THE U. OF of iff XYj "THE CAMPUS. _______Prof. J .Ii. Steere gives a talk at Publised Daily (Sundays excepted) during the Unity (luo- night on 'Our he College tear, by Native Birds." THE U. of M. INDEPENDENT A)SOCIATION. 'Te fraternity mlen hate nttbleen alts, so farto decidle ttpttnta candi- Sohciplion price it,55 per year, invariably dilie for ptresidlent of te Senior iadvance. Single coppits 3 cents. On sale at Siheehanas and P'ost Ofice newt stand every tclass. evening at 6i o'clock. Sattoriptiotn maybie ITt Ic(oltitithia Sophtttotmores 're- left at thte otice of the DAILs, Ottera House bloek, at Sheehan'',atO Stolict c, trcetth any titit tlvted'tl itoli altlttw the fresh- othe editors. lmen tt talxe r sketstrs int;ttysilt ttr Commtioints sholdtitreacthtt ttteofc by fastiitit Ittis tig-lt t sugest adssay 10 A. w if they ace tt appear thtesane daty.1- n Address all matter intetided Cite iutlication to fotr tttr s-'o1lisltow.tlteir autthutr- the Managittg Editor. Alt business cotnmaut- teatloacsltttultd he seat to te'BuitnitessatMats Ager'BUSINESS LOCALS. Report all aegtectoth ie ptrtof Caciecrs0 _to_ M. DAILY. Visit Shoohoil's ARIal " hristmas S1 Of Elegant Gift Books in Choice Bindinig for Yountg anid""pl All the New and Beautiful Novelties now on1 exibition- SHEEHANT & COMPANY, Sr.A: ST2'I 2 .- ANN.A.LT2 .TC}tO t ttX rwi r SS TZIE THE U. of X. DAILY, - Ants Arbor, Mints. EDITORS. H. B. SHOEMAK, sn.'lit. Macacing iEditor. W. F,.Gasreas, Ill, Assist. Matnagitng Editor. Hi. At. BITZFc, 'ill Assist. Managttng Editor. F. 0. I1t,t.sstt, '92, Busitness Mantager. W.13 '.I.iNetti,, '9ti, Assist. Butsitness bMange. It, W. Dort,;Ht, '92. Asist.lBusintess M3ange. iItetisisStq) tIO','t.}l. F. IB. TtBAo, it. Ii. 0. Jcwct t,.'1A. M. It. HAMMsOsD, '91. A.W I'tcss5i,c~tt, lIt. A, It. tCOEny, le. C' . MsI(r1 .t. Ssy It, ',I;_ I,. St"ico AYst, let. I"t t.t'tt tF'ttc 1,E1 . i. 'l'tt , .li. C'. St. RIxTTiSoc,'. Noth tithetstrial of IWoodtsonihas resulteilitthis acqutittalsi-e feel prttmpted t tints ta fewi-remtarks re- getteral, antd ttisetif te ttiversitv uf M~ichiganit iill articutlar. "We niake these remtarks int iefereiweit'oi the sentituents of ills teottle, if Michtigan , as .voicdlblitheloc ttal paress of the state'. iInte frst hlae, itt student should ipresutime tt appear at ite post-office in the evetnitng. Soc-l onsluct is reprehtensihle; it may excite the ire if sottme guardian of the peace, sir of siomie tmilitary rnayor. 'lTeni,tt,weetotn the street studetits shottlil carefully sup- press all referettces to the Univ-er- sity. CTe exptression, ''ralt, rah, ralt, U.sif. .".' is alttocst criminal in itself, atnd went it is uttteredin i pubhlic-, it jutstifies ati ottrageil listener iiil roceedling to atty ex- tretmity whlatever. If a studest should be ontht le street atid he at- tacketd by a tough, ituasijiteralitig in the guise if a mtilitiantan, it is his duity to get out if thte waty. If lite doesn't litenmust simuply take the: consequnences. In shtort, a stutdenit is perntittedl to lie on the street jttst long enoutgh tot go from his room to hoarding place and recitation. He swill do hetter to lock himself in the room'. 'fThis tnay not make him a well developed man; hut it will enahle him to avoid the imputation of heing a tough nr a htoodlumn. j tIeti yotu go hiotie for thic holidays, take iwithivou nllAtn Arbior Souvteetir Spnoon. (Catn le obtaineid ontly at Wni. .rslt's Jewelry Store. GR EAr Mtstcr-t, Cl'1OIiS11lS. Short, c'risp, reatdable hisogrtaphies, comnplete in sote voltume, 5t0. All. P. & 0. Co. Suitings, Oserenatings andTI1routser- iltgs at reduceid prices at Stafford's. Hello, Botys' We soidl:$99 worth of Guiitars last Fridlay and Saturday. Cur goods anid vrices do it. See stock of Guitars, Banjos, Mandolitns; ete.. #'te. Cut prices. A. Wilsey. 