess dismay, when they found them to the Freshmen and Sophomores. he two hired girls looking out of the SIENiott.1 window next O~por.