THE .U. 01 'ZC" of "M t-bpj ifv BUSINESS LOCALS. ______ untHelo, Boys! We soid $99 wiiorth1 of Published Daily (Sndays excepted) during Gutitars last Friday and Sattsrdt y. Our the Clleg yea, bygoods antd prices do it. Seetstuck of the Clleg ~ra, byGnitars, IBanjos, Matndolitts; etc., etc. THE U. Or M, INDEPENDENT ASOCIATION. (tit prices. k .Wilsey. 25 So. 4th Ave., .titi Arbor. 79-'s whIo went to1 Detroit to tile ('or- Sutteerititti price F".,50 per year, itnvariably hell gittsi. ~lase examnite their cattes in ad anc e. Sittgle cese:t cents. Stn sale at atndt brimtign)) t(mariikctd) tack to 390 S. Sherts's and Post tlee tess ttand eve-ry 4t So. evening at 6 ticlock. Sul ocriptintufysolesatheofc ril '1,"Oea tie ll tty 'ellottdwootd of lJudsont, State- htsek, at Sheehan's, atc Stotttitt's, orcwthttt st et o the editocs. IThte Two urtns say: If tittt one totmuiticatiotts shouldlreche the Sttie by guesses the let tfer's ltht will openth ie 10a. Nt. it they are totaptper tte saeday safe thtey will uite the lttitidred dol- Aditrts till satler intetded fteoriulicattintol a rs,-mie-hialf goitig to thte Gytotia- the MistsgingtIditoc. All tbuoiess cottini- siltsfttttt. the otiter half to ttie poor FM. DAILY. ItoLIPA Y J3001KSf Visit Shoolian's Anlll1 hristas S Of Elegant Gift Books in Choice Binding for Yountg anld All the New and Beautiful Novelties now on exhtibition.. SHEEHAN & COMPAINY, STAT TRET, - - ANN AM-olt, M ager. Rteptort slt neglect :ons the patic it o rcoi 2he City tirciulatoir, W. It. tYNclil. j THE U. of M. DAILY, Ans Arbosr, Lich. EDITORS. WI . SIt . i r , 'it,angisgitt ditotirdo. It. iE. GeIFFIN, 'li, Aseist. Itatia itg Etttic E. 0. ttttCiAVit, 'li, OBiuiiessMatiager. W. It,.ic'triti., 'lit, Asist. Iltisitires Stouter. IR, Ws. tis cilicc, ':,'w, Assi'st.ttlsilss Manor. theisos SHEts Di,ti,'it. F. IB. 'Itstt, 19'1. H'.. D 3tWE 9. 1ili I,. Icrut suset, '91. tA Wtt Rut'rt, '9 . A .1. '.'t ERTs,'). C. Y. MC'iutt'tPItrii, 'II. . SlUAts, '0, 1t1r. Sawttyer Il m lalt iefotiroto get a cthatnge ini Dits' (oghlll)n's(late oil thOte ItratItliuste'soias lnot) iii col- siorry to learnl thaot it is ittpossilile. Wte hatve ito doubtt, howiever, thot setrill draa in ~te hose intspit' oif the tticct. 'Te t 'iveiis eu'ltOticbe iii grati lated th te utitintiof the idifferent athletic initerests. The trck Satuir- (lay was liarmoiouisly acomitllshed. To miorrowt's DItIt' till coistaini thsceomnpletr'etuonstituttiont as adsoptedl Saturdla y afternoonti. It is a matter of touch regret that such a Iblunder ats thttmadle at the set'nir idep~enldent taucus, Saturuhay, oiccurredl. Nos cue inlparticlaor, is toi Miaite, cachi cue in the coomtt shares ini it. ''t a pisce ifblatik 11a511r ill a bualloit tiix sthtouctld e ciontedit a ll is stit if te iquesticiti, yc't such as votte ttas cuniteilwtenei it tact asvery mtateriatl Inftlence itt ueciditng a cot- te'st, thtou'tsl ir enetdecsided dififeretntly if piarliamienltary ritles tias liens follotedi in coutitig the stes. Happily for all coincerited, the biest of feelitig prerails betwventh te rsottsting parties ails1, no doubtt, everything twill lie anmieabty oandt fairly settlesd. 'he Cornell Sun has suspenided publication u11ti1 after Chiristtmas t'a- cation ins order to give tlhe editors tinse to "hoho" for exanms. Go tos h- B. Htall for coal. Stopi andt see thetu display it Martiti Iaite's OV itittsts. Notrelties ittilhandilpaintedl articles pilacedi slitsaleThuirsday, ,Dec. I10, at Mrs. Nlatbel Pontds's store, No.'50) 5, State-st., crt. Williami-st. Ginlrc's ectocolates andst bon-tbuins sue the fittest thtstcaut tcesmadce, pure flavoirs, notadiltteraiti. 'Try ttie'n. '. 0. NewssHootlu. moenttduring htolildays, either here or at their liomies, call at 20) N. 'Titayec- st., afternsoont after foutr atid erettinig, Dec. 18. (Geo. W. Miller. Nobly Black Cheviot suiitings $215.00 atisiipw'ards at tStafflord's. A splenid line of Hlolidaty Goods at Mairtint Italler's. Novelties inTtoItp 'oatings ;tt Stoaf- fordi's. Stiscart Bajots at Wilsy's. Btauts t0c ottI'. 0. Botcher Shopg. Melt Giltt'spit','tTeacrl of Guitar,: Bantjotaid Matndolitn at ('lementts. antIltattililitus att V'itset 's. test Stritigs at Wtilsrey's. 'nutvsltie's ini Desks, 0C'haitrs, Roc'kt'rs, Divans, Sofots, itc., at Bactit i aler's. WAN~'TED. 1iftet'tt Yoig Metn andt Ladies tio canvaoss. Gosh piay. Apply aut P. 0. Newes Itoom at otice. Htolidhay Neckwer. Wagtter &t' Co. WtartiCntderwear, Wool Ilosiery, Winter Gloves, etc. WagnterLL Co. POUND,-_ A foutntaiti pen, lost at the lPettnsylvantia Clttb bantqtuet. Thte sowter iil please istquire of M. J. Ilo- sacek, 48 East Washington st. Etngitneeritug Society. Rtegtular mseet- ing F ridaoy erensing, D)ec. 5,at S o'clock. Elicienicy tests ttfswaoter utoctors by C. E'. hie~Ity., This swihll ay yotur Setnester's ex- pentses anti more too. Nets'Yeair's Presentt. One htunudred dotllats itt Gtld or Silver tree. $10X1 Golid or Silver Free at The Tsvo Samss. Buny a Suit or Overcoat. Anty student, atty citizent, luny boy ti chsild gutessitig the letters that w ill openu the safe itt outr shtow w iuow ansI butyitug a Suit or Overcott in thue Metn or Boy's Departmntts trill receive $110its gohd. Fiotur letters of te alhiabet open the safe anis make tite comobinsationt. Let any Lady, Gent- letman, Student, Btoy or Child take atty wiord of four letters, htatnd it in at The Two Sams witit his naaue and buy a Stilt of Clothintg or ant Overcoat atnd on Janutary hot, '0th, wili receive OtneIhutn- dred Dollars in Gold. The first gutess- inig, if auty two alike, receives thin hun- dred udollars at The Two Sants. L. BLITZ. TWENTY tLECTUER I N TrHE UNDJERSTANDINS) OF UI~C AND THE ART OF TEACHING. Eutery Saturday f b rTwenty wes., at 4p. un a;21 osath Fifth Street, buegi'nnitng Nonv. A.i Four Teachers,_tSingters, and advanced its ante of the Practical Art ofMuetc. dT uttsin, 5.e. ORIN CADY. AND THE sT H E SEST.E" Sevteenut ateachers. IBoardit ~h tFsuinie Rusts 12.l.petireek. Circalars upon atplt' P. R. CLEARY, President. BURLEIGH & JOLLY, DEALERIS IN STATIONERY. BLANK BOOKS. ATHLETIC I5053BAND STUFENTS' SUIPPLIED hBest litie of FOUNT1AIN PENS in thte city. toe Creatt), Soda Water, ConfectiotnsCold Lutnchues, Cigars atud Tobacco. OYSTERS, FRYT, STEW ORt PLAIN. Call and see us at 26 SOUT'IE Sr-ArI2E . D. L. DIOWD'S HEALTH EXER.CISEI. tor Brain'Wtrhers ktsdentayPtople: Gentlemeuacs tdies, Youths; thue SAthlete sr Invtalidi. A completec gymuntasium. 'c'akt'ssup bat eoi. square Houst ream, scew, scientific, dsrable, comsprehensie, cheaip. tndsrsed by 2s,000sphyuiriasslase- Fers, cegymaet, editors & others no sin'git. Send for ill'd circa-I I-adoe.Mark. lurgosesd's; ochare. Prot.,D. L. Doswd, Scientific Ittsisal and Voral Culture. t East 1tsh ot., N1'y"essYorh. titENC1d ICE CREAM. FINEST FRENCH COOKING. ILOWNEST PRICES FOR BEST MATERIAL 71 Fort St., Wont, - Detroit, Mich. CITY LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. Iota. 13 asd Is Washington St., '-Ipoilall, MiSh tFirst-class igs anud Stylish Saddule Hores four Rite. NO. 12 W. HURJION ST. Ros e Gogh Ianl MIHIAN GENTI The lhiagara Falls Route."t CENTRAL STANDARD TIME' ni-n-s ,.o 400o W n a ' -3 dn Cc Cc'C: 01s0 OS ______I 0Ioaup.e3.'E,. n a +Diy. *una ec- td U. W-RUGLES, '. . 99IP G. P & . A Chcag. A9'tAnn i.1 Toldo An roI adN Michian Ril'a.9 Tie abe ongino fec, onayongNoth TAIOS.Ging- e 6luogE _Mn _ _vC .8tnar im.CaC '$ Exp. Ep. Malk b :p'5ia - ------- Pb f- Ir.Q' I I r --A. P. u 4 02 o Ws 5 411 19 It 1.0 ., 9l 0... Msi Sagiunaw Dnvisiona. oing Merth SAnOaNS. oeeg5 Pain Pam. Pass. b507-..7 40 ..AnntArbor.. 115.... 7 M ... n a.... l$t- 747.....utS I lg.. 84 1 O lhit..84"-841S ,. I N5 xm tnetat.. ' 0.k." H. W, ASHLEY. A T.PAISu%5 Sanerntteadent. =G et. Pain. A GE0. H. HAZLEWOOD. Loal tAgeunt.