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December 09, 1890 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1890-12-09

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THE NEW CONSTITUTION. ulty and three graduate inembers of ISEC. 2. The officers of the asoria1- (
Th% lT o heCnttto this association, who shall he chioseiition shalt he elected at the annualaa
quo texato the Ma ss eting.ion sb the Bouardl of lDirectors at their first neeting of the association.
regular meeting. So. 8. There shall tie nto ting hr
'tne'uts Itiel ig itdjoinit itieting S . 2.the .titt isory ?(onmttilce proxy-.F°-CniudTiorw
tl't E ats>ciaitioiis set its the law shal e consulted in regard to all attsadTstne
t, e oom at 2:3111 loc o01aur matters of iniportance whih pertain
Yaf'ter1101 ntln adopted the new to the athletic Ncelfare of the Uniter- The Choral Union. t
iitti ihhtfwalterations sift, anii shall have lower of veto over -F
~ite draft prepared hy the cot-aniy of the ;acts of the Board of DIiree- Tliteoilttcrtiitetioa
Prof. A. C. McLaughlin pre- tore, and shall also act at an Auiditing4 Union strict will tie giveni to-mior- c
Slid 11 .. tlerrington. '92, laws Committee of flit association. rowr (Nedinesdtay) eveninug. in tU- p
as scretary. There were S30t)ARTLt''tlE Y. ccrsitv Hall. the New Fork lill
o i t 1the only contention of aniy SECrION 1. The Bloard of Directors lirioic(ll il llerOtti e
ltnenwac ove the represeniti- shall he in piropiortioni to the nulmher of occasion, and that the. program
fli)retr.Flo igisthefltexBorf imesfo miilpr iitiitewhich they wit 1 give will appteal .to
t~5iret08.I~oloviig s te extofassociation, hut no departmient tshall
e tte uliontitiutionji have lets thani one director. the audiece there cani te no douht.
: 5 -mrtria I. SEC. 2. The Bloarit of Directors shall It wras with great difhiculty' that a DC-
l 11(' elai ifftits soition halehi'lvse genertil sulpervsiinaniid contrcot date seas securedt Avith this organiza-
A' 'litVersity of Michig*athetiiheof tll athletic affairs of fteIUiversity; tioni, whlichifor seceral years past
St ~ ~ ~ shall hate entirecoiitrol of raisinig htaa.litelatal g oiit t
iioiiey for athletic purposes; stiall have ' ice. tefu tae
S it(iil~i it. power to ilt vacancies in the hoardint uia icls h lbmks aitdMmbrhpsali-intesadn omitepoie sotti ffo sxt ih ek
i thle eles of all depiartmeints of that no imioe thiaii six vacanicies oectir cacti seasoti, hut cani iiot tratvel cx-
i~ate hiletiy of Miclilgai, who shitll at laly one fimle; if more thtan six va- tensively as it is ini such ileitandutin
tif ~ aidll aniiual memtbership fee caliciet occur they shall he filled bty Ni\ oka'ohe atri iis
,tt-.lt o5dollars ($3.00), Slid all gradi- thewantrkatidlothtorniakeehn-cawsefu
altoshal te asocatin; t mae b-las fr r'litChoral itnioti has succeeded
dolihal iay aniannual fee of flie governimenit of flie hoaril aiidstand-
lu" l ig commititees; slid to delegate such giving coiteerswihhv t
Sl8 he rviee of membler- of their power an they deem proper to tradted attentiontini all parts of th-
tit al cotiuefromifte tinie ofuh-comumittees. During intervals be- country, anid as a promilnenit musiciait
s4lay llet of clii to the clone of flit tween mneetings of the astociation it in D~etroit sail last week, ini the
geea.shall have aniilexercise all nuwer......................
'rich ~Kayi& Co.
