O~OHundred Dolls r~j___ :100_IN IOLD c THE U. OF M. DAILY ors, Gold or Silver. OfOd* fMalodI ORSt_ , U riceloes, it hihet.Guaranteed every inclh of tr a . Violin aind uitar Strings, 10 cts.; Blanjo and Mandolin Strings, W O. SAMS 5 eta. Everything in proportion. \/V U S ./k N~~~~bL.II. Clement,ALMIDTGL &OAI 3 . Main St. LMENG" IAIO &O L O AT THE T * 161117 n LI. . auit or Oectt n Studet ayCtizen, any Boy or Child, fgt etr htl pntheSf norSo iso.adbyoor Overcoa t in the len's or Children's D~epartmnts, wil receive $1111 in 01d F our letters of the alplhabet open the Safe and make the Cuoibination. h etanyay, Gentleman, Student, Boy or Child, take a word of four letters, saderat The Two Sanas, with name, anidbua Suit of Clothing or an he o atnd on January 1, '91, will receive One Hundred Dollars in Gold. Tefrst guessing, if any two alike, receives thse Hundred Dollars. L_ BLIiTZ. Ah Aru 1 ~ll1 VOORHEIS &DITS BEST WORK IN THE CITY! S'TAT'E ST. TAILORS, ""O ALLEIITOR and DEhLIVERED. FIRST CLASS WORK. O Waiwc IFIAi, RAses TvSsTUDENtTS. f1jO N 55c,-23 South Fourth Ave. ./L /\L S E J TERADTE A~T BROWN'S DRUG STORE CORIN ElR MAIN AND HURtON STREETS. LAtca'RGSTuc (CiOF TOILETi' Goonis AN^i FINuECoARS, TOBACCOS AND CIGARETTES IN TruE CITY. pi1z Your ' Collarhi anuil Ghffsf Necties and Per rin iclJGloves OF FERGUSON & SLATING, 2Z UsQTTI TA'ZS., - W H S 00 STRDOWN TOWN. L roe P o",Derc V~ r rtvv HR B Oent heillvseieNitlvsiUcbuling'inc isiu se isv Stulen wll av nuiley uy in i ig ver.sieitv Text-Boioks adall suppli iiat li ba n uti i We allow the)Fuiec, Ae'Vi is liv tlstitn.0 tsi, '}r byIir1 tdtiix'v, S l u iirtend 1,0 -onutvs s1eil duliisciiiiit oil LAW B1001 MEDItCAL 1B001SDENTAL 1BOOKSilslirt, evey 1Boo1,usedin lte sit nutsliliiOLeat t "i1tg 11t, l~lavE'ISltt, i ) ) Bla k B oks t lo est rice. S.1twurlil ow It .siiitoav eiiivc ,.: t I v ent. ;ig~Ill uil~Book it oss xt pIt..ii5l Gu i ititr ianisi 10i ii t iS ach LEAI)DING11(O0K STORE IN THlE CITY. THE SiBt MTH BT ES S2YLES'C MISCELLANEOUS. Heel's Idealism. Goodspeed. -1Ns: iou I P1 ' isor.-'l'ii,. iiiCci itix3shopGarrett's so iii'c s.i-j . ,i r -dQ (\ili1 11\j 1 t'hir hs beenigided 45o i tor Next ig ~at Si tiil vs 's exiii leel- Y}I.Ea nihtitIN: I _oo' - I dial ismte tidilecture iif the Every iiie lurin out as there wili lie ' .jipirattbiusiness 1(1 transact. lBv series xIcn il 'Il lilosoliltv if the. FAL IDIT order sif Exectiie Commilittee. Incarnatioii." OF LL IN IATt'here will lit a meeting sif the Ilcgelianisini. on accounut of its JACOBS & CO.'S, Piolitical Science Association in absstruseniess, is hiartd to suninsarise. a4 ANIU AIN SrinRoomIF, Thutrsday evening at 7.30. The speaker qunotetd front Wallace, A. C. Mc.At'onlN, lPres. Bowsen, andvl:Sterling..1-egel1's Phil- L. RUNER. Dealer iniWonnD~cagd osolihy miaylie called abisote inca- NO- Sot Mi tre.isi.Thought atidbeitag arc assotisei dnNalyaihninetrnet M1r. Wioodson's trial cause off at a dnia.N i' nel -nei "-i-"e Netysirai y sideittical. Sa' nelgnei 71ond Straight Qtit. last. to-uday. Tivo witnesses weere identifi e ithi the supreme intelli- Na.I examitned. Air. Gruber, xvho ruits gence. Goil cannot lie distingiiishesd CIGARETTES. the hiiitttsice iiewvsrmom, testified front the tuiiverse; all thingaslthat Cigarette Smokertsilts that he ditdsot see anvthsing eix ave witing ts earna little . e - Iappefi are eqlually ,good, thseistm Inure than the price ordlerly goinag on, andh'NVoodsois sas chnrgedllfor the mlarusnu andI atheisms sotild lie alike trite. trails, Cigrettrs, will aind sithini a fete feet of hiimii:k historical reviexw of thideila if nit otheT r eirs.t healatuidenst inifront sof Wootson ilrvastetcasinl.Al Got The Hitehond Srai i ttotrvasheiaaslnt.Al ilCaietien a~cr m;a et ihth rgt'also testsisied that lue xvas sot pusshed stiuseentsetegae1,) iss natitelyeSavored antI highestposuet f't>Wn In Virgit. 'Totis to the ldil)'.hy it. 'Tse root itdea of thseisms has ntu Sal [haud cor StratigtCut Cigarettes, ibsiagtouat hy us in the year til75. Wodsoni sas therefore aciquittedlbcsc lel t sirgnl ~s ot tmittatlno, and observe that tebenvoeditsorialTh c. as elow is an every paectage. for lactkiof iroosf againast lhim. idas itrhscririts.'e S h&GINTER lBranch pie sprrteeriri s h An te eicant Toha '0Co., "-- El ' .Rihmnttd.Virginia. A Gift ror Cornel. seorshipit of asslivisilicDelity, pre- &Xbor Savings Bank I . s Bcesdes idol wsorship. ChrMs. Ca tock,5555 s ,0i0or0sutsttyet P-hitlososphy omay talk if Cud ins alt- zdun er the OnsI lanking Lawslay tha ste late I). 31. ayerssve'tht- str'ict termss, lint that still not sat isfy 5 n tcen sDepos u ys and erofNe Yoktewahis hatethe Nesv X'ork, the wetititssofsthsian. I-Imsi Afind in Cod aIlb ha usn: Drafts ~t ipon proper leather iterchant in the country, ilnst hert fns' aue W a ARK PiaiePes. . Itad left $200,000 to the Untiversity. Maii's imiperfectioins reveal to him the cliAs. . toiscoew,Cashir. President IAdanisseas not at liberty existentce of a pterfectioun. No finite ""TH'E ARGUS,'- to give the particulars of thueseuest object can satisfy mxan's soul. These 13 + ifJ iIthsought not denying it had been yearninsgs are of sdivine implanting. AT Lowv PISCES. mrade. Other reliable sources gave Mail kntoss thtat this ideal exists, aew n l, ag n the news as a fact. Tlhe bequest is otherwise thsere would not he the new cadwod, leand in1wo prts, $iooooo is left uncon- ie.Crs steol elzto Zu hoal wood, il a28 ditinabe yand $noo,ooo more is toofide.Crs steol elzto atJ iE arkins', 2E.b'subject to circumstances which. f his ideal, the human and divine street. will develop later-Cornell Sun. blending in the incarnation. -IUU WILL ALWAYS f ind the Latest NoT- elt ie s in Shirts, Hats , Neckwear , Gloves, Shoes, with Style, Qual i ty, Pr ic e, to Suit the Eye and Pocket . We cater to the wants of th e Eyoung man. i t A ,J a 7 ,. { 1' Goodspeed. LaUBLE TORE. FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, MIllinery and Art Goods. t30Ease Ruron St. JV( YORE I&SON~, Manufacturers of Band lnd Orchestra PUnLISuES lsOr Band lnd Orchesta \ ~GRAND RAPIDS,. MICIGAN. SHORTHAND CURE ITPrL wsaaY YOUSbaorIbend Shceli* Hii'ding, 20 Southi State Street.