25 So. 4th Ave., Anm Arbor. Nobby Box Coats made to order at Stafford's. '92's who went to Detroit to the Cor- nell game, please examitse their canes and hring mine (marketd) hack to 39 S. 4th St. Buiy stial attil wood if Judsonti.State- strect. The 'Two Stris say: If nto one gitesses the letters thiut will otientihle safe they will divide the hsundsredldol- lars,-oine-hmalf going to the (xynna- siltsfuttd, thte other haulf to the ptoor chtildrcen of Ann Arbor. (io to E. 11. Ifall for coal. Stop atid see ite displaysat :Martini thuller's Windows. Novelties itt Hand-paintted tirticles plaiced ont sahe Thtursdtay, D~ec. 101, at Mrs. Mabel Pond's store, No,. 50 S, State-st., cor. William-st. Gruber's chocolates anldhbon-hotts are the finest that ca exi hmatde, pure flavotrs,tio adulteration. Try thiem. P. 0. News Room. Students wishing refinled employ- nment (luring Htolidays, pithier here or at their homes, eall at 26 N. Thayer- St., afternooti tfter ftttr tashevetning, D~ec. 11. Geo. W. Miller. A splendilin ue of'ttoliduty Goods at Bartitn Hailer's. Stewart Banjos at Wilsey's. Baths 10ce at P. 0. Bather Shop. Medl Gillespie, Teacher of Guitar, Banjo and Manldolin at Clement's. Bay State and other Guitars, Banjos andts Maudolitts at Wilsey's. Blest Stritngs at Wilsey's. Novelties in Desks, Chairs, Rtockers, Divants, Sofas, etc., at Martin Baller's. WAN'tsD.- Fifteen Young Men and Ladies to eanivass. Good pay. Apply at P. 0. News Room at once. Holiday Neckwear. Wagner & Co. Warni'Underwear, Wool itosiery, Wintier Gloves, etc. Wagner & Co. TWENTY 5LECTtUR -.11- THE UNDERSTANDING OF MUSIC AND THE AILT OF TElACHeG. Eaery Saturday foreTwenty weeks at 4 p. M at 2t South Fifth Street, beginningrNv. 2a. For Teachern, Singers. and advanced ntu eats of the Practical Art of Mstaic. dTuition,155.00. ORIN CAD'Y. AND T'E j sTHE BESTg- Seventeen teaches. Board with Furnishued Boom $2.253,tier wceek. Circuttirs upon appii- cation. PJ R. CLEARY, President. BURLEIGH & JOLLY, DEALES ISN SBLANK BOOKS. ATHLETIC GOODS AND STU[ET' OUPPLIES. Btest litie of FOUNTAIN PENS in te city. tee Creatt, Soda Water, CotfectiotisCold Lunches, Cigars atid Tobacco. OYSTERS, FRY, STEW Ott PLAIN. Cult and see us at 26 SOTJ'TI SrTA'3r:) S=- D. L. DOfWD'S HEALTH EXERCISER. For Brain-Wtrrs&Sedndtlary Ptople: Gentame, Ladies, Youths; tthe Athlete or Invalid., A complete gystaiumo. rakes up hat n is. .i qare flotim ew ~u, scietific, dae c toprehlensive, chceap. tndoesed by a0t000 tlyiciues.luse' yen, clegymnt, cutitoes &itheltrs nowusing it. Sen o llt'd cieca' rleascsrk. laego eg's; no charge. Prof. D. VocatCultue, oEast 14thb I Ne York FRENCH tCE CREAM, FINEST PEMIt COOKING. LOWEST PRICES FOR BSEST MATERIAL. 71 Fort St., West. - Detroit, Mich. CITY LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. Et'0. 13amtnS15tWashingttn St. -Ypciltti, 5Mc. First-class nigsa and Stylish S ad die Hosesc for Hire. PIIOTOGRAIIR NO. 12 W. HURON ST. Rotse Coghian. "1'e Xigara Falls Route" CENTRAL STANDARD TIM I N ,^y 1 R ona1 i h 1Ate ax p p s G N I E ^c f88 QS O a f >C' Y H i t+I C3V. tD e+ 4y d td .. 0- - -5,a r ic ,,^ H yak - I H gym an t rs at e .sG4f ____~, s. xe-c-c aS r-0a 0, 0 - 10~ _____ I I lE.t4 r w +Daily. - '. Sonday excepted' o. Wv. RUGGLES, H. W. ttAV15 0. P. & T. A. Chicago. Ag't Annts'