'ci L us, Impesp of Gem-,
and Ar IGoeseule
si ars Manucfactucirr
qd1 Opc-
cit the
tnest Secety Badges stodet A"h
ociro h, aiti e-: sentupot pro-
or roferencs,
Emi~tOJ.)sieX fle) 1sE- Bfk.,
1411t WO)IW'Att)AVE.,
'tlOy The officers of thin as-
10l tliar he a Presidenit, ti Vice-
aSlit, Ka ecretary, a Treaturer,
l10 1't Of fourteen Direcfort, also
c- balt mnatger anil afout-hall
ger', <11l of whom shall hold office'
eterm1 of oln year. or iiitilthfirl
ss80ts are elected.
1.ile President, Xice-I'eeti-
Se(ttttary, Slid Treasurer, shall
eIltibern.tllofieio of fteBoaird of
~.The Presiudeit, Vrice-P'resi-
Slid Secrefar'y shall have the
loer andlt perfotrmntli',usual
tiO$e-li offices.
4* The- Treausurer shallihive
t o> ill funius raised for athletic
1tshall pay all hillstapiproved
ieBoard of~ Directors, anid shall
a report to the associationi at
10031 meeting,anad fo fteBoard
rectors at every regular meiting.
'Lo There shalt he Sai Ad-
't'lllaittee of seven members,
tlhlg of four members of flit Fat-
which flit association possesses.
SEC. 3. The Board of Directors at
its first meeting in May shall elect a
Foot-BliltManager, who "shalt have
power to arrange games and have gen-
eral, mniagement of flit team. At ifs
fist mntetinig in October if shalt elect
a Blase-Ball Manager, who shall have
puower to arriange ganies aid have flit
general lnanagemient of flit teani.
Thiese two mniagers shall he memhers
ex-officlis of the Board of Directiirs aid
shall ]tolitficecfor flit termii f one
See 'eltixI. There shall bt Itifol-
lownig staninig coinimittees of livt
imemihers each, siz: 1. Oni Track Athi-
letics; 2. On :Base-Blall, oif svhichi the
manager shall hei'hiairimin; 3. 0I1
F"oot-Ball, of swhichi t-enianager shaull
lie chairnian; 4. 011 Tennis.
SEC. 2. Each standing commliittee
shall have charge of all details con-
nected with the nianagem~ent of its de-
parftient of athletics.
SECT io 1. All elections shall he hy
presence of the writer, "swe will
have to come uip to Ann Arhor to
hiear thec hest mitc before long.'"
tHaviing acquired such a rehiutation
the studeiits shooulid suplport it to thie
fullest exteith.
Sunidat' evening;igiext, the Choral
Union apphears at the anniversart
of the S. U. A. 'Thie extenivse plat-
formti sill hive to hbe hut iui. Ihte
C'horal Untiont ratnks inst acioistgitil -
lege chiortises in hoist if inuittbers,
andtut itsicallt' hoes inot itentohibte
excreided lit'aity sinmilar orgaitiza-
titi. ('onidering thte tears thaI
ObIlerlini hias niaitaitied a c hocus,
the i'iomplarisont ot figutres is very ini-
terestitig: tOberliniiMhusicalI'nioin
uS,;,lt' . ift. UhtoralUth nioin 030.
'lic lIter-collegiate foot-hall
chanupionshaip of New England was
determined by WVilliams defeating
Dartmouth bsy a score, 6-o
a stil
less ilat 'I
ciet shire tw'il1
lie ifietteul lit
('HAS. ShiEhIk &-,Ut).,
fiormierly swithithe
Hiarvardl tuitfitters,
Caitubridge, 'M'ass.
Splendid New line of Gcntle-
's Uniderwear, Gloves, Ties, &c.
aSporthing aind Athletic Goods.
as. Speller & .
20 Y-?.S. State.
Student's Trial.
[e 'ateoitt hte cityiaauinst thie
studtiils arrested hior postoffice
itug, wvas dismuissedh this niorining.
ssiummiiary endhing il the case'
is like a vce rhecidhedt'rae-hoii
tart it t1hue cut'. .Mtor Mallt
'ul itt beiitgprosecuited, senu p
ipulationu to j tustice Pondi's office,
ing that if the toys wouuld promt-
tot to ptrosecute him for dani-
hule wvould see to it that the case
ntt thueni would be dropped.
boys signed, and the farce is
ed. The costs will probably be
by Mr. Manly.